A Modern Myth

Myth Ten

It’s been a month sense school started and things at the Sohma house hold are finally settling down. Minako and Yuzuki still don’t know about the Sohma family curse, but you know sometimes you can’t see things that are fight in front of you. Though Tohru said it took her a day or two to figure it out and it took me a couple a weeks to figure it out, maybe my family’s just slow. But anyway, school’s gotten better Minako and Yuzuki don’t fight a lot in school, they usually save the fighting for home, unless its something really good and they can’t help but fight they’ve come home with paint and sheet music all over them. Speaking of home Minako is still trying to us a new one, its not going over to well, but hey I’m not complaining and neither is Yuzuki.
Yuzuki and Shigure have really close sense she’s been here. Sometimes I swear I see Shigure follow Yuzuki around like the little puppy dog he is. It’s funny to watch. Sometimes when I’m not doing chores I watch them. Kyo makes fun of me when I ‘People Watch’. But, I see him watching them to... So meh to you Kyo.

Even though the house is settling down, I think something is up with my sisters. They’ve been acting weird for the past couple of days. I fear it’s because my birthday is tomorrow. I don’t want a party, so they better not be throwing me one!

“Hotaru... YOHOO.... you there?” Kyo asked, waving his hands in front of my face.

“Yes, I am. I was just thinking.”

“I could tell. I could smell the fire burning,” he sneered, walking ahead of me.”

“HEY! That’s not nice!”

“That’s not nice Kyo! What are we, five?” Kyo retorted.

“Are you trying to pick a fight with me?”

“Maybe.” I smiled. I had been sparing with Kyo, but he never knew how to ask. He always just picks fights with me.

“If you wanted to fight, all you had to do was ask.” It was Kyo’s turn to smile. And what an evil smile it was. “But first, I’ll race you home,” I said, running off in the direction of the house.

“Cheater!” Kyo yelled.

“I know!” I stuck my out my tongue at him. We raced almost neck and neck the whole way there. Even on the dirt road that we had to take to get to the house kept us close to each other.

“Ha ha! Kyo, you’ll never beat me!” I yelled, getting ahead of him.

“Only because you cheated!” he yelled back, still trying to catch up to me.

“Hehe, but if you were really good, you would have already beat me!” I taunted while speeding up. I was going to win. I hadn’t been running all out and I still had the energy to spare. I was a good three feet ahead of him when I suddenly began to fall. I knew why. I had tripped over a damn rock! I landed on my face.


“Hotaru, are you okay?!” I lifted myself off the ground, brushing off the dirt. “I think so, although, my face hurts,” I informed him, rubbing my cheek.

“Well. I wonder why?”

“I don’t know. Usually the ground is so soft when you do a face plant,” I said sarcastically.

“Come on, lets go home before you have any meetings with the ground again,” the orange haired cat sighed. I made a face at him, got up, then we started for home again. My eyes were on the ground most of the time. I wasn’t going to have another rock trip me and make me look more like an idiot.

We came up to the house at a nice, slow pace with me still looking at the ground for anything that could trip me. That’s when I heard my sisters screaming from the inside of the house.

“Yuzuki! Take that down! She’s too young to see pictures like that! I mean really. Half naked guys on the wall? That’s not acceptable.”

“Who said it was for her? And yes, she is old enough. She’s turning 17 for god sake!

“Yuzuki,” Minako warned, “Take that down NOW!”

“No!” Yuzuki yelled as we walked up to the door. I heard footsteps running around the house, and I opened the door.

“Minako, Yuzuki, everyone; me and Kyo are home!” I shouted.

“Shit, we’re not done. Yuzuki, stall her!” Minako yelled, thinking I couldn’t already hear her.

“Why me?!”

“Don’t ask, just do it!”

“Fine! Don’t you dare take that picture down.” I then heard her run to the door.

“Kyo, did you know about this ‘surprise’ birthday party?” I asked him.

“What birthday party?” Yuzuki said, coming into the hall a little out of breath. “There’s not party here!”

“Really? Then what the hell were you and Minako fighting about?”

“Fighting? We weren’t fighting,” she said, trying to push me back outside. “Yes you were, don’t lie.”

“I never lie. Now, go play with Kyo outside for a little while.” she said pushing me and Kyo out the door, but before the door close on us out of the corner of my eye I saw Tohru, Yuki, and Shigure try to sneak by.

“How long have you known about this ‘surprise’ birthday party?” I asked Kyo again.

“About two weeks,”

“Hmm...So what’s the theme of the party?”

“No theme,”

“Really? Well at least they’ve given up on theme birthday parties,” I looked around outside. “Were you suppose to keep me outside and entertained while they set up inside?” Kyo nodded. “You suck at being a distraction,”

“I was doing fine until YOU FELL!”

“You still suck!”

“Why do I deal with you??”

“Cause you love my charming personality,” I smirked.

“Yeah whatever,” Kyo said storming off.

“You better not be going to the roof thats my special spot!” I yelled chasing after him.

“No its not! I started going up there way before you even got here,” Kyo stopped and turned around so he could argue.

“So I claimed it from you!”

“You can’t do that!!!!!!”

“Sure I can, I’m a girl!” I said running past him and towards the part of the house where we kept the ladder to the roof.

