What I Did for Love

Numbing the Pain

Marco stared coldly at Carolin, she had turned up at his flat uninvited, he couldn't stand to look at her, especially when she was acting like she did nothing wrong.

" I told you we are over" he said,holding his hand out for the spare key he had given to Carolin, a few months back.

" We are over, when I say we are" Carolin said smugly, she would do anything to keep Marco.

Marco glared at his ex, she really was delusional if she thought they could carry on being together after what she did.

" Don't you feel a little bit guilty?" Marco asked.

" I didn't do anything wrong, even the police ruled it a tragic accident" Carolin said innocently.

" We both know you are lying" Marco spat at her, his ex had ruined lives and she didn't seem at all bothered about it.

" It's your word against mine, the Police seem to believe me" Carolin said smugly.

Marco stared at Carolin, wondering what happened to the sweet girl he used to know, in her place sat a heartless bitch.

" You know you have ruined two innocent people's lives" Marco yelled at Carolin, hoping to get through to her.

Carolin just shrugged, like it was no big deal, Marco wanted to go over to her and shake some sense into her.

" Someone has lost their child and all you can do is shrug your shoulders at me" Marco spat angrily, he was disgusted with his ex.

" That isn't my problem" Carolin said, she just wanted to get things with Marco back on track and she had the perfect way to do it.

" Get out, I never want to see you again" Marco yelled at her.

Carolin smiled up at him " That will be pretty hard, considering I am pregnant with your child" she said.

Marco took a step back from Carolin, a little stunned by what she had just said.

" Congrats you are going to be a father" she said.

Marco shook his head,this couldn't be real this would tie him to Carolin for the rest of his life. Sinking back into his seat, he looked back at Carolin, He couldn't do this especially not with her. Grabbing his coat and keys he headed to the door.

" Marco you can't just walk out on me" Carolin called after him.

" Watch me" He shot back, before leaving his flat, slamming the door behind him. He needed to be as far away from Carolin as possible, he needed to think things through properly.

Ana tried to take in what the police had just told her, that the accident had just been a tragic accident. Ana, knew it hadn't everyone could see that Marco's car had been out of control, but apparently there hadn't been enough witnesses. It had been a couple of days since the accident, Robert's body was about to be released to her, which meant she could fly back to New York soon.

Ana wanted to Hate Marco, but she couldn't he had been really good with her the past few days, he wasn't to blame for Robert's death his girlfriend was. A light knock at her door, interrupted her thoughts, she walked towards the door, knowing she looked horrible but she didn't care.

Ana opened the door, to find Marco standing there, he didn't look all that happy.

" You know you don't have to keep an eye on me, I am not your responsibility" she said, letting him into her room.

" I know but I just wanted to see how you were" Marco said, looking around the room, It was a mess, there was clothes all over the floor, along with a few empty bottles of vodka.

" Have you been drinking?" Marco asked.

Ana glanced down at the bottles then back at Marco " It numbs the pain" she replied.

" Alcohol solves nothing" Marco said gently.

" Neither does the Police it seems" Ana retorted.

Marco didn't know what to say, he couldn't imagine what Ana was feeling right now.

" They told you then"? he asked.

Ana snorted in disgust, she couldn't believe no one was going to get punished for Robert's death.

" Yes, apparently it was a tragic accident" she replied bitterly.

" We both know the truth" Marco said, he knew it wasn't much comfort but still it was something.

" Yet your girlfriend walks free" Ana spat angrily at Marco.

" Ex, we are no longer together" Marco corrected Ana.

" Good for you, you can move on, I can't" Ana yelled, she could never see herself moving on.

" Not really, she has informed me this morning that she is pregnant" Marco said.

Ana laughed bitterly, the future she wanted was now gone and Marco's girlfriend future didn't seem to be hurt by her actions, how was that fair.

" What are you going to do? Ana asked, while picking up clothes from the floor and placing it into her suitcase.

