Status: New story, hoping you'll like it! I posted it on my Wattpad too, which is @FluffyPhantom

Just You, Me, and the Stars

Ryan Ross, formerly residing in Nevada, is forced to move to Florida when his mom is caught cheating. A painfully bitter kid, he can't help but feel sour to the situation. Though he soon learns that he's surrounded by people that actually care a about him for once. Not to mention the nicest of them all (in his opinion), a younger boy with dorky, yet cute (though he'd never admit that out loud) glasses, and a smile that makes Ryan's stomach flutter. Though Ryan must struggle with maintaining a loving relationship with his dad, all the while staying relevant with his friends. (AU where they all live as neighbours in the middle of no where and there is a lot of homosexual tension... // Contains: Ryden, Frerard, Petekey, Peterick, and more! // I don't own these people obviously, and these events NEVER happened. Ok)