Status: I just needed to write.

Friends? Birthdays?

Secondary school

I attended an all girls secondary school and was lucky that I made some good friends there.
I made my first friend less than a week into my first year. I lost her after 3 years. She says that I changed, but I've always felt like the issue was that I stayed the same. I mean, I still like the same kind of music, I still don't watch a lot of TV and I still like the same films, comedians, etc- all the things we initially bonded over.
By the time we graduated in May 2012, I was happy and felt secure in my big group of friends. We met up every month and went out together, frequently challenging restaurants and the like to find ways to sit all 14 of us together. But after a while that began to dwindle. People began to hang out with college friends more, or were working or just plain too busy. I had expected us all to drift, so I wasn't terribly surprised at it but every year we always celebrated each others birthdays and used them as our chance to catch up with each other.

In late January, one of the girls started a group conversation on Facebook. She asked us to contribute towards a present for two of the others as it will be their twenty- first birthdays. Not a problem, we all agree to give €7 each. Then I look at my calender and realise that the three of us have our birthdays pretty much in a row- and I'm smack bang in the middle.

No one mentions it so I don't either, just in case they were planning something.
I've known most of these girls for 8+ years and have even counted one as my friend for more than 14 years, which is why I was upset to realise that they had forgotten about me.