Status: active/writing

My Gorgeous Arizona

lead me to the light

Ari walked down the streets of her hometown and couldn’t help but smile as she thought back on all the good times she had while growing up. The bike rides, first dates, and ice cream runs were things she would never forget. By now, the racing thoughts that filled her head had left momentarily, leaving her to enjoy the serene scenery around her. She saw the tiny coffee shop she used to go to and a rush of familiarity and warmth ran through her. She pulled the door open and headed inside, getting in the line.

A soft indie song played through the speakers and Ari tapped her foot lightly on the shiny hardwood floor, suddenly feeling like she was no longer out of place. She stepped up to order and smiled at the teenage girl behind the counter.

“Hi, can I get a large iced green tea and a chocolate chip cookie?”

The girl took a cup and jotted down the order, looking back up at Arizona.

“Can I get your name?”

Ari mentally chuckled to herself, something she did often when people asked for her name.


The barista finished her order and Arizona paid, moving to the end of the counter to wait for her order. They finally called her name and she moved to grab her tea and cookie. In one movement, Ari turned around and immediately banged into someone, causing their coffee to spill all over their shirt. She gasped and immediately put her things down on a table, fumbling to gather any nearby napkins. She was so embarrassed. She’s in town for less than a day and is already making a fool of herself.

“I am so, so sorry. I didn’t know you were there and I just turned around all willy-nilly. Please, let me buy you a new coffee.”

Ari had been too frazzled to really look at whom she had spilled coffee all over. She took a deep breath and looked up for the first time, immediately wishing she hadn’t. She could feel the blush rushing to her cheeks as she looked up at the man standing in front of her. He towered over her 5’7” frame and was effortlessly handsome. His light brown hair was tousled and his green eyes stared right through her. She didn’t know how long she had been staring but the man standing in front of her began to crack a crooked smile.

“Did you just say the word, “willy-nilly”?

Her breath caught in her throat and Ari couldn’t help but chuckle. She mentally told herself to erase “willy-nilly” from her vocabulary as soon as possible.

“Uh, yeah. I guess I did.”

She bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair, hoping he wouldn’t start laughing at her. Instead, he smiled bigger than Ari had ever seen before. He grabbed a napkin from her hand and wiped off his shirt before looking back at her.

“Would you like to sit down?”

Ari bit her lip and nodded, still flustered from her clumsy run in with the handsome stranger. She told herself to get it together. Ari grabbed her tea and cookie and pulled out the chair across from the man, sitting down. She pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled, her blue eyes meeting his green.

“Are you sure I can’t buy you another coffee?”

The man chuckled a light, hearty laugh and Ari couldn’t help but smile again. He shook his head and leaned back in his chair.

“It’s alright, I promise. I was finished with it anyway.”

Ari nodded and took a sip of her iced tea, unsure of what to say. She wasn’t used to handsome strangers inviting her to sit down with them. Sure, she’d been on her fair share of dates. She’d had boyfriends. But this was different. Her mind was running blank and she couldn’t help but stare at the man in front of her.
“So, I’m John. What’s your name, mystery clumsy girl?”

Arizona laughed, hoping the nickname wouldn’t stick. She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

He looked puzzled then, his eyebrows rising. A smirk emerged on his face and a light shone in his eyes.

“Your name isn’t John, too, is it?”

Now it was Ari’s turn to let out a loud laugh. Her nerves were starting to settle and words seemed easier to come by.

“No, my name isn’t John. It’s Arizona. But I go by Ari. My parents met here years ago and just fell in love with the state and the deserts. So in love they decided to name their only daughter after it.”

Ari waited, something she always did when she told people her name. She waited for them to give her a strange look or roll their eyes and tell her how she was trying to be “trendy.” Instead, John surprised her.

“I think that’s a great name. Arizona’s a beautiful place and your parents had the right idea. It suits you.”

Ari smiled and looked down at her hands. She had never had that reaction before and John seemed so sincere. She looked up at him and smiled, hoping her cheeks weren’t as red as she thought they were.

“Thank you.”

John shrugged, like it was common knowledge. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by his phone ringing. He closed his mouth and reached into his pocket, apologizing.

“Hello? Yeah, man, I’m at the coffee shop. Okay, I’ll be right over. Bye.”

He ended the call and locked eyes with Ari once more, looking apologetic.

“I’m really sorry, Ari. I actually have to get going. But if you come to this café a lot, I’m sure I’ll see you again. It was nice meeting you.”

Ari nodded and waved goodbye to John, thinking that it would be nice to run into him again. She had been so involved in her work in California, that she never really had time to date anyone. She’d forgotten the feelings a handsome guy could bring. She shook her head and told herself to stop fantasizing about a guy she’d just met. She looked at the time, realizing she had to get to Maria’s before they closed.

The restaurant wasn’t far from the coffee shop and it only took Ari a few minutes to walk there. Her mother’s friend had opened the restaurant years ago, and it was a local hit. It was the typical southwestern restaurant, but it was charming in ways that others weren’t. Ari opened the door and walked in, the bell on the door alerting those inside that someone had come in.

Maria stood at the hostess stand and looked up, smiling when she saw that it was Arizona who had walked through the door. She ran over to her, pulling her into a large hug. Maria had grown up with her mother, and had been around while Ari was growing up.

“Oh, Miss Ari, I’m so happy to see you back here. I hear you’re looking for work?”

Ari returned the hug and smiled, nodding her head.

“I am. Mom told me you were looking for a waitress?”

Maria smiled and nodded.

“The job is all yours if you want it.”

Ari nodded and thanked her, knowing that even though the job wasn’t ideal, it would be nice to be doing something. At least it would keep her mind off of the trouble she’d been through.

“If you want to come in tomorrow for some training, that would be great. I’m sure you’ll be a natural.”

Arizona thanked Maria a final time and left the restaurant, heading for home. She took a deep breath and smiled to herself, hoping that this was the beginning of things starting to go up in her life. She had a new job, a relaxing day, and met a nice guy. As she walked up the steps to her house, she felt a sense of calm that she hadn’t felt for the longest time.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter 2! had some extra time today so I updated again.

thanks again for reading, I'd love some feedback!

Shoutout to those of you who have subscribed, you're awesome!

xoxo - Reese