The Castle and Other Stories

The Castle

It was mid-summer. The Sun was shining high in the sky. Eva was feeling very sleepy. Hazy-day, she called it. She could hear crickets chirping and the wind was blowing softly all around. Eva was lying on a patch of grass. The wind was making waves on the grass, to and fro, to and fro. Soon it would be time to go home. She started drawing on the grass.

Now, let?s see...What was his name? He was new in town. There had been a festival, and she had seen him there. She had not hoped to see anyone interesting, but, her friends had called her over to introduce him. What was his name? Ke...Keven, that was it. It was a very unusual name. Not as unusual as his eyes though, an unearthly blue. She remembered...oh, too well. He had looked at her...and she had been mesmerised by what she saw in his eyes. Then, he had looked away, and she had been so disappointed.

With a sigh, she got up. It was five o?clock, almost time her father came home. She weaved her way through the long grass and hummed a song as she made her way slowly home.

“Mama, where are you?” Eva?s voice rang out in sing-song tones as she reached her home. Her Mum came bustling out, wiping her hands on her apron.

“Eva, where have you been?” she said. “Your friends were here looking for you. They are organising a play, or something, and wanted to talk with you”.

“Oh, Mama, why didn?t you ask them to stay?” Eva asked, sitting down on the nearest sofa. Her Mum looked at her affectionately.

“Iris will come back later tonight”, she said.

“Thanks Mama!” Eva jumped up and gave her mother a hug, and then hummed under her breath as she danced into her room. She thought...ah...Keven...Keven with the mysterious eyes...what was it that she saw in his eyes? Was it really there? Or just a dream?

She lay on her bed, and thought...Keven...Keven...Kev...

“Eva, Iris is here!” Eva?s mother knocked softly at her door. “Eva! Eva! Oh, she?s asleep!” Her mother went in and gently shook her. “Eva! Eva!Iris is here!”

“Uh...uh...,” Eva mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. Then, “Iris!”, she exclaimed, “Why didn?t you wake me earlier, Mama?” she exclaimed, and ran to the bathroom to wash her face. She wiped her face dry with the towel, and went to meet Iris, humming softly under her breath.

“Eva, what are you thinking?” Iris and Eva were lazily lying on the grass, staring up at the sky.

“Hmmm...?” Eva rolled over on her side. “Nothing.”

“Eva, tell me! You have to tell me!”

Eva looked very interested in the journey an ant was making on her arm. “What do you think of Keven?” she asked nonchalantly.

“Who?” asked Iris. “Oh, him. He?s ok. Why?”

“No, nothing,” said Eva, annoyed at herself for bringing the topic up. “No, tell me,” said Iris. “Do you like him?”

Eva grinned foolishly. “A little,” she said. “He reminds of...I don?t know ...of princes, and palaces, and wizards and mermaids. There?s his eyes...he?s so young, but seems so wise...”

“A little, huh?” Iris was laughing. “You?ve fallen hard!”

Since it was summertime, Eva spent a lot of time outdoors with her friends. She was enrolled in a Creative Arts degree from a college nearby, but seemed to spend most of her time in the long grass chatting with Iris and the others. It was during that time that they came to know of the Midsummer night?s festival that was to be held soon.

“We can perform the play there”, said Iris excitedly, “It?s an ideal stage for it.”

“Yeah,” said Eva, staring off into the distance.

“Keven will probably be there”, said Iris, with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Don?t you want to meet him again?”

“Do you really think so?” Eva was excited now too. “Yeah, it would be great if he turned up to watch the play”, and she clapped her hands together gleefully.

Their play was progressing well. It was a brief comedy sketch based on