What I Did for Love

Meeting Mario

Ana half listened to Neil about his latest date, he was in a sour mood because it didn't go as well as he had wanted it to. Ana tried to stay focused on him, but she failed as her thoughts drifted back to Marco. A small smile spread across her face as she thought about him. Ana knew she was lucky and while she liked him she was going take her time with him.

" Ana are you listening to me?" Neil asked, glaring at Ana. He knew the answer, Ana had been wearing the love struck expression that sat on her face all morning.

Ana raised her head and looked at Neil " Yes you said something about a bad date" Ana replied.

" You have been distracted all morning Ana, what is going on?" Neil asked, eyeing Ana suspiciously.

Ana wasn't sure she wanted to talk about Marco with anyone right now, but she knew Neil wouldn't leave her alone till he found out what was distracting her.

" Is this about Marco?" Neil asked.

" Maybe" Ana replied, looking down at her notes on her desk, failing to hide the small smile on her face.

Neil was intrigued the last he knew Ana was too busy denying her feelings for the footballer.

" Are you together?" Neil asked.

" We are seeing each other " Ana confirmed.

Neil smiled at Ana, he was happy for her. " Well Its about time" he replied.

Ana turned her green eyes on him, she knew he wasn't good at keeping secrets but she needed him to be quiet about this. " Please don't say anything to anyone" she pleaded.

" Your secret is safe with me" Neil said.

" Thank you" Ana replied.

Neil got to his feet " He is a Lucky man" Neil said before he left Ana's office.

Ana thought about what Neil had said, Marco wasn't the lucky one, she was.


Mario watched in amusement as Marco tided his house, he had never seen Marco rush about so much, he must really like Ana.

" You know instead of standing there, you could help me" Marco pointed out.

" It isn't my mess" Mario retorted.

Marco shook his head at his useless friend, if the shoe was on the other foot he would have helped him tidy up.

" You must really like Ana" Mario said softly.

Marco glanced back at Mario " I do, so please don't scare her off" Marco replied.

Mario held his hands up in surrender, he had no plans of trying to scare Ana away, he was curious about the girl that had Marco all tied up in knots.

" I won't" Mario said.

" Thanks" Marco muttered, as he looked around his tidy living-Room, to make sure he hadn't missed anything.

" So what time is Ana coming over at?" Mario asked.

Marco looked down at his watch "She should be here in the next hour" Marco mumbled.

" Great, I can't wait till I officially meet her" Mario said, grinning at Marco.

Marco groaned, maybe it wasn't such a good idea having Ana Meet Mario so soon.


Ana stood outside Marco's door she was a little nervous about meeting Mario, taking a deep breath she moved closer to the door, and knocked a couple of times.

The door opened revealing an out of breath Marco, Ana gave him a odd look, before she leaned in for a quick kiss.

" What has got you so out of breath?" she asked as Marco let her into his house.

" Mario" Marco muttered, as he closed the door.

" Is he that bad?" Ana asked, struggling to keep a straight face.

" No, I am not that bad" Mario answered for Marco.

Ana turned to look at Mario, she could see why many girls liked him, he had the whole cute boy next door look thing going for him.

" Ana, this is my Stupid friend Mario I was telling you about" Marco said.

" Hi Mario" Ana said, politely a little uncomfortable with the way Mario was staring at her.

" Finally nice to meet you Ana, Sorry about last night" Mario said, smiling warmly at her.

" Apology accepted" Ana replied.

" Great now you two have met, lets eat" Marco said, glad to see all was going well so far.


Ana glanced up from her lap top, she had been at Marco's a couple of hours and so far she hadn't got any work done. Marco and Mario's banter was distracting her. They were so funny and had her in hysterics.

" You two should get Married" Ana teased.

Marco and Mario looked at each other and cracked up, it wasn't the first time they had been told that.

" You could be our Maid of honor" Mario Joked.

" I would love to, just send me the date and I will be there" Ana said, her face giving nothing away.

Marco rolled his eyes at Ana and Mario, they had been making fun of his and Mario's bromance for the last hour.

" I don't think Marco is Impressed with that Idea" Mario teased.

Ana glanced over at Marco, he seemed to be annoyed about something.

" You okay?" she asked.

Marco sighed, he knew it was stupid but he hated people making fun of his bromance with Mario.

" Can you stop talking about me and Mario like we are an actual couple?" he asked.

" Ooh someone is touchy this evening" Mario joked, which earned a cushion being chucked in his direction.

Ana closed her laptop and walked over to Marco and leaned down to look at him " I am sorry if I upset you" she said, ignoring Mario's laughter in the background.

Marco eyes met Ana, she squealed as he pulled her down into his lap and wrapped an arm around her.

" Marco isn't upset, he just wanted an excuse to get you to sit in his lap" Mario snorted.

" Shut up Mario" Marco replied, laughter clear in his voice.

Ana placed her finger under Marco's chin and made him look at her, she saw the laughter in Marco's eyes.

" Mario's right, you weren't upset" she gasped.

Marco laughed a little " No I wasn't but it worked didn't it" he said arrogantly.

Ana playfully hit him " You are so bad" she laughed.

Marco grinned at her, before he stole a quick kiss.

Mario watched Marco and Ana, he was happy for Marco it seemed like he had finally found the right person. Ana was such a lovely girl and she seemed to click with Marco well.

" Okay guys could you leave that for the bedroom" Mario grunted, he didn't really want to watch Marco kissing his girlfriend all night.

" Sorry" Marco said,sounding anything but sorry as he pulled away from Ana.

Ana blushed a little as she got up from Marco's Lap, he was such a distraction, she was supposed to work tonight, but she hardly got anything done. She would have to go into work early tomorrow and get it done.