Status: I just needed to write.

Friends? Birthdays?

To begin with...

I am generally a quiet person, most definitely an introvert and I like to have my alone time, but that doesn't stop me from valuing my friends above everything else. I would do anything for the people I love, I would climb mountains for them. I would give everything I have and everything I could be, to make sure they were happy and safe.
I've always been the "mammy" among my friends, always making sure they got home okay and that they fed or just generally happy. Lending them money if they needed bus or train fare, or to buy lunch. I am always the one to travel when we meet up, but I really don't mind all that.
I've always made sure they knew I was there for them and that I would be a shoulder to cry on and a pillar to lean on if they needed it.
I have a small group of people I consider friends, that is not to say that I don't like a lot of people or don't get along with them- just that I'm quiet and sometimes I struggle with meeting new people and making conversation. I often don't know how to reply to things people say and I sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts into words.

People have told me before that I'm a push over because of all that. But when I don't agree with something, I'll stand up. One of the few things I inherited from my dad is my stubborness- my mam often says that if she smacked our heads together, it'd create a sonic boom. I'm pretty relentless too, so don't leave a sentence unfinished around me cause I will bug you every chance I get until you finish it!