Master of Sardonic Wit


February 22 2000

“Ten days after my birthday…”

“And we got our new album out,” James grinned at Chantal and twirled her around in his arms, rejoicing at the sound of her giggling.

“I love the artwork,” Steve sighed, leaning back on the cough before handing the CD back to James who grinned widely at it and placed it back with all the other CD’s they had in the apartment.

“It’s fucking rad isn’t it? I mean, the fans clearly dig it too, did you see their reactions to it?”

“You can expect the fans dressing up as Frankenstein girls to our shows now, trust me,” Vanessa nodded.

“Let’s get the best Frankenstein girl on stage every night!”

“Why? That’ll get boring and then the fans will just see it as a competition; this is supposed to be fun James, “Steve sighed.

“Okay okay, fine, then we’ll just pick random fans out of the audience to sing with us alright?”

“That sounds better yeah,” Vanessa nodded, shooting a glance at Kitty who seemed too busy reading her magazine all of the sudden. Steve and James were both glaring at each other, suddenly arguing about something Vanessa couldn’t understand throughout all the remarks and shouting but she didn’t really care.

Sighing, she knew that her time in this band was coming to an end, soon she would go away from them, but still keep contact of course, to start a family. Was this what she really wanted? The life on tour excited her, but yet bored her. She had always loved travelling and thanks to the band and their constant touring schedules all of the sudden; she has seen a lot of the world already. She’s seen England, and Germany, and all those other countries she can’t remember the name off.

Was she ready to give all of this up for a family? To live a dull life with children and a husband? She didn’t know, she didn’t exactly see herself as a house-maid, which was one thing. Perhaps she could find a job that gave her enough artistic freedom and the time to have a good family. But sitting there on the couch, she couldn’t exactly think of a job that would satisfy her in that way.

“What are you thinking about YT?” Kitty asked, punching her softly on the arm to shake her out of her thoughts.

Vanessa looked at Kitty’s worried face, her two ponytails sticking out on the top of her head while her face had little make-up on it, unlike the times before a show where she usually had some sort of bar over her eyes. Vanessa didn’t really know how to describe it exactly.

“Nothing important,” she smiled sweetly before picking up her cell phone and checking the time. Seeing that it was already getting late, she quickly grabbed her back, gave Steve and James a peck on the cheek and said her goodbye’s to everyone, running out of the room so she would win a few minutes of time. James stared at the still open door and frowned, not even aware that Vanessa had left already; she had been in such a hurry.

Even Steve and Kitty were staring at the empty doorway, wondering if they had dreamt it all and Vanessa would poke her head across the corner and laugh at their faces.

“Well that was…interesting,” James managed to mutter before sitting down on the couch and leaning back, looking lost.

“Something wrong James?”

“No, I mean, just thinking,” James pursed his lips together and frowned for a few moments before looking at Steve, “just thinking about how Rorschach could totally kick Cyclops ass.”

“No, he couldn’t,” Steve replied in a sing-song way.

Kitty grinned at the two men arguing over their comic book heroes, amused by the whole thing. If she had to tell her own opinion, she would take James’ side, but for now, she just remained silent, she didn’t really want to get Steve’s glare upon her.

James had forgotten about the intensity of the glare though and just kept arguing, claiming that he was right and that he would even send a letter to Marvel or Alan Moore to ask their opinion. To which Steve only replied that both companies would just take the side of their characters.

“No way they wouldn’t, not if Stan Lee answers, he would totally say that Rorschach could beat Cyclops.”

“Cyclops has lazer eyes, Rorschach has a blot mask, I think it’s obvious who would win here.”

“Rorschach,” James nodded.

“You know, maybe they work together and beat Magneto?” Kitty piped in, looking unsure about what she had just said when both men looked at her with a frown and then at each other before nodding in agreement.

March 5 2000

It’s weird, we’re already in this new century and well, I don’t know, it’s just weird.”

“It’s just another year James…”

“Yes well, maybe for you,” James pouted at Kayleigh who smirked and just drank from her bottle of water. Steve was somewhere in the apartment either sleeping or messing around on his guitar. James didn’t know nor was he intending on finding out. He had a lunch appointment with Chantal later and he was going to spend the rest of his remaining time getting ready. Not that Chantal would really care about how he looked, unless he came in his pyjama’s, then she might have something to say.

Considering that he was still in his pyjama’s, James forced himself to at least get dressed in an okay fashion before going out. He wasn’t a teenager anymore, they could do that, grown up’s on the other hand were destined to walk around in weird clothing that wasn’t their pyjama.

“Why can’t I go in my pyjama again?”

“Because you’re going on a lunch date James, no pyjama’s allowed there.”

“You suck,” James stuck out his tongue at Kayleigh who rolled her eyes at him and pushed him out of the kitchen. Crossing his arms in front of his chest and standing just in front of the door frame to the kitchen for a few seconds made James give up his protest and slouched over to his bedroom with the intent of getting dressed.

In the end he just decided to get a shower, blow-dry his hair (no matter how gay it really was) and just wear the clothes he wore the day before, which were rather decent ones considering that they weren’t going anywhere fancy. They never did, only when they had something to celebrate and since James was absolutely sure that Chantal wasn’t pregnant, he didn’t really bother to get dressed for the occasion.

“You’re going out in that?” Kayleigh asked, almost insulted with what he was wearing.

“Yes, and I’m not changing because you don’t like it,” James smirked, “I’m out, don’t call me, and, don’t call me.”

James quickly grabbed his coat and ran out of the door as fast as he could, going down the stairs in a record time and jumping down the last three only to look around him with a proud smirk and slight panting when he finally got out of the building.

He wondered where Chantal wanted to go for lunch today, he had nothing in his mind yet he was sure that Chantal already had the perfect spot picked out. That was jut how she was and he liked it, it meant less thinking for him and more time to focus on his food than trying to find the place in the first place.

Ending up at the market place where Chantal had told him to meet was not an easy task. After all these years of living in New York, he still didn’t really know his way around. He had to ask directions to several people first before he did actually find it, even though Chantal had explained the whole way on the phone days earlier. She had told him to write it down but James had been in a hurry and promised her he would remember. He just wouldn’t tell her about asking for directions when he saw her, that’s all.

The place they needed up having lunch in was calm, one of the small restaurants in New York that they both enjoyed, James and Chantal clearly enjoyed their little date, Chantal herself couldn’t stop grinning even if she was forced to while James just kept talking and listening to whatever his girlfriend had to say. She was dressed in simple clothes, jeans and a t-shirt while leaving her hair loose around her shoulders.

James had to admit, having lunches with the woman he loved just randomly was something he did enjoy, even it was weird to think of it as a date since they were already long dating and not planning on splitting up anytime soon, they were too alike for that. Besides, James couldn’t bear the thought of Chantal with another man, which was just absurd.

When a man came around the tables with a bunch of flowers, James couldn’t resist and ended up buying a bouquet of flowers for Chantal, even if she had protested against the small gift. She accepted them with blushing cheeks and a mutter of thanks, not looking at the grinning face of James who leaned back in his chair and watched her take in the scent of the roses.

“You shouldn’t have,” she grinned, leaning against them and holding the flowers in her both hands in front of her chest as they walked back to the apartment.

“It felt like the right thing to do at the moment, beside, you deserve a little gift every now and then,” James grinned, kissing the top of her head and trying not to bump into anyone while doing so. Something which he failed to do as he soon heard the cursing of another person behind him, not too pleased that he had been bumped into without the other man saying sorry for it.