I'm Miserable And You're Just Getting Started

Newspapers I Threw Away

"Charlie...wake up! If you're late for school I am not calling in for you!" Spencer yelled from my doorway.

I groaned and sat up. pushing my covers onto the floor.

"Damn school for being so early."

"Oh hush. So what are you gonna be doing after school?" he asked as I walked to the bathroom to get ready.

"Well...apparently I'm going to the mall with Brendon." she said, rolling her eyes and the grin that had formed on her bothers face.

"I see...alone?" he asked.

"Yes, Spencer. Alone. No, not on a date. Just...shut up so I can get ready for school." I said, closing the bathroom door on him.

I heard him mumble 'whatever' and walk away.

I rolled my eyes and got in the shower, preparing to face yet another day.


"So...Jason and I are going out on Friday. You and Brendon should come." Emily said as we walked into our first period class.

"Emily...Brendon and I are not going to go on a date with you and your boyfriend. It would feel weird and it would be...just...weird." I said, scrunching my nose.

"Yeah...way to sound intellegent." she scoffed.

I hit her arm and sat down at our table.

"You're dumb. So...what are you doing tonight?" she asked in a whisper as our English teacher started a lecture.

"Umm...Brendon and I are gonna go shopping I guess." I told her with a shrug.

"Ooooh. Just you and Brendon?" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes yet again. "Yes, for fuck's sake. It's not a date. Just two friends going to the mall."

"That's what you say now. Just watch. You guys are gonna kiss or something. I will laugh and say I told you so."

"Whatever you freak. Just...shut up and take notes or something." I said, leaning back in my chair.

"Fine. Dork." she replied, pulling out her notebook.

I just rolled my eyes at her and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying.

I was soon distracted by a piece of paper being slid to my spot.

You should tell him :)

I laughed and grabbed a pen so I could write back.

Yeah, right. I don't want to scare him away...

I passed the note back to Emily and saw her roll her eyes.

Yeah...like that could happen. I'm telling you...he's practically in love with you. It is soooo obvious.

O.o nuh uh...

nuh huh. Just accept it, Charlie...the boy is in love with you and it is meant to be :D

I sighed and put the note in my backpack. There was no way that Brendon could like me that way. I've seen the girls he's gone out with and I am so not his type.

Apparently, I would not be able to convince Emily of that.

Finally, the bell rang and we could head over to math. Not that it's much better...but at least it's one class out of the way.

"Only six more hours until you get to be with your lover." Emily said, walking past me.

"Emily, I swear to god!" I yelled after her, running to catch up.

Of course...I was thinking the same thing.

Just don't tell her that.


"Emily...go find your boyfriend." I said as she followed me out to the parking lot where I would be meeting Brendon.

"No...I want to take a picture of Brendon when he pulls up so I can prove to you that he loves you. Man you should see the way his face lights up..."

"Ugh. Whatever, Em. Look...there he is. Now please go away."

"There. Got the picture. Wanna see?" she asked as Brendon pulled up next to us.

"Uh...maybe later. Hey, Bren." I said with a smile.

OK...maybe I was being a bit obvious today.

"Hey, hot stuff," he said laughing. "You ready to go?"

I laughed nervously and got into the car. "I suppose so. Let's hit the road."

"All right. See ya Emily." Brendon said waving.

"Bye! You lovers have fun." she said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Emily!" I yelled desperately, hoping Brendon didn't notice the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Brendon just laughed and drove out of the school parking lot.

"So...how was school?" he asked as we got onto the main road.

"Ugh. I hated it. I mean...its school. You shouldn't have to ask." I said, looking out the window.

"Well...you never know. Someone could've asked you out of something." he replied, shrugging.

"Yeah...like it would matter. I don't like anyone from school."

"Oh, I see. So who do you like?" he asked, looking at me.

"Um...just...someone." I told him.

"Uh huh. I will get it out of you one day. I swear it."

I just laughed.

"Yeah, right."
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Dude...I haven't updated this in forever.
Sorry bout that.
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