Status: in progress

Don't Fear The Reaper

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Chapter Text
Earth was everything Milano had talked about and more. In fact, it was so much more beautiful. The air was so fresh and clean. There were so many trees. I can hear birds chirping as they flew freely in the clear blue sky. My eyes followed their free movements, catching the sun behind the trees. Walking to the corner of the drop ship, with a few kids running out of my way in fear, Scardy cats, I started the process of climbing the wall of the drop ship. With the many time I’ve climbed vents in the ark, I found this process to be second nature to me. Once I reached the top, I climbed to my feet and faced the sun for the first time in my life. It was so bright and warm against my skin. A large smile stretched on my face as small giggles escaped my lips. I spread my arms wide feeling as free as the birds as my hair flew wildly with the wind. I closed my eyes feeling the happiest I have ever been in a long time.
Milano, I wish you were with me to see this! It really is stunning.
A whistle sounded, distracting me from my thoughts. There goes my happiness. I looked down to the ground to see Bellamy and Pinocchio looking up at me.
“Pocahontas, it’s time to stop following the wind. Get down here, we’ve got business to discuss,” Bellamy called with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
Ain’t you a funny, fella!
I took one last look at the sun, before I climbed my way down. As soon as my feet hit solid ground I made my way to them, “Chief, you called?!” He motioned for me to follow, as he and long nose started making their way to the forest. We didn’t walk for long, just a few feet before stopping at a secluded area away from the rest of the delinquents.
“So, whatcha want, Chief?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and cocking my hip to the side. “I ain’t getting into a threesome with you two if that’s what you got in mind. No offence, Boss, but you ain’t my type,” I winked at the long nosed boy, “him? Maybe if I could ignore his long nose. Got pretty blue eyes on him, though.” They both rolled their eyes at me.
“Cut the bullshit, Reaper,” Bellamy snapped.
I cocked an eyebrow at his tone, “well, hell. Somebody got out on the wrong side of the Drop Ship.”
“So I have been told,” I smiled sarcastically, “whatcha want?”
“Your bracelet,” he answered simply.
“You talking about this?” I rose my left arm, showing them the metal strap on my wrist, “I didn’t know you were into jewelry. You’d think you know a person, eh?!”
“You wouldn’t think it’s funny once you know what those things do,”
“Why don’t you in lighten me, then.”
“Those bracelets are telling them,” he pointed up, indicating the Ark, “whether or not it’s safe to follow us down here.”
I looked at it in disdain, finally realizing the reason to why the guards even bothered with those petty things, “wait, you telling me those motherfuckers are monitoring our every move?”
“How the hell do you even know about this?”
“I overheard Clarke Griffin talking about it,”
“Dr. Griffin’s daughter?” he nodded. I scoffed, “Of course she would know.” I eyed him, “how are we gonna get those pieces of shits off?”
“We’re gonna break them off,” he pointed behind him at the long nosed kid who stepped up with a piece of metal bar from the Drop Ship in his hands.
“Sounds painful,” I remarked, eyes darting from the piece of metal bar, to the boy holding it, to Bellamy and then back.
“You want the Ark to think your dead, here’s your chance,” Bellamy persuaded.
I narrows my eyes at him in thought. This was finally my chance to be freed of those power hungry assholes. I can finally be freed of my past, to make a fresh start. All it took was removing one little petty problem. I stared at the bracelet. The council has sent us here to die. They didn’t care that the radiations might’ve killed us. We were gonna die one of those days anyway. Killing us early was just dealing with a burden and saving more Oxygen.
No one from the Ark should know that the Earth is survivable. They don’t deserve to know. If all the bracelets were removed, then they will think that we all died of radiation. No one would come. Then we can all have our own fresh starts away from the Ark’s unfair rules. Away from Jaha, Kane, and the rest of the self-righteous bastards.
I gave a nod in agreement, “time to start smashing, then”
“Like the sound of that,” the long nosed boy drawled, nodding for me to follow. He bent down by a rock and I leaned down across from him. I laid my left hand on its flat surface as he placed the tip of the metal bar by the edge of the bracelet, “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Let’s get this shit over with,” he counted to three before leaning down on the bar making the bottom part of the bracelet dig painfully into my skin as the top part was pushed up to break it apart from the bottom. I gritted my teeth at the excruciating pain in my wrist. I can feel the needles being forced away from my skin. The long nosed boy cursed as he put more pressure on the bar making the pain increase ten times worse.
“Murphy, what’s taking so long?” Bellamy asked angrily. Murphy growled as he put even more pressure increasing the pain ten times more, making me feel as if my wrist was gonna break at any second.
“This fucking thing isn’t coming off!” Murphy cursed as he stopped. I sighed in relief as the pain subsided a bit.
“What do you mean it won’t come off?” Bellamy growled as he bent down beside me and taking my wrist in his hands, inspecting my bracelet, “we got the others in few seconds. Here, let me do it,” Bellamy snatched the metal bar from Murphy’s hands and did the same thing as Murphy did. After a few minutes I was left with a bloody hand and a bracelet still attached to my wrist.
“I thought you shitheads said you could remove those damned things,” I said through gritted teeth.
“We did, I took my own damn bracelet off,” Murphy shouted angrily.
“Well move your ass and take this bitch off of me,” I shouted back.
“He can’t,” Bellamy said as he checked out my bracelet, wiping some of the smeared blood for a closer look.
“The hell he can’t…”
“Look,” he motioned for Murphy to take a closer look, “there’s some sort of a tree symbol on this,”
“Tree symbol?” I snatched my hand away from him, looking at the symbol he was talking about. Right there on the bottom of the bracelet was a symbol of a familiar tree. I felt my blood boil in an unimaginable pain. “GODDAMN YOU, KANE!” I shouted, kicking the dirt in anger. That son of a bitch, seems to never stop being a constant pain in my ass.
“What the hell’s Kane got to do with this?” Bellamy asked, looking pissed.
“That assholes is involve with every goddamn shitty thing in my life,” I growled walking away, ignoring Bellamy’s order for me to comeback.

