The Ultimate Sacrifice


I walk down the hall aimlessly, trying to get to my locker. I can do this; it’s the last period of the day! I tell myself in an effort to empower me to move faster. But, alas, I continue to shuffle down the hall for what seems like an eternity. Few people are still in the halls. That’s a little weird. . . I dismiss a weird feeling starting to churn in my stomach. Then I see it. Them. Jack and Derrick. Derrick shoves Jack repeatedly against the lockers.
I hate how Derrick terrorizes Jack. Why does Derrick feel the need to victimize him?! Jack didn’t do anything! I just don’t understand it all. If we as humans are supposed to be innately good, then how do people like Derrick come into existence? As I contemplate this I stare at them, and notice something out of place. Jack is not fighting back at all! I continue on down the hall towards them.
Derrick starts jeering at Jack and calling him Jackie. He pins Jack to the lockers; holding him there just high enough for his feet to dangle. Jack refuses to make eye contact with Derrick; silently taking his beating. “Hey, Jackie, what are you doing in my hallway? Huh?” When there is no answer. “That’s what I thought.” Derrick jeers, letting the already open wounds on Jack fester. Is he really still using that old nickname? Wow! I haven’t really heard anyone call him that since junior high. If you’re going to call someone a name the least you can do is be original. I mean, come on. Give the kid a break. I desperately want to tell Derrick to leave Jack alone. Derrick punches Jack in the face causing a blood curdling crunch to sound from Jack’s face. Jack lets out a quiet whimpering sort of sound. This awakens the last bit of courage left in Jack. He tries to push Derrick off of him but to no avail. Derrick’s face hardens and he slams Jack even harder against the lockers. A strangled whimper passes through Jack’s lips as he hits the lockers with a loud crashing sound.
Jack needs help, he needs me. But what if Derrick comes after me, instead? Who would help me? I can’t fend him off. But Jack needs a hero! I could be that hero! I argue with myself. Derrick’s face wrenches into a horrid grin causing Jack and I to both shudder.
Realizing I’m not going to speak up, I turn my eyes away. Shame burning inside of me, I refuse to let myself watch the scene that is ensuing. Just as I’m about to pass them. Derrick stops dead in his tracks; releasing Jack. Derrick starts sputtering incoherent words out franticly. He takes hurried enormous steps away from Jack.
What’s going on? Someone must have come to Jack’s rescue. Maybe the dean caught Derrick bothering Jack again. I heard if he caught Derrick again he would be expelled. My sheer curiosity overwhelms me; I let myself steal a look. I just want to see if Jack is okay; I tell myself. But deep inside I know I don’t.
Instead the scene causes me to screech to a sudden halt. I take in a sharp breath instantly filling me with fear; causing Derrick and Jack to look at me, simultaneously. Both of their expressions are worlds apart yet so similar. Derrick pleadingly mouths help me. Fear seemingly consuming him. Feeling helpless, my eyes dart to Jack. He looks as if he hasn’t slept in the last few years, and there’s a reminiscence of a bruise still around his left eye. Even though he’s shaking there is a glimmer of power in his eyes. And yet they both look at me with fear in their eyes and pleading for something. But Derrick’s shock is short lived. “What you think you are so big and bad now because you have a gun. What are you going to do with it, kill yourself?” Derrick sneers as the fear in his eyes disappear completely leaving nothing but anger. “You can’t shoot me! You don’t have the balls to do it!” Derrick says as a demeaning grin spreads across his face. What is he doing? Jack is going to shoot him! Does he know when to shut his mouth!? “I dare you to pull the trigger! I know you won’t!” Derrick shouts causing both Jack and I to flinch.
What am I going to do? Why?! Did my creative writing teacher have to keep me after class! I should be running away down the hall! Why didn’t I go get help for Jack? I could have spoken out. Why did I feel the need to see what was happening? I scream on the inside, as I give myself a mental slap.
I look further down Jack’s body focusing on his hands in them is a -- a -- a -- a gun. Jack’s hands are shaking violently; making the gun look colossal and horrifying in Jack’s small hands. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a gun in real life. This is bad. This is beyond bad. This is terrible! What should I do? I think in a panic. Okay, calm down, Helen. I tell myself. Freaking out is only making the situation worse. Finally, I gather my thoughts and break the nerve wracking silence.
“You don’t have to do this, Jack. If you just put the gun away we won’t say anything and we all can go on with our lives,” I say, my voice noticeably shaking. Jack glances at me with pity in his eyes for a few seconds, before glaring back at Derrick.
“Yeah, even, Helen knows you’re a worthless little shit. Come on pull the trigger! I’d like to see you try.” Derrick gloats in sheer enjoyment.
“You don’t understand! I have to do this, Helen. He needs to learn a lesson!” Jack says through his teeth in a low growl. Derrick’s face once again becomes devoid of all color and fear creeps back into every vein in his body.
“I’ve learned my lesson.” Derrick manages to squeak out.
“Shut up, you! I’ve had enough! Who's the little shit now!” Jack shouts as spit flies out of his mouth. His face contorts into pure fury. I shiver with fear. God, please help me to get through this, I pray in hopes that God will give me a response and give me one quick. In an effort to calm myself I take a deep breath. But it only causes more fear to rise to the surface. I continue talking to Jack regardless of my fear.
“Jack, you don’t want to shoot Derrick. I can see it in your eyes. I know you can’t do this. I-It’s not like you.” I say hoping that I can get through to him. My once slight shaking is now almost as violent as Jack’s.
“No! You’re wrong! I can, and I will! He has to die for what he’s done!” Jack says in a way that sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than me. He steadies himself as he cocks the gun.
“Hey! H-Hey! C-C-C-Come on, man. P-Please! I’ll never bother you again.” Derrick says franticly. To my utter shock, tears start streaming down Derrick’s face. I have to do something. I can’t just stand here. I refuse to stay silent! Before I can register what I’m actually doing, I take a step in front of Derrick.
“I’m not going to let you do this J-Jack.” I say with more confidence than I’ve ever shown in my life.
“Helen, move out of the way! I won’t shoot you! I can’t shoot you!” Jack says in a loud roar. This causes me to flinch but I’m not going to budge, not this time.