Status: in progress

Don't Fear The Reaper

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Chapter Text
When I reached my tent, I found that no one had bothered with lightning the fire back. They were all still snoring away in their dream land. As soon as I had it let I started warming up my hands.
My stomach grumbled in hunger. I sighed deeply. Tomorrow I’m gonna have to get up early and scout around the area for some food. If the water from the creek had tasted fresh and I haven’t felt any kind of pain that indicates that it was poisonous, then there must be some other eatable things out there that we can all survive from.
Leaves crunched as Murphy strolled over with a merry strut in his steps. He let out a tired groan as he took a seat beside me. He was rolling Wells’ bracelet around his hand with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Ain’t cha a happy camper,” I drawled out sarcastically. He chuckled tossing the wrist band into the fire. We didn’t talk for a while, each stuck with our own thoughts. After sometime staring into the fire, I felt his eyes fall on me. I looked up and caught his eyes. Instead of looking away like many others have done before, he kept his eyes steady on my own. Blue on brown. I raised a brow, “want me to find you a camera so you can take a picture?!”
He chuckled and finally looked back to the fire. His eyes kept shifting from the fire to me back and forth. To tell the truth, it was starting to get on my last nerves.
“Out with it,” I half snapped. He stared hard at me then he shifted his gaze down to my wrist band.
“How come you’re the only one with a locked bracelet around here?” He asked.
“Well, I guess it’s because of the fact that I’m a…” I trailed off looking both ways pretending to care if there were anyone eavesdropping in on our conversation. I leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear, “a murderer!” I leaned back with wide eyes, still keeping up with my sarcastic act. He rolled his eyes.
“What’s your deal with Kane, anyway?” I inwardly stiffened at the question, but on the outside I kept a nonchalant face. He continued, “I mean, hell, almost everyone here is a murderer. Yet, we still managed to easily take our wrist bands off,” he looked at me with narrowed eyes, “what makes you so special that drove Kane to get out of his way just to make a bracelet with a lock just for you.”
“Careful, there, Blue eyes, I might start to think you’re getting jealous of the attention little old me is receiving from the Councilman,” I smiled sarcastically. He rolled his eyes with a scoff. I suddenly stared at him seriously, no traces of jokes or smiles on my face, “listen well now, pretty boy, ‘cause I ain’t gonna repeat myself again, ya hear? My business is none of your business. Most importantly, my business with Councilman Kane is gonna stay between Kane and I. Don’t ever try to stick that large nose of yours in places it shouldn’t again, capische?” I stood up, not waiting to hear a response from him. Pulling my arrow quiver over my head and picking up my bow, I walked away into the forest.
Five minutes into my walk, I heard a whimpering sound followed by some hushing noises. I narrowed my eyes and tightened my grip on my bow knotting an arrow in place as I silently made my way to where I heard the noises. There was a sniffling sound and some harsh breathing followed by some more hushing coming from behind the bushes a few feet away from me. I pushed away the bushes and pointed my bow at the same time. There were a few gasps. I was prepared for an attack or something along the lines… but seeing three defenseless kids? That, I was not expecting… At all!
They were all little girls not older than twelve years of age; all three of them were huddled together tightly seeking warmth from each other. The only blonde had tears streaming down her flushed cheeks as the two brunets comforted her.
“I’m sorry, please don’t hurt us,” the blonde stammered. I furred my eyebrows in confusion not sure if what I’m seeing is real or not.
“Please, we didn’t mean to disturb you, miss, we are really sorry,” she kept going, “we’ll try to be quieter, please don’t hurt us!”
I was finally shaken out of my daze as one of the brunets let out a quiet sub, before widening her eyes and slapping a hand on her mouth to stifle the sound.
“What the hell?!” I whispered to myself, still not sure as to why there were three little girls sitting in front of me, on earth of all the places.
“We’re so sorry, we didn…”
“Tut, tut, tut,” I cut her off with a wave, “how did you girls get down here?”
“The-they sent us,”
“The Council?” she nodded. “Why, your children!”
“They said that we-we’re criminals,”
“Criminals?” I frowned, “did you kill anyone?” they all shook their heads vigorously with wide eyes. “Stole anything?” again, they shook their heads. “Then, what?”
“I-I, when, uh,” the blonde stammered again, tears brimming in her eyes. I crouched down on one knee, putting a comforting hand on her tiny shoulder.
“Hey, you can tell me,” I tried to reassure her, although to tell the truth, I had no idea what I was doing.
“Whe-when they floated my p-parents, I…“ She trailed off letting out a little sob, “I-, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I don’t know what came over me, I just…”
“You lost control and attacked a guard?” I guessed and she nodded. I shook my head in disgust. Is this the order Jaha wanted to have in his precious Ark. Locking children for grieving for their parents. I looked at their wrist bands. Those kids have only unintentionally assaulted a guard while grieving over the loss of their parents. They don’t deserve to be locked up.
“Get up,” I ordered standing to my feet. They looked at me fearfully, “it’s okay, I’m not gonna harm you.” They looked at one another, unsure. “Common,” I ordered again as I stood back to my too feet and started making my way back to my tent, not waiting for them. A second later, I heard their tiny feet padding gently on the ground as they followed a few paces behind me. When I reached my tent area, I wasn’t shocked to see that Murphy has made himself comfortable by laying down by the fire right across from my tent entrance. I reached out and pulled back the flap with my bow. “In,” they looked at me in fear as if I told them I was gonna kill them on the spot, “go on, I’m not gonna bite,” they looked at one another again, unsure, before the blonde bravely walked in. Soon the other two followed suit. “You three can sleep in here. It’s warmer then outside,” they looked at me, in disbelief.
“Thank you,” the blonde whispered, gratefully. I nodded as I closed the flap and went back to take watch by the fire.
As soon as I was confortable, Murphy turned over, his eyes glaring daggers into me.
“You said you weren’t gonna share your tent with anyone,” he accused, “you let those three girls in.”
“Oopsie, I lied,” I gave him a sarcastic reply. He grumbled, I rolled my eyes at his childish act, “quit your pouting, Blue eyes, it’s not fitting a man of your age,”
“Ha, ha!” he laughed dryly. We were interrupted by sounds of some girl giggling loudly. Some delinquents who were already asleep and were woken by her laugh, grumbled angrily at her as they tried to muffle the sound with their hands on their ears.
Across the way, Bellamy emerged from the forest hand in hand with some brunet who only had on a pair of pants and a sports bra. Bellamy whispered something in her ear making her giggle again. He lead her towards the drop ship entrance that was covered by a parachute as a make shift door. Bellamy held the flap open for her and she brushed her hand across his chest as she made her way in with Bellamy’s eyes following her swinging hips. He went to close the flap behind him as he went in, when our eyes met. I looked at where the girl went in then back to Bellamy before I scrunched my nose in disgust when I realized what he was obviously up to. Bellamy smirked boyishly, winking slyly at me before closing the flap behind him.
“Well, at least he’s gonna get some,” Murphy grumbled wistfully.
I looked at him, disgusted; I think I just threw up a little in my mouth!