The Life of a Female Gladiator

Chapter Seven

Blood, its all I could see. The salty, irony taste filled my mouth as I forced myself to ignore the thrill. My shaky hands only growing stronger as I watched the life leave the body laying on the floor in front of me. His eyes fluttered as he tried to get me off. Desperately scratching at my wrists, trying to free himself.

I smiled as his movements died away. Another one down. The screams of men filled the air as they watched me through the iron bars of there own cells. Praying that they don't face me in battle.

I slowly stood up over the dead body and started to laugh. The thrill was incredible, the KILL was incredible! The way he came at me, hoping my little body would fail under his muscular one. Only to be the one who is lying on the floor dead? My laugh became historical as the guards came to my cell door.

"Not another one." One sighs, as he takes keys out, opening the door.

I felt the cold hands of three guards as they walked me to the room where he would be. The cold stone under foot, sent shivers through out my body. We walked out of the underground prison, and up onto the surface. The sun shown down brightly, blinding me temporarily. I adjusted my sight and watched as servants ran ahead to announce our arrival.

After the match with the so called lions, the merchant that had owned me, became even richer, we was now highly protected; however, I get to see him every time I kill someone, an added bonus.

"Bring her in." A tiny servant boy announced as he open the big wooden doors, that were attached to the big marble building.

I was thrown onto the floor in-front of the merchant and as a bigger reward, the Creaser sons as well, both of them sat around a table full of fruit and bread, laughing at one another's jokes. One looked like he was still a boy while the other, looked like he was a true 'hero'. He had a very muscular build and carried a sword at his side, he fit every girls dream of a prince charming.

I felt all eyes on me as I went into a bowing stance. The cold marble floor was white as ever, while my skin next to it looked next to black, with a sandy red tint to it of course. It had been forever since I felt what a shower was like.

"What has she done this time?" The disgusting sound of the merchants voice filled the quiet in the room pulling me away of my beautiful thoughts. How rude!

"Killed her cell mate, again... Sir." One of the guards hissed as he kicked me onto my side. I welcomed the pain that ran through my ribs and stomach.

"What am I to do with you girl!" The merchant hissed. He walked over to stand in front of me. I quickly got to my knees, head held high; a bloody smile from ear to ear.

"Sir..." A guard started to step forward and warn him not to get to close, however it was to late, I lunged at the man, only to be thrown off by the hero looking son, of the Creaser. He was quick on his feet I admired that.

The fat merchant in front of me starred at me with disgust. Laughing hysterically I was pulled back by my hair onto the floor.

"Are you going to be okay?" The son who looked like he was still a boy asked, while the other one was ready to chop my head off at any moment. My laughter died down, and I was pulled up to my feet, my chains tighten, and the guards both holding onto me tightly enough that the wrong movement could probably break my small frame in multiple ways.

"Tick Tock, Merchant!" I starred at him directly in the eyes. I watched him squirm with embarrassment, as he stood up.

"Get her out of my sight! Kill her if you have to!" He yelled out. I smirked.

"Oh but sir, you can't kill me." I smiled sweetly now. It was like I was just a poor helpless, innocent girl again. "Remember? I'm one of your only good fighters left. You kill me, who is going to make you more money?" I watched his expression as I pulled out my pouty look.

"I'm your only one." I winked at him now, and blew him a flirty kiss.

"Shut up Whore!" He yelled at me, as the guards started to pull me to the door. I watched the merchant as I left, but something made me look to the eyes of the oldest son. He had an interest in me. I could tell by the way he smirked my way... This was not my intent.


I was thrown into Felix's cell. The only thing that pulled me from reality. Shock and pure happiness filled his expression as he came to help me up. This was only the second time we had been able to see each other in two months. I wasn't sure if he was even alive half the time.

"You still kicking I see." He smiled at me as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Ha, I could never go down with out a fight." I laughed.

"Have you been in the ring lots?" He asked as he pulled away and took a look at me.

"No the last time was with the sandy beasts.... And you."

"Then why all the blood?" He asked as he let his arms drop away. I felt the warmth fall away, and I was cold and numb once more.

"You don't want to know." I shook my head and sat on his makeshift bed. He sat next to me. The cells where extremely small, ment for one person, yet they were shoving two or sometimes three to one cell.

Felix knew when I didn't want to talk about something, he was good at not prying into it. Putting his arm around me he held me close. I could hear his heart pound. The warmth filled me and put the laughter I hide inside at rest. I felt my eyes grow heavy as I fell into a sleep full of blood and monsters. Only a new face haunted my nightmares.... A Prince Charming, that was not so charming.