" I have no Idea" Marco admitted.

Ana shook her head " Robert wanted lots of kids, he loved them, now he won't get the chance" Ana said.

Marco sighed softly, he hadn't meant to hurt Ana. " Sorry" he said quietly.

Ana waved his apologies away, she had heard enough of them over the past couple of days.

"When do you leave?" Marco asked.

" In a few days, My parents are flying over to meet me, they should be here tonight" Ana said.

Marco watched as Ana looked down at her ring, It wasn't fair, she should be getting married not burying her Fiance.

Ana slipped the ring of her finger, it hurt just looking at it, she placed it in her suitcase, she knew what she would do with it when she got home.


Ana walked towards her parents, she was so glad to see them, she ran straight into her father's arms.

Henry wrapped his arms around his daughter, when he had heard about Robert, he had booked the first flight to Germany, he knew Ana would need support.

Ana pulled away from her father's embrace and turned to her mother, who looked just as upset.

" I am so sorry Ana" Deana said, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

Ana took her parents back up to her hotel room, she had said she would meet them at the airport but they had said they would come to her.

" So what happens now?" Henry asked, stepping into Ana's hotel room, it was clear she wasn't coping so well.

" They are going to release Robert's body to me soon, then we go home and bury him" Ana said coldly.

" What about the investigation into his death?" Deana asked.

Ana laughed bitterly " There is no Investigation, the police have ruled it as a tragic accident" Ana spat angrily.

" Oh Ana" Deena said, her heart breaking for her daughter.

Ana looked over at her parents " I said yes, we were going to get Married" Ana choked out.

" This is just so wrong" Henry muttered, he had been happy when Robert had told him off his plans. He may not have been Henry's ideal choice for Ana, but he had made his daughter happy.

" I just don't know what to do, there is so much to do" Ana said, rubbing her head, she had a headache from all the alcohol she had consumed last night.

" Don't worry about thing Ana, I have this under control" Henry said.

" Thanks Dad" Ana said, yawning a little.

Deena shared a worried look with her husband, Ana was clearly not coping at all.

" When was the last time you slept?" Henry asked Ana.

" A few days ago" Ana muttered, she couldn't sleep all she could see was Robert lying on the road dying.

" Then you should rest, let your mother and I take it from here?" Henry offered.

Ana was about to argue but her mother stepped in " You need to rest Ana" Deena said, making it clear that it wasn't up for discussion. Ana would need her strength over the coming weeks, she wasn't going to get it, if she didn't rest. Deena would make sure her daughter had plenty of sleep over the next few days.


Marco sipped on his beer as he sat with Mats and Erik, they had gone out for a few drinks after Training. Mats and Erik were worried about Marco, he hadn't been his usual Mr sunshine self.

" So what is up with you these days?" Mats asked, turning to face Marco.

" I am fine" Marco muttered darkly as he took a long gulp of his beer.

" No you aren't, you have been off at training everyone has noticed" Erik piped up.

" Can't a guy just have a quiet few days" Marco snapped at them, he knew they meant well but he didn't want to talk about the last few days.

" Not you" Erik shot back.

" Just leave it" Marco sighed.

" Is this about Carolin?" Mats asked.

" I am so done with her" Marco mumbled.

Mats wasn't surprised to hear that, he was kinda glad that Marco seemed to be done with Carolin, but he had a feeling the annoying blonde wasn't done with Marco. He had heard from Cathy that Carolin was pregnant.

" You guys broke up?" Erik asked, a little confused, Carolin had been talking to his girlfriend last night and she had been really happy.

" Yes now can we not talk about that Bitch" Marco said, as his phone lit up, he glanced down at it, there was a message from Carolin on it. Ignoring it, he placed his phone in his pocket then ordered himself another drink. Ana wasn't the only one affected by that accident, It had changed him all he wanted to do was drink and block it all out. Marco knew the path he was currently on was destructive but he just couldn't bring himself to care.