Status: If you are the one I'm talking about and reading this, then I'm sure you know what to do

Raya, Combined With Confusion

The fourth day

Today is our last day from the week, so we have to take two days off so as to recover and get our stamina back or something like that.
I was thinking "what the hell, how can I even go about my days without working or even coming here" but then I thought "I'm not going to see her, I should probably get her Facebook and talk through that"
Through the day, she was acting really cutely and basically, she was herself, no covers, nothing to fear and nothing to hide.
I loved being around her for she was the one who I liked seeing all the time.
It's not love, I know it, it's the worst kind of attraction.
You're attracted to someone because of their physical appearance and mentality but you despise their actions with other guys. You feel a tiny bit jealous, even though you're not supposed to be.
You're compelled to abide by the rules of emotions and desires, you have to rely on trust, which I can't possibly form through those few days of knowing a person, but I could feel I could trust her, she seems to treat everyone equally, what are my chances of being "special" to her? I don't think it's possible.
But then again, she treats me a tiny bit differently, does that mean anything special?
I don't think so, she's just being normal.

We sat next to each other in the dining room and I showed her my music playlist she pointed out some of the songs and loved them. I introduced her to the song "Amnesia" by 5SOS which she nearly teared after hearing it and tried to share it but then I said she shouldn't for some reason.
I enjoyed her reactions and I loved how she just smiled.
Her smile is the kind of smile that I would kill to see all the time.
Her face is flawless, I'd loved to see it everyday after waking up, my heartbeat goes skyrocketing when I see her smile.
She even smokes with such a sexy way. I loved everything about her, but still didn't really do anything about it.
I just asked her for her Facebook account and added her, she accepted without saying a word.
I didn't realize that I was making a great mistake back then.