Love Is Fleeting

The one and only

Allies eyes ran over the letter again and again. This is what she needed. This is the confirmation she was waiting for. She sat the letter down and picked up the envelope it came in. Slipping her hand inside she pulled out the photos that came along with the letter. Countless photos of her boyfriend and the girl he was cheating on her with. Apparently the girl had found out and continued to sleep with her boyfriend but documented it. Personally she could have done with the girl just sending her the letter. She didn't need the photos also.

Allie had noticed the change in her boyfriends behavior. He would cause more fights so he could storm off. Leave her alone to cry, to blame herself. Of course she didn't notice the smell of the perfume or the lipstick stains till about the fourth time he left. He always told her he just went to Ricky's and at that time Ricky had a girlfriend. She just figured it was her scent till she hung out with her. She had no had no perfume matching that fragrance. Chris would clean up the lipstick stains from his skin. The fourth night though she guessed the girl accidentally brushed her lips on his white shirt. When she was doing laundry she noticed it. It was a bright red and bright red lipstick didn't fit her skin tone. That's when she started to really pay attention. Chris never went to Ricky's. Ricky confirmed that but told her not to worry. She was past worrying though. She was done by the time he confirmed it.

Allie got up and walked to the room she shared with Chris. She got on her knees and reached under her bed. She pulled out the suitcase and stood up. Setting the suitcase on their bed she walked to her closet. Chris never seemed to notice that she had been moving her things out of their place. Maybe he didn't notice because she left behind the clothes he bought her, the shoes, and the makeup. Hell she was even leaving behind the perfume he bought her. She would have to find a new favorite smell.

She was taking all her things to her parents home. She told them what happened and she had to convince her father not beat his ass. Not till after she got all her stuff out. Allie grabbed the rest of her clothes and packed them neatly in the suitcase. Time touring with Motionless taught her how to pack so she could fit everything in one suitcase. This was the fourth and last load though, happily.

Once everything was in the suitcase Allie carefully zipped it up and left the apartment. She walked to her car and put the suitcase inside. Thankfully she bought the car all on her own. Once it was in her car she walked back to the apartment. She laid the letter flat in the middle of the coffee table. Around it she placed the photos. She was sure Chris would go to the bedroom first looking for her and then walk back to the living room. Allie walked around their place making sure she didn't forget anything. She didn't want to have to send someone to retrieve her things. She was also leaving the state in a month. She found a new job and quit her old one. Nurses could move anywhere and she was glad of the fact. Her parents were already moving her belongings to her new place while she tied up loose ends here.

Allies phone dinged twice indicating she had a text. It was from Chris telling her he was on his way home from practice. That's another thing she forgot. She had to leave the phone behind. She shared a plan with him and it was better to just leave it. She sent a quick text to everyone she was keeping in touch with that she would be without a phone for a while but will be back with a new number. She turned off her phone and set it on top of the letter. Looking around the apartment one last time she left leaving the key to the place. Allie got in her car and drove away with a smile on her face. She got a clean break from him. No listening to his stupid excuses and his begging. No more lies. No more heartache.

Sometimes you don't always get a happy ending.
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I wrote this after reading an image where the girl is cheated on. They always have them fighting or getting back together. I feel like this is what I would do if I found out I was being cheated on. I don't think Chris is a cheater. At least I hope not but he was the first person to pop into my head. Hope you liked.