Status: in progress

Don't Fear The Reaper

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Chapter Text
“Prisoners of the Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because of your crimes have made you expendable."
Chancellor Jaha’s voice sounded through the TV monitor making me want to rip my ears off to stop listening to his ‘Holier than Thou’ voice. Too bad they had strapped my hands down tight to the chair’s armrest. I consider Chancellor Jaha and his council members, a bunch of selfish rulers who sit on their thrones and order us, peasants, with no mercy. I mean, they’re sending a bunch of teenagers to Earth. Some of them haven’t even reached puberty yet and were imprisoned for the pettiest of things that shouldn’t even be considered crimes.
‘Expendables’, he’d just called. What a dick! They don’t even know if the Earth is survivable. The heartless assholes decided to send in a bunch of children. How humane!
“…Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean,”
Couldn’t help but scoff at his obvious lies. I know for a fact he’s only saying that because he thinks that it will bring us some comfort in our last moments before our death. Truthfully, I wasn’t afraid of dying. I have accepted my death a very long time ago. I was actually waiting for it to happen. I have accepted my fate before I was even thrown inside the Sky Box. I believe that making me wait until I was 18 to float me was just elongating my punishment. Not to mention a waste of precious Oxygen.
“The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years.”
Suddenly the Drop Ship jerked around for a bit and lights flickered for a few seconds before it all stopped. Everything become so quiet. Even the machines stopped humming. I have never in my life heard the silence. In the Ark there was always a noise either the constant engine sounds or even guards patrolling outside the sky Box doors.
“Did we make it?” a blonde kid voiced out.
“Maybe?” replied the guy next to him with brown skin and dark hair and eyes, “I’m gonna go have a look!” he unstrapped himself and made his way to the hatchet door to get down to the main floor.
“I’m coming too,” the blonde said, as he too unstrapped himself and followed his friend. Soon, the rest of the Juveniles unstrapped themselves and made their way down. Leaving me stuck strapped in my uncomfortable plastic chair with my lonesome self, unable to release myself.
There was a mini commotion downstairs before I heard the main Drop Ship doors open. I struggled more to get my hands released from their bounding, but nothing seemed to work.
“WE’RE BACK, BITCHES!” A female voice cried followed by the happy shrieks of the other prisoners.
I give one last tug on my restrains before giving up as I sighed and relaxed back in my chair. I envied everyone outside as they laughed and shouted in happiness while I was stuck in a box of metal in chains like some goddamned animal.
My eyes trailed to the only window where I could see the green colors of the tree leaves as they swayed softly with the wind. I smiled sadly wishing to be out there, touching them and smelling them. Milano has always told me stories about the wonders of Earth. He talked of its different plants, the animals, and the people before Radiation hit. He was so passionate about everything concerning earth that whenever he explains its beauty, he sounds as if he were talking from experience. I felt tears stinging my eyes, welling to come out. I closed my eyes tightly to prevent them from shedding. God I missed that wierdo and his stupid Italian words!

I don’t know how long I have been stuck in this stupid chair for, but I know it has been at least three hours from what I could see of the sun.
I heard footsteps ascending the ladder making their way to my level in the Drop Ship. I put on a bored face as I waited for the person to come in and hopefully release me from this cursed chair.
The first to come up was a kid with a long nose, greasy hair, and dark blue eyes. He stared at me in the eyes as he walked over to one of the chairs across from me. He set a foot on the chair before leaning down resting an elbow on his raised knee with his fingers rubbing his chin.
The next to come up was the same brown skinned kid from before. He made sure to keep a long distance between me and him.
Smart boy, unlike his friend. I thought, my eyes trailing back to the long nosed boy who didn’t seem to have removed his eyes from me.
The last person to come up made me tense up. He was wearing a guard’s uniform. That was enough to send red alerts in my head. He had tanned skin, brown eyes, freckles, and slicked back brunette hair. He trailed his eyes from my head to toe and back. He was analyzing me like a person looking at a piece of merchandise. I didn’t’ like it. I narrowed my eyes at him as he came closer making the long nosed boy stand at full height ready to bounce at any second. The guard leaned down with his hands resting on the arm rests on either side of me, or faced a few inches apart.
“Bellamy,” called the long nosed boy in a warning.
The guard, Bellamy, did not head that warning. Either he was too brave for his own good, or he was just plain stupid. I vote for the second.
“So,” he whispered, his husky voice sounded amused, “you’re the infamous Reaper,” clearly it was more of a statement then a question.
In the flesh! I thought sarcastically.
I rose an eyebrow at him, a silent way to tell him to get his point straight. His eyes trailed over me again. From my shockingly white hair, to my dark brown eyes, to my small straight nose, to the leather covering my mouth, down my neck, to my collar bone, to my chest where they lingered there for a few seconds, before proceeding down to my strapped hands. He looked back up to me. Chocolate brown meeting darker brown.
“Heard many things about you,” he said, tugging on my wrist band a little sending a shot of pain on my wrist. I kept a blank face on, refusing to show this man any weakness. “I’m gonna make you a deal,” he said, “I unstrap you right now and you will never be in this situation again. That is, of course, if you agree to join my crew.”
“Bellamy!” warned long nose again. Bellamy raised a hand to shut him up. Yeah, Pinocchio shut your trap and let Freckles talk. Sheesh!
“Or,” He continued, “You refuse. We leave. You’ll still be stuck in that uncomfortable chair, and maybe, maybe that is, someone else might cut you lose,” then he get closer so he could whisper in my ear, “between you and I, we both know that not everyone will be as generous as me towards a killer!” he leaned back to stare expectantly at me. The bastard looked so smug with that stupid smirk on his face. “So what do you say, Killer.” I glared as his smirk widened knowing that I can’t speak with the strap on my mouth. He chuckled again as he reached behind my head to unstrap the leather strap from my mouth. I can never describe the relief I felt as it was removed.
“So, what do you say, Reaper?” he asked again. I leaned forward so I was nose to nose with him. “You with me?” he whispered.
I remember a phrase I had heard in many of the movies in Milano’s tablets. Keep your Enemies Close! And it wasn’t like I had any other choice. I would rather die of radiation right now than to be stuck in a metal box again. Five years were enough for me.
I let my tongue out, wetting my dry lips. Bellamy’s eyes followed the movement of my tongue along my lips, before they met my eyes again. I smirked.
“Where do I sign in, Boss?!”