Status: I just needed to write.

Friends? Birthdays?

College time

Last year was when I realised for the first time that people really DO forget I'm there, or they just don't realise I'm there in the first place.
I was placed in a tutorial group without any of my friends in my Second Year of college. Everyday a lecturer would call the roll and when they got to my name, someone would always answer before I could- "She's not here."
(On a side note- sometimes lecturers wouldn't hear me or pay attention when I corrected them and this got me into arguments with certain lecturers, who counted attendance towards our final grades)
I always value my friends a lot because I often find meeting new people hard. I would do almost anything for my friends- and they know it.

In January 2015, one of my closest friends turned 23- let's call her Molly. I was one of eight people she invited to go out with her the day before her actual birthday. I sat in my house and watched as one by one, our friends all said they couldn't go. Naturally, I couldn't let her down as well.
That was how I found myself sat in Molly's room for 3 hours as she ranted about how her friends from work all pulled out and her "best friend since we were 5"- let's call her Paula- refused to come (even though Molly had been to her graduation only 2 days before and to her own birthday the week prior). Me being me, I had to be the ear she needed then. I had to encourage her to keep going and that she definitely had to go out and have fun- just so she could show them what they were missing. We eventually came to the slightly drunken conclusion that she cares more about their friendships than they do.
That night I was the shoulder she cried on and the arms that hugged her once she found out that her cousin (the only other person that showed up) had invited the girl that bullied Molly in school.
I was the first person to tell her happy birthday when the clock turned midnight and I was the only person that actually stood by her when she asked us all to not leave her when we were going home.
I stayed in her house that night (morning?) and I was the one to help her with her hangover. I made her breakfast the next day and refused a lift to the bus stop so I could get home- I walked 45 minutes with aching feet and in uncomfortable high heels instead.
Looking back, I can't help but find her ranting a little ironic. She did the exact thing that upset her so much on her own birthday.