Marching through the woods for a while, I found myself by a small creek. I reached down washing the blood off of my arm before taking a long sip. The water was fresh. Its sweet taste helped calm me.
I sighed, looking at the bracelet in defeat. Guess I’m just gonna have to live with this. Unless I chop my arm off, which I’m not crazy enough to do, I could do nothing else about it. Seems like Metal bracelets are the new fashion trends this year.
Looking around the creek bed, a long branch caught my attention. I grabbed it, balancing it on my hand. It was about 6 feet long. It was smooth free of any twists and shockingly dry.

A seven year old held a small toy in her hand. She grinned showing a missing front tooth. “Milano, who’s this?”
“This is a native boy,” he replied as he picked her up setting her on his lap.
“You mean he’s a Native American?” she asked in her little voice.
“That’s the one,”
The little girl trailed her hand along the toy, tracing the figure with her fingers. She pointed to the curved weapon he held in his hand, “what’s this?”
“That’s a bow”
“What’s that?”
“It was a type of weapon the Natives used to use” he replied, patiently.
“It looks funny,” she exclaimed, “Why not use guns?”
He chuckled, “they didn’t know about guns back then, bambina ( kid)”
“The Americans had guns, you told me so,”
“Si ( yes), I did. You see, before the colonial times, the Natives didn’t know about any sorts of guns. They used handmade weapons like Tomahawks, spears, and bows.”
“How did they use their Bows?”
He pointed to the strap at the Native’s back, “You see this? It’s called a quiver. It carries those little feathered sticks called Arrows. That’s what they used to use to shoot the bow with”
“Whoa, that sounds so cool,” she exclaimed, “can you teach me how to make and shoot one, please?” she begged.
Milano shook his head sadly, “sorry, kiddo. We don’t have any type of wood in here,” she sighed sadly. Milano looked pained at her disappointed face. “I have some old videos though,” she perked up instantly.
“Really? Can I see them, please? Pretty please!”
“Yes, yes, mio dio ( my god), fine!”
“Yaaay!” she cheered making him laugh.
End Flash back!

Two hours later, I was sat by a fire that I had built, putting the last touches to my bow. It was a bit of a struggle to find the materials to finish the bow. Especially finding a bird’s nest to get feathers for fletching for the arrows. But I managed. The whole time I was ignoring the obnoxious delights of the other delinquents. Bellamy had decided to host a ceremony to remove all the wrist bands. He’s got the crowd’s approval that’s for sure.
"What the hell are you doing?" I heard a voice shout.
“We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?” Bellamy replied back smoothly. I looked at the commotion to see a brown skinned kid pushing his way through the rowdy crowd to face Bellamy. I know that face anywhere. Wells Jaha, the son of Chancellor Jaha.
“It looks like you’re trying to get us all killed,” he replied back. “The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think we’re dying, that it’s not safe for them to follow.”
“I say screw them all. They had it coming,” I drawled from where I was sitting.
He rounded on me, “how can you say that? Those aren’t just our friends and our parents up there. They’re our farmers, our doctors, our engineers!”
Gritting my teeth, I jumped to my feet so I was standing eye to eye with him. “Who the hell you think you are, boy?” I growled, pushing him roughly making him stumble back a few steps. “What? Daddy finally got sick of your whiny ass and sent you to die with us,” I pushed him again, “news flash boy, your daddy may have been the Chancellor up there, but there’s no way in hell you’re gonna be the Chancellor here. Your royalty days are over!” shouts of ‘yeah’s’ echoed around the crowd.
“This isn’t about me or my father,” he shouted, “this about the people on the Ark. They must know that we’re alive. We need their help or we’ll never make it” I scoffed, but before I could retort Bellamy beat me to it.
“We can take care of ourselves, can’t we?” he addressed the crowd and they shouted their agreement.
“You think this is a game? I don’t care what he tells you,” he turned to address the crowd, “We won’t survive here on our own, and besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want the rest of our people to come down?” I rose my eyebrows at his use of “Our People.” I didn’t have any recollection of there ever been a unity in the ark. It was always divided. You’ve got the privileged who are obviously Jaha’s inner circle, the doctors, and guards. Then you’ve got the lowlifes which were the working people and under. I don’t see how that makes it “Our People”. Plus, my “People” were already dead. Apparently, that was something, and could be the only thing, that Bellamy agrees with me.
“My people already are down. Those people locked my people up,” he said, “Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that.” He continued, pointing an accusing finger at Wells.
“My father didn’t write the laws,” Wells argued.
“No. He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws,” Shouts of agreement rolled around the crowd. He continued, “Here, we do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want. Now, you don’t have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, kill me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want.” Soon everyone started chanting “whatever the hell we want!”
I smirked. I started liking this Bellamy. Yeah he was a dick most of the time and a complete asshole, but not bad of a leader. Better than having Baby Chancellor leading us that’s for sure. Although, I feel like the idea of “whatever the hell we want!” could backfire one day. Hope that day doesn’t come anytime soon. I’m enjoying the free life right now.
Suddenly, the sky flashed as a loud crack filled the sky followed by water droplets. I looked at the sky in wonder. It was raining. Real rain water was falling from the sky, soaking me from head to toes in seconds. I closed my eyes leaning my head back with a smile, enjoying the feeling of the rain falling over me.
I love Earth!