Time Heals Everything

Chapter One

My name is Emma Renee Gibson. Violet is my best friend. Well, one of them. I only have three friends: Violet, Christopher, and Timothy. I don’t get to see Violet very often. She moved three hours away. I see everyone else almost every day. Speaking of, I have to get ready for school. I’ll be right back.
“Emma Renee Gibson! Get out of that shower and come eat!” my stepmother yelled up the stairs. About 15 minutes later I stepped out of my room, ready for school. In case some of you are wondering, I’m wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, my favorite pair of Hawks (yeah I know they’re guy shoes, leave me alone), a red button down shirt that ties to be a belly shirt, a beanie, and my sunglasses.
“Is Blake almost here? I’m going to be late for school if he doesn’t hurry.”
“He’ll be here in about 5 minutes. Now sit down and eat your toast.”
“Why is he always late every day?”
“I don’t know; he’s your brother.”
Seven minutes later he pulled up and honked the horn.
“Bye mom.”
“Bye sweetie.”
We were in the middle of driving when he asked me if I had a boyfriend.
“Where did that come from?
“Well you’re my little sister. Just thought I’d ask. Gosh, you don’t have to hate me!”
He started to fake cry.
“Hey! Watch the road! And stop being so over dramatic you dork.”
“Whatever sis.”
We finally get to my school. My brother pulls up and there he is. His rounded face, his brown eyes, his smile with the braces. I love everything about him. There he is, leaning up against his mustang v6, waiting for me. He has on a pair of DC’s, a plaid shirt, dark blue jeans that fit just right, a wallet chain hanging from one belt loop to another, a beanie, and his best smile. Oh, he’s also my best friend. He’s been my best friend since we got in high school. That is Christopher Aaron Summers. I guess you could say he’s your “high school hottie”. A high school hottie with braces, weird, right? He’s never been steady with a girl. No one thinks he’s able to really love anyone, but I don’t think that. No girl has seen past all of that to know the real him. But I have. I think that he’s able to love a girl if he got the chance. Some lucky girl just needs to be patient.
“Hey Chris!”
“Ha-ha, hey Emma. What’ve you been up to?”
“Oh you know... normal Emma-stuff. Finding a gap in time and space, visiting parallel worlds, fighting the universe’s worst enemies, and trying to get my best friend to text me back. How about yourself mister?”
“Can…Can I tell you something Emma?”
“Well, yeah. You can tell me anything.”
My heart was racing. What was he going to say? Is he going to tell me his biggest secret? But what would that be? That he loves me? Ha! There’s no way someone like him would fall in love with someone like me, is there?
“I’ve been thinking about this girl,” he paused and looked at me, “she’s really beautiful and I love the way she acts, the way she talks, how she dresses, her smile... everything. But what if she doesn’t like me like I like her? What if I go and make a fool out of myself?”
“Chris, listen. Somebody has to be pretty messed up if they wouldn’t like you. You’re sweet, you’re funny, and you have gorgeous eyes, and your smile..,” I smirked, “your smile is beautiful. Just go and tell her.”
“I uh, can’t. Not right now. I don’t have a class with her until 5th hour.”
“Well then buddy, looks like you’re waiting. Good luck.”
I hugged him and walked off to my locker. He seemed nervous when I told him to go tell her. Who is she? I meant it when I said she was messed up if she doesn’t like him. I’d give anything to just have a chance with him. No, I don’t love him. That’s not even an option for how I feel about him. I can’t love my best friend can I?
So here we are first hour. P.e. God, I hate P.e. All we do is run and get yelled at for not running fast enough. Why doesn’t the teacher come running with us? Maybe then she’ll understand why we run as fast as we do.
“Miss Knox, why is all we do is run? Why don’t we play basketball or something?” Jimmy asked.
“Excuse me. I’m the teacher here. You’re just a student. I control what we do and don’t do. So if I tell you all to run 500 laps, you’ll run them! If I tell you all to do 300 pushups you will. I am the boss around here, not you.” Miss Knox replied very sassily.
I was in the middle of running when someone came up behind me and knocked me down.
“Ow! Hey watch where you’re-” I stopped talking as soon as I saw who bumped into me. He’s the most popular guy in all of school. He isn’t terrible looking, but he isn’t “high school hottie” looking. He looks dateable, but at the same time he looks like someone who would just use you. So I would never date him. This is Jack Christopher Sparrow.
His hair is short and black. His eyes are a blue mixed with green. His facial features are nice. I’ll admit, he is kind of attractive. But like I said, I wouldn’t date him.
“Well hey there, you’re kind of cute little miss”
“Kind of? Little miss? I have a name you know.”
“Oh? And would you mind telling me your lovely name?”
I chuckled at how hard he’s trying.
“It’s Emma.”
“Hello Emma, I’m J-” I stopped him.
“I know who you are Jack. Everyone does.”
"So is this your way of telling me you're into me?"
I scoffed. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"So since you're so into me, how about I pick you up tonight around 8?"
"Sorry, I can't. I'm hanging out with Chris tonight. We’re having a movie night."
"That loser? Why would you hang out with him? He's a good for nothing douche. All he does is mess around with girls, and I know who his next muse is going to be."
