Come Running Through Rivers

There Are So Many Answers That We'll Never Know

As the years went on, Mina's father accepted an offer from the Allfather himself to become a member of the kingsguard. Her brother, Oli, followed in the footsteps of his father and became a fierce warrior. Mina, on the other hand, threw herself into her studies. She loved literature and poetry more than absolutely anything. While Oli went on adventures with Thor, Lady Sif, and the warriors three, Mina spent her time reading and writing. Once Frigga learned of Mina’s poetic talents and thirst for knowledge, she invited her to have open access to the palace libraries. Of course, Mina spent many of her days taking her up on that offer.

She also grew to be friends with the daughter of the woman who healed her, a girl a little older than her named Arya Myndilsdóttir. Oftentimes, Queen Frigga would let them borrow books, and on days when Arya was busy with her work as a healer, Mina would walk a mile through the forest behind her house to read on a high branch overlooking the woods. Most of the time, it was quiet, but every now and again, Oli and his friends would pass.

One day they passed a few minutes before Prince Loki did.

Loki stood below Mina's tree, not noticing she was there. She glanced down at him and watched him intently. After a moment of silence as he looked around, she decided to finally spoke up.
"They went northwest."
Loki jumped in surprise and looked up. Mina set her book down on her lap and pointed through the trees.

"It should not take you long to catch up. They were following a group of men, I think. They went by too fast for me to catch who it was." She continued, "Anyways, they should be coming back soon enough, if you would rather wait."

He continued to look up at her, and asked, "How do you know they’ll be back?"
"Because Oli promised me that he would be back soon, and that we were going to spend time together before our father comes home." She answered with a smile.
"He sounds like a great brother." Loki commented, "I wouldn't expect Thor to do things like that for me."
"He has his moments." She said simply, "Every older brother can be a right pain at times."
"You're telling me." Loki chuckled, earning a smile from Mina.

The two were quiet for a moment, before Loki asked, “So, what are you reading?”
“A book your mother lent me.” Mina replied, turning so that she was facing him, “I told her that I would have it back to her before the end of the week, but I might have to ask her if we could change that. I did not realise the day it would be due would be the day of your brother’s big day.”
Loki’s smile dropped for a second, but he very quickly composed himself. “I can speak with her, if you wish.” He suggested, “I doubt that she would disagree.”
“Thank you for the offer.” She said warmly, “But I am to visit her tomorrow for tea. I will mention it then.”
“You are welcome, my lady.” Loki grinned up at her.

After a moment of quiet, Loki finally said, “I am sorry if I interrupted your quiet time, miss.”
Mina glanced at him. Though the two of them have tried to rekindle their friendship, there was still a bit of awkward strain between them. It was not nearly the same as when they were children reading in the library. “No,” She replied softly, “You’re fine, Loki. I was getting lonely, anyways.”
“I take it that your friends are busy?”

“Yes, they are,” Mina replied, preparing to jump off of the tree, “And I have been alone all morning. However, my father thinks that I need to be more sociable, and you make fairly good company, my prince. Feel free to stay, if you wish."
"Now, Mina. I told you years ago to just call me Loki." Loki smirked, offering a hand to her.
She thanked him as he helped her down, but continued, "You are still royalty, Loki, and I am still just the daughter of a guardsman."
"Your father is very important." Loki defended, "Between that and his former service as a fighter, you may as well be considered nobility."
"Be that as it may, I do wish to cause any trouble. And besides, that was years ago. Things have changed, we’re no longer children.”

Loki frowned slightly and said, “The offer still stands. Nobody would take issue with it, save for the Allfather. I doubt your brother addresses my brother in such a way.”
“Your brother and my brother have been close since childhood, Loki. Their situation is much different than ours.” Mina sighed.
“It doesn’t have to be.” Loki said quietly.
After another silence, Mina spoke, “I suggest that we drop the subject. The others are coming back.”
Sure enough, the group was on their way, Thor and Oli leading the way, with Sif and the Warriors Three shortly behind them.

"Did you win?" Mina asked her brother.
Oli sighed. "Nope. Blasted bastards outnumbered us. It doesn't matter, though. We still could have won if we wanted to.”
"You just keep telling yourself that." Mina giggled, helping her brother get off of his horse. He suffered her hair in jest, before saying, “You weren’t there, now, were you?”
"I see you have some company." Fandral spoke up, glancing at Loki. Loki stood up a bit straighter, preparing to be mocked.

Mina nodded, "He was going to find you lot, but he chose to settle for my company, instead."
"I wouldn't call it settling, my lady." Fandral replied, getting off of his horse.
Oli gave Fandral a look, before looking at Mina, "Ready to go? It’s nearly time for supper."
Mina nodded, and the siblings said their goodbyes. Loki still seemed sad when they left.


“I am not sure how I feel about you visiting Loki alone.”
Mina glanced up at her brother from across the dinner table. Oli continued, between bites, “You are my baby sister, and he is known for his lies. I just don’t wish to see you get hurt.”

Their father, who was usually the quiet type, piped up. “Be careful of how you speak of the prince. If it weren’t for the Allfather, there would be no food on this table.

“I just think that Loki is not the best company for you to keep.” Oli said curtly.

Mina raised an eyebrow, and he went back to eating. Finally, she spoke up. “Loki is but a friend, and a distant one at that. And I do not think he would hurt me, especially considering how much Queen Frigga has taken interest in me.”

“Be careful.” Oli replied, defeated, before excusing himself from the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just like the title of the story, credit to the title goes to Carrie Hope Fletcher.