Status: If you are the one I'm talking about and reading this, then I'm sure you know what to do

Raya, Combined With Confusion

At the edge of collapsing into thin air

It's been more than a month since I last saw Raya,
I've tried contacting her more times than I could remember, all she ever did was block my phone number and was almost going to block me on Facebook as well.. so I just left it at that after nagging her way too much that she told me to fuck off and leave her alone, she called me clingy and annoying, and she said that she'd never fall in love with me in a million years because of my annoying personality, the one she used to compliment all the time; I knew by then that she wasn't talking sense and I knew someone's been messing around with her thoughts.
I've had multiple dreams about her in the past month though, dreams that don't have anything to do with me other than me being there, and whenever I used to interpret my dreams, they came true before, which is why I knew these dreams in this period we're not talking is actually telling me something about her.
Five days ago, I dreamt about her being stabbed in the back by a girl, when she got stabbed I rushed to take the tool out of her back and cut the girl who'd hit her, only to find out that Raya's under-jaw was infected somehow.
I messaged her that dream and told her to pay attention to that girl.. she never replied.
Two days later, I dreamt the same dream, only the girl was actually turned into the current guy she goes out with (kinda) and he'd stabbed her in the back again.
So I realized what was going on in her life, she got mad at him for doing something he shouldn't do, he probably went behind her back to do something she asked him not to do and it made her angry with him, but she still showed him a smile because she thinks she doesn't want to lose him.
I don't know what he'd actually done, but I know right well she didn't like it, which is why I dreamt of her that day.
I never sent her any of my dreams though, knowing she doesn't believe and wouldn't reply, it just makes me a bit irritated and I don't want to be.

We're still in the same city, I lied to her and told her that I'm going back, but I didn't.. I met her sister a week ago while I was shopping for clothes, she was struck, she didn't know I was there and was told that I've left more than a month ago.
It was really frustrating to know that Raya has gone through the trouble of telling her family that I'm not in her city anymore, but still, it made me realize that I mean something, if not for her, for her family.

I can get a little annoying, I admit, but it's not an excuse to make anyone that mad, especially someone I've spent all my time trying to stay next to, a person with whom I'm entirely selfless even when I want 'something' from the nothing they give me, it's always selflessly.