Fallen Defense

An Unwanted Promotion

Leonardo shoves the door to Cedric's office open. The man looks up from his paperwork slightly amused. He calmly sets pen down and folds hands in front of his face.

"So, how did it go?"

"Better than expected. She managed to set aside her pride and in the end, we were successful." Leonardo tosses the severed head on the desk with a smirk. Cedric looks slightly surprised. He uses pen to push head aside.

"So, she actually took orders from you? That's quite unexpected."

"Well, maybe you should give her more credit. She's capable of many things." His voice is slightly bitter.

"You see, Evelyn is a very complicated girl." Cedric stands and looks out window. "Ever since she was brought here at the age of three. She rarely listens to me, and it's been twenty years."

"Twenty years and she's still only a Lieutenant Colonel? Don't you think you're being a little too hard on her?

"My soldiers are my business General Mastumoto. She forces me to be this hard on her."

"You're right. I am a General. A Lieutenant General. Which, if I am correct, is one rank above yours Cedric. Listen closely. I came here for a reason, and since I out rank you, my word is final. Got that?"

"Given that she is also like my daughter, I will handle her as I see fit. I need to keep her on the leash she is on. Those who are old enough to remember, but young enough not to understand must be kept this way." He turns back around to find Leonardo right in his face. "Is this all you had to report today?"

"Give her the promotion she deserves or I will take her from you and do it myself. Don't believe me? I have a paper here in my back pocket. All it needs is a signature and she is no longer under your command. Those above you have already signed it, so don't think you can just overturn it." Cedric smirks. Leonardo's pull back in a snarl before his fist connects with other man's face.

"Fine. Take her. But good luck controlling her."

"That's the thing Cedric. She doesn't need to be controlled." Leonardo turns and storms out of room. He runs right into a very cross looking Evelyn. A deep sigh escapes his lips then he smiles. "Well, hello there sunshine. From now on, you will report to me for orders OK?"

"I don't think so. I heard your little chat. I may belong to your little group now, but I will never take orders from a weak creature like yourself. Humans do not give orders to angels." Her voices comes out as a hiss.

"Weak? I'm the strongest one here."

"Care to prove that? Fight me right now!"

"Oh baby, you couldn't touch me even if you tried your hardest."

"Don't call me baby."

"Whatever you say baby. I'll see you at noon for the meeting." He pats her on head before walking away.

Noon comes and goes. Evelyn never shows. Some of Leonardo's men laugh and make snide remarks.

"Told you she wouldn't show."

"What good are angels anyway? We can handle this on our own."

"Yeah! Who needs them?"

"She's right outside listening." Leonardo lies with a slight smirk. "Anyway, this meeting is over. You all may go." The group stands and salutes before leaving. Leonardo picks up file from podium and walks back into the main building. After traveling up the two flights of stairs, he stops outside of the door of the room across the room from his own. He knocks two times before the door slowly eases open. "Missed you at the meeting today." Evelyn looks up from the sword she is polishing and rolls eyes. "Wow, you actually made eye contact with me this time! Impressive!"

"What do you want human?"

"Actually, the name is Leonardo, Leo, RedX, whichever you prefer. I just came to bring you this." He lays file down on her bed. "A class S was spotted north of here. It needs to be dealt with immediately. Since you are now my Major General, I thought I would ask you first to join me." Evelyn picks up the file, and with a smirk, tosses it across room. It slides underneath her dresser. "Well, I take that a no. If you change your mind, come find me."

"Sure thing. I'll do that." Rolls eyes again. "Have fun. Try not to get killed." She lies back on bed and goes back to polishing sword.

"Trust me, I won't. By the way. That is the wrong polish for that type of metal. Use this." He places a small blue can by her and walks out of room. She looks down at it and up at the door. Sits up crossing arms.

"What game is he getting at?"