“Cheater!!!!” Kyo yelled running after me.

“How am I cheating? This isn’t a race!” I yelled back reaching the ladder and climbing up it. When I reached the top of the roof I looked down and saw kyo already half way up the ladder, dang there goes my plan of taking the ladder and bringing it up here so he can’t take the roof away from me. I ran to the other side of the roof as Kyo climb up the last step and walked into the roof.

“Well I got here first so the roof is mine!!”

“That means nothing!” Kyo yelled

“Yes it does!” I spat back at him.

“No it doesn’t you’d have to torture me before I’d give the roof to you!”

“Here now?” I smiled evil, Kyo’s eyes widened.

“You wouldn’t?!”

“I would,” I said walking closer to Kyo. Kyo backed up till he reached the end of the roof.

“Damn it!” Kyo muttered.

“I won’t do it if you give me the roof,” I stated

“I’ll never give you the roof,” Kyo exclaimed.

“Then I guess I’m going to have to,” I said cornering Kyo. I reached out for him, and he tried to move out of my reach but couldn’t. I rapped my arms around Kyo’s body and pulled him into a hug. A few seconds went bye before a poof of smoke came, like it always did, and when the smoke cleared I was holding cat Kyo.

“Please don’t,” Kyo plead while trying to squirm out of my arms.

“Is the roof mine?” I asked.


“Fine Kyo you asked for it,” I laughed evilly.

“NO!!!!!!!” Kyo yelled as my hands started to. . . .tickle him. “No...Stop...Please,” Kyo laughed.

“Is the roof mine?” I asked again

“NEVER!!!” he yelled with laughter.

“Then you leave me no choice but to continue.” I smirked tickling him more.

“No!!! Please!!! Your killing me!”

“No I’m not! Stop being so over dramatic”

“I’m not being dramatic your killing me I swear!” Kyo laughed harder.

“Is it mine then?”


“Then I must keep going,”

“No please stop!”

“Then say it,”


“Say it!”

“Fine the roof’s your! Happy?” I smiled at Kyo

“Yes,” I stopped tickling him and started to petting him, Kyo glared up at be but did nothing to stop me. I sat down on the roof with Kyo in my arms. “Do you think they’re done?” I asked

“I don’t know. If they were they’d probably to looking for us,” Kyo said flipping over so his belly showed.

“I guess your right. So what are we-”

“Hotaru??? Kyo??? Where are you?” yelled a voice, me and Kyo look down on the ground, it was Tohru.

“We’re up here!” I yelled

“Dinners done, come down and eat.”

“Hmm the parties ready. I guess its time to act surprised,” I smiled and put Kyo down. “Good Golly Gosh you guys through me a party I never would have guessed.”

“If thats what your going to say then you’ll never foul them into thinking your surprised,” Kyo said walking over to his cloths.

“I’m not trying to acted surprised I’m being sarcastic,” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

“Well then never mind that will work,” Kyo poofed and smoke covered the roof for the second time today. Kyo quickly changed into his cloths.

“What prefect timing,” ^_^ Kyo glared “What it was. I thought you couldn’t control when you change back?”

“I can’t...or at least I don’t think I can,” Kyo thought hard for a second.

“Hey don’t think to hard you might hurt yourself,” I smiled, Kyo glared again. “Come on we got a party to get to,”

We climbed down the ladder quickly and walked into the house. The dinning room doors were closed, which never happens when we’re eating. If they were really trying to hide this party from me they weren’t doing a good job of it. I sighed and put my hands of the door and with one quick motion threw the doors open.

“Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!” yelled everyone inside, I put on my surprised face and smiled

“Good golly gosh guys-“ a hand covered my mouth.

“Don’t be smart Hotaru,” Kyo said preventing me from finishing.

“Happy birthday Hotaru!” Minako and Yuzuki said happily walking up to me and giving me a hug.

“Did we surprise you?” Minako asked

“No, sorry guys not this year,” Minako and Yuzuki frowned.

“Aw man,” Yuzuki wined TToTT

“Sorry,” I said again looking around the room, it was covered in streamers and balloons and in the very back in far left corner there was a picture of a almost naked cowboy, Yuzuki’s touch I’m sure

“Well come on lets open you presents,” Minako said dragging me to the table where the presents were placed. There were four presents on the table, I picked up the one closest to me. It was small and badly rapped which meant this one was Minako’s gift, I opened it quickly. It was a Phantom of the Opera cd.

“Thank you Minako,” she smiled. I opened Tohru’s present next it was a scrapbook full of pictures that I didn’t know had been taken, a lot lo them had me and Kyo in it. Next was Yuki’s gift, he got me a drawing book, which I need very much. And last but not least there was Shigure’s gift which was a cute dress that he’d gotten from his cousin Ayame’s shop. As I finished opening and thanking everyone for their gifts Minako started to pass cake.

“You know what I know the prefect place you can wear that dress Hotaru,” Minako said handing me my piece of cake.

“Where?” I asked confused.

“You can wear when we go out to dinner tomorrow,” Minako and Yuzuki smiled at me, I frowned. I guess some things don’t change.

“Wow guys you shouldn’t have,” I said putting on my fake smile

“Well we did so be ready at six ok,”

“Ok,” Oh great dinner alone with Minako and Yuzuki this is going to be fun.