‹ Prequel: You Never Know
Status: Work in Progress - i will try to update weekly if school allows

Starting Over

10. Unspoken

10. Unspoken

(Nicole’s POV)

I knew Max was in town. The Flyers were playing us the next day and I was thinking about calling him. I hadn’t talked to him since before the trade and I missed him like the others. We had kind of fixed our friendship before the whole Sidney/Jordan mess; after that he barely spoke to me. I couldn’t blame him thought – I had broken up with him for the very same thing.

The sound of my door opening causes me to look up. Johnny walks through and scans the room before spotting me. I was sitting on a newly acquired piece of furniture – it was a black leather half chaise lounge that fit perfectly against the wall of glass, giving me an amazing view of the city.

Johnny drops down on the other half and leans against me, “What’s on your mind today?”
“How do you know something’s on my mind?” I ask; it’s strange how well he can read me.
Johnny smiles, “Because you’re sitting in your favorite spot for thinking….and reading but you don’t have a book.”

I blush, “The Flyers are in town,” I say; I feel him tense up.

“Are you going to call him?” Toews question catches me off guard.

I sigh, “I don’t know. I want too, but what if he doesn’t want to see me?” I ask – my eyes are locked with his for a tense moment before I look back out the window.

He shifts so that his right arm is behind me; the left reaches out and pulls my chin back toward him so I can meet his gaze again, “Nicole,” Johnny’s voice takes on a sultry tone, sending shivers down my spine, “You should call him. You miss him just as much as the other guys; if not more. So give him a call and see if he wants to see you.”

His eyes are soft as he says this and a feeling of calm and safety washes over me, “Okay.”


(Nicole’s POV)

Johnny waits as I grab my phone off the counter. I scroll through my contacts looking for Max’s number. My finger hovers for a moment before I hit call. It rings three times.

“Hello?” Max answers and voice cracks slightly.
“Max? Is that you?” I’m sure I sounds nervous.

“It is. How are you ma belle fille?” the fraise sneaks out before he realizes; my face flushes and I feel Johnny’s hand on the back of my neck.

I giggle as his fingers hit a sensitive spot, “I’m good. How are you? How’s Philly treating you?”
“I am doing well. Philly isn’t that bad actually,” Max say, sounding far off.

“That’s great! Listen I was wondering if we could meet up maybe? If you want too. You could bring some of the guys and I’ll bring some of mine,” I always did have a bad habit of rambling when I was nervous; and it was showing now.

Max laughs, “What is this? An old western? Show down on Madison. Breathe Nic. I would love to see you. I was just about to call, actually when you did.”

I let out a laugh also, “Well it will be tomorrow when we kick your Flyer ass. How about you come to my place? I can show you the apartment. You’ll be the first to see it.”

“That sounds great Nic. I’ll be alone so you don’t have to bring any dogs if you don’t want, I mean it’s your place, obviously you can have whomever over you want……damn now I’m doing it,” we laugh at our awkwardness.

I give Max the address and hang up; turning to my Captain, “Thank you.”

Johnny runs his fingers across the spot on my neck again, this time sending a shiver down my spine, “You are most welcome, Nicole,” his voice is low as our eyes lock.

His eyes flick down to my lips; my breath catches “Johnny……”

My door flies open, causing us to jump. We look over and see Patrick smiling like a Cheshire cat, “Am I interrupting?”
I feel my cheeks heat up and Toews’ turns tomato red.

“No man. What’s up?” Johnny asks as he shifts away.
Patrick’s smile doesn’t fade, “Some of the guys want to go eat. You two in or do I need to lock the door on my way out?”

Jonathan brushes off the comment, “I’m in. Nicole has a guest coming over.”
“Yeah, I’ll go next time,” I say.

“Cool. We are leaving in five,” with that Patrick leaves us.

I stand and walk Johnny to the door. He turns. Pulling me into a hug. I feel his lips press against my forehead softly before stepping away.

Johnny smirks, “To be continued.”

My jaw falls open as he turns, laughing, and walks out the door.


(Nicole’s POV)

I hear the elevator chime and stand to get the door. I open it and see a fist heading toward my face.

“Whoa! Easy there buddy,” I jumps back and gives Max a smile.

He gives me a once over – I was wearing a Blackhawks hoodie and shorts but they were hard to see under the oversized sweater.

Max’s dark blue eyes meet my dark ones and a smile spreads over my features, “We have to stop doing that,” I state, stepping aside and letting Him in.

“I think we are doomed to forever greet each other that way,” He gives me his signature a cheeky grin as and surveys the room.

“You can sit where ever,” I says as I lower myself to takes end of the sectional, “The guys should be gone, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Max sits on the other end and turns to face me, “Yeah, I ran into them in the lobby. Toews really vague when he told me you were here. Almost as if the others didn’t know I was coming.”

I blush – knowing he’s caught me.

“Johnny was the only one who knew. He encouraged me to call you and I didn’t want the others to stick around. Don’t get me wrong; I love my new team, but I wanted to catch up without other ears around. I thought maybe you would have some questions for me like the guys back home,” My blush deepens when I realize what I’ve said.

“Nicole,” Max start, “Are you happy here?”

A tear formed in the corner of my eye but I brush it away, “Yeah I am. I just miss the guys and you and how things were before everything happened. I just didn’t realize how much I missed all of you until I saw you again.”

“Why did you leave Nic? I know the Pens wouldn’t have traded you; you worked too well with Sid and G for that,” Max unconsciously shifts toward me.

I let out a small laugh be for saying, “I didn’t want to cause any more problems. I thought that by leaving I would be helping the team. Plus it was a fresh start for me. No one to pressure me to make a decision that I wasn’t ready to make – selfish I know,” I gives him a half smile and wait as he processes the information.

“I understand,” He say after a few moments of silence pass, “That is why I signed elsewhere too; but you guys would have worked it out, just so you know.”

“We did,” this admission catches him off guard, “Sidney wants to try being friends. It’s hard; we fall back into old patterns sometimes and there are awkward moments; but we admit to it and move on. Jordan was willing to back off. He decided he wanted me in his life and he would be willing to be friends only. Which I’m glad – he was one of my best friends, you know. I missed him…..missed them both…..now I need to fix things with you.”

He meets my gaze and I continues, “I’m sorry for ignoring you this summer; and I’m sorry for the way I treated you after we broke up,” I go to stop her but she holds up her hand, “Let me finish. I was horrible to you and then did the same thing to Sidney. It was hypocritical of me and I’m sorry for that. I miss you in my life and would like to remain friends but I would understand if you don’t want too.”

When I finished speaking Max moves, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulls me close, “Oh, mon fille. I was never mad at you for that. I was disappointed; I had placed you on a pedestal and believed you could do no wrong and I am sorry for doing so. I set you up for failure in my eyes and that was not right. As for this summer, I was worried, but I understood. I would have wanted time and distance too. You needed it to sort out what was going on in that never resting mind you have. I’ve missed you also.”

I cling to Max as tears stream down my face. I sob into him; he waits for me to calm myself; he never judges and I know I don’t deserve his forgiveness but I am so greatful.

“Thank you Max.”

He gently kisses my head and I hear everything he can’t say.
♠ ♠ ♠
OMJohnny! Things are heating up with the Captain!

what do you guys thing about Nicole mending bridges with her old team?
Who should win the game between the two teams?

did the way i crossed over the two stories make since?

As always all comments and suggestions are welcomed!
Let me know what you think!