"One: he is not a good for nothing douche! You don't know him like I know him. And two: who is his next muse going to be?"
Jack looked at me straight in the eyes, his face getting serious for this moment.
I stepped back a little. My mind and heart was racing. How did he know who it was going to be? Chris wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't use me like that, right?
"You're lying... He would never do that to me."
"But he would, and he will," he stepped closer towards me, "and I really would hate to see that happen to someone as pretty as you," he leaned in, "I can help that stop from happening."
Our faces were inches apart. Our lips were less than that. I was getting nervous. Jack wouldn't kiss me in the middle of class, would he? I don't like Jack like that. I don't even know him! I couldn't exactly move away because he had one arm on each side of me. Our lips were about to touch when a familiar voice yelled across the gym in our direction. I smiled in relief.
"Hey asshole," Chris yelled, "leave her alone! She doesn't want anything to do with you."
Christopher approached us and pulled Jack away from me.
"Whoa bro, take it easy," Jack smiled, "no need to get testy about this. It's not like you're dating her."
"Listen here, leave Emma alone. If you lay one finger on her I swear to God I'll make sure you don't wake up with the same face."
Jack laughed. God I hate him...
"So if you'll do that if I lay a finger on her, then what would you do if one of my fingers were inside her?"
"Oh my God," I thought, "Chris don't do anything that's going to get you suspended." But it was too late. Chris had done given a very nice punch to the face. Blood started to drip from Jack's nose. Jack felt the blood dripping and you could tell he got pissed. Next thing I knew Jack was on top of Chris throwing punches left and right. Miss Knox took forever to get here to stop them. It seemed like as if she was watching, getting amusement out of it. Two big guys eventually got them separated. Chris had a busted lip and a broken nose, so it seemed. Jack on the other hand had his eyebrow busted open, his nose probably broken, his lip was busted open too, and I think I saw Chris throw a punch or two into his side. I ran to Chris.
"Chris! I'm so sorry any of this happened to you!"
"It's fine Emma, really," he smiled at me but this smile was different, "I didn't want you making a mistake by even thinking about giving that thing a chance."
"Thanks for being concerned about me, but you wouldn't have had to of worried about that. There's no way in hell I'd give him a chance. He's not anything like you." I smiled and tried not to blush a lot.
"Emma, go and take Chris to the nurses office. I'll tell your teacher you were busy" Miss Knox told me.
"Yes ma'am."
Chris and I started walking when he pulled me into one of those unisex bathrooms.
"Why are we in here? I'm supposed to be walking to the nurse with you Chris."
"Yeah, I know Emma. But I don't really like the nurse's office. Plus, I've seen you take care of yourself when you've fallen off your skateboard. You seem to know what you're doing. And hey, there's a first-aid kit."
I smiled and then sighed. "Why don't you like the nurse's office?" I opened the kit and pulled out one of the cleaning wipes.
"I find it weird. It's so quiet in there I feel like I'll get in trouble if I breathe too loudly."
We both laughed a little. "Yeah well even so, that's still not a good reason to why you don't want to go." I finished with the wipe and put peroxide on a cotton ball.
"Do you really want to know the real reason why I didn't want to go to the nurse?"
"Yeah, of course I do," he flinched a bit as the peroxide encountered the open cut on his lip, "you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend remember?"
"I didn't want to go to the nurse because I really like spending time with you Emma."
"Yeah, of course I do."
I smiled and blushed again as I threw away the cotton ball.
"Well that's good. Because I like spending time with you too. Although, I don't know what I'm going to do about your nose. It looks broken. It's all swollen and discolored."
"Don't worry about it; I'll take care of it when I get home. Thanks for cleaning me up."
"It was no big deal, really. I'd be happy to help anytime."
"Does it matter what you're helping with?" He smiled a little.
"Well I suppose it does matter on what I'm helping with."
"What if you were helping me," he paused for a while and stepped close to me, "be happy?"
"Well, I uh, what do you me-"
Our lips met. His lips were soft. I felt electricity run through my body. I've dreamed about this before, except the setting was more romantic and not in a school bathroom. His hands were holding my face, not like I did want to stop anyways. My hands went to his hair. Damn, I love messing with his hair. The kiss deepened. Our bodies moved closer together. Everything was perfect... Except for: 1) the setting is revolting 2) we're not dating 3) he's never even given me the slightest clue he was even thinking of kissing me! 4) he's my best friend. I pulled away at that thought and blushed at him. Was he blushing too?
"I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me... sorry." he almost whispered.
"It's uh, it's fine Chris," I fake smiled and got completely red in the face, "I should get going to my class."
"Yeah...yeah I should too."
We both looked at each other for a little bit then he opened the door.
"Ladies first."
"Why thank you!" I smiled.
Chris and I walked as far as we could until we split off for our next class. I started walking to my building. I was in a pretty deep thought. Why'd he kiss me? Did he like me like that? Or was it just nothing? Did it mean anything to him? Why'd he kiss me?! I was almost to the door of the building when someone came up behind me and spun me around and kissed me. I didn't get a chance to see who it was. But his lips were soft, so I thought it was Chris. The kiss lasted for 15 more seconds and then he pulled away with a smile.
"So you do like me!"
I can't believe I just kissed him. I just kissed Jack Christopher Sparrow.