How I Won the Love Deal


The dreadful reality of life is that nothing stays the same. Forever is not a reality. If there were no changes, life would simply be boring and monotonous. Changes make life adventurous. A thrilling ride, to be enjoyed.
Without change, there would be no spring to enjoy the smell of flowers and no winter to make a snowman out of ice. Change kept the world moving, why then do we hate it so.
I – Liana Marie Stan – love changes, but still despise that one change, which turned my life upside down and left me breathless and bare.
Asher Lawler was supposed to be my best friend, the one who would walk with me through my ups and the downs, the one who‘d bring me up when I was down. Yeah, that didn‘t happen.
We became enemies, arch rivals, nemeses, if you will.
How? Long story.
I should‘ve known. Change is inevitable!
I miss Asher, sometimes. It is difficult to let go of a person who made your life easier and happier.
Asher is no longer that nice boy who picked me plums from the trees in the park. He isn‘t the boy who saves the last piece of chocolate for me. (Right there, that‘s the biggest problem). He isn‘t anymore the caring boy who promised to take care of me forever or the boy who fought off the bullies.
Now he was the bully.
I miss my old friend – my Ashy – the boy I loved in my childhood days; the boy who had filled my life with happiness.
Change… It happens when you least expect it and it happened again, in the form of a deal Asher made with me.
A love deal.
Asher should‘ve known. Change is inevitable!