The Life of a Female Gladiator

Chapter Five

I was amazed at the festive dancing that went on around me. The way the dancers hit their feet on the ground and clapped their hands together, all in rhythm to the music that was playing. The fabric they wore was bright and flowed with there bodies, I admired the paint they had used to decorate their skin with, it was magical the way it flowed with the dance, It made it difficult to tear my eyes off them.

Rome was in a festive mood, with the upcoming games, or even the upcoming celebration; if you will. As we walked down the streets; chained and bound, they cheered. They cheered for our murder... Or perhaps for our victory? I found it hard not to hold my head high and smile to the crowd.

The city was everything I had imagined and more; the bright colors of the cloths that shaded the people drew my attention the most. They were perfect, not ripped or scratched like where I was from. The city streets were crowed as we made our way to the Colosseum. It stood high above the whole city, sending its shadow over most of the place. I watched in amazement that something could be so beautiful but also so horrifying.

I had been so distracted that I had only now realized everyone calling out Felix's name. The wind carried the chant; as he shyly smiled, giving a gentil wave to his admirers.

"How do they know you?" I asked him questioningly over the loud roar of the people.

"I guess my name just got out." He shrugged off my question, and ignored anything else I asked of him. I wouldn't give up, I will find out who he is!

The music changed into a upbeat rhythm that I found my self skipping along to the best I could, letting the chains rattle as I went. Some of the other slaves looked at me shocked, some even worried I was mad. This was the path that would most likely lead to all of our deaths; why not enjoy it?

Felix laughed as I tried to mimic the dancers the best I could, I got pretty close I thought but I guess these chains had more restriction then I thought. Felix pulled me into a head lock, laughing as the crowd cheered us on. Some where even asking what my name was, and if Felix has made me his mistress, or If I was going to be his partner in the upcoming games.

The crowd soon got out of hand and before I knew it we were cut off from the merchant. The merchants that where behind us yelled for the people to get off the road but no one listen. I saw the guards I had grown to hate try to fight the crowd back but it was no use. I was being pulled and touched everywhere, as was Felix. If it wisent for his arm being stuck around me I might have lost him completely.

A loud horn sounded and everyone turned to the Colosseum and cheered. Making a path for us once more. I felt baffled as Felix and I continued down the street. I looked up at him and watched as he smiled to everyone. Has he been here before? I thought to my self. No way he would have been killed. Pushing the thought out of my mind, I waved at the crowd just as he did. They didn't know my name but it was still fun to pretend.

As we continued up the path it got more festive; everyone in the streets where either dancing or clapping there hands to the music. Food was being passed around as everyone laughed and smiled. It was hard not to smile along with him. I watched as little girls mimicked the dancers, and little boys fight with wooden sticks. It was hard not to think of this as fun. Of course if I looked behind me, the trails of slaves would most likely disagree with me.

By now we were at the Colosseum, tilting my head up it was hard to even see the top with out hurting the back of my neck. Birds flew over head as the sound of the music and the cheers of the people reached them. Felix had to pull me along with him for me to actually keep walking. I was in such amazement, no words could describe this feeling I had. I felt like I belonged here, that my whole life was nothing till this moment.

As I followed out group underground the merchant that had killed my brother smiled at my expression of the Colosseum. I didn't know what he saw in me but the fact that this feeling was connected to it, scared me.

Underground there was numerous floors that held both slaves and beasts. Underground was nothing amazing, cells lined the walls, human filth covered the floors. The smell made a few of us throw up. I was on the verge of it as well. I got shoved into a cell and my party ended, this couldn't be it? What about the music? What about the dancing?

I turned in my cell slowly, only to see that there was no window, the ground was ankle deep in who knows what, and I was lucky enough to have what looked like a bench attached to the wall.

Sitting down I listen to the muffled sounds of music, I longed so much to be out there and join in. The rest of the night was filled with slaves coming around from all over the world. I watched as people who looked like us but had darker skin where forced in, they interested me the most. I had never seen such a thing before in my life time.

As the music carried on into the night it turned into a lullaby, calling softly to me. My eye lids slowly drew heavy as I laid down on the bench. Tomorrow was going to be full of wonders. If I survive that it....