Status: Meet the Characters in the field of the same name - the descendants of the Fantasy Land and the Underworld.

Summer Reign

Chapter 6

Men are able to mind-read if deemed necessary. Yes not anyone can read minds. Long ago,
a monk by the name of Rathos was sole follower of Guthix. The God then decided he should
be given special powers, thus telepathy was granted unto his. telepathy is only rewarding
if a Mage successfully completes forty years of reigning or the blood of Rathos runs
in your veins. The elderly known as the wise clan are a small coven of mind-reader.
they are generally kept away from society for various reasons. Many times if a newborn
comes to the coven for a blessing by the wise clan, they will be able to tell how the
child will grow. If a member of a foundation is ill, they will be able to predict the
aftermath, good or bad. lastly, once they die their spirit is sent back to the Gods,
maintaining the balance. There is however only one sole survivor and a descendants of Rathos.
Because his condition was so rare, he chose his life as monk over a girl named Sunni, a
human sundial of the wind. the two gave had a child thus making him the only survivor
able to read minds without having to join the Enlightened Coven. His majesty and the great
Ashcroft wizard of Saradomin realms in the royal castle. King Alexander I and Rathos
were good friends, encountering one another in the Jean-Baptiste chapel. When he became
king and the other, telepathic wizard. Both welcomed each other in their homes to stay
for generations to come. King Alexander had found a mage trainer for his future children
and Ashcroft would basically protect the castle, enriching his own power and mind. It
was contract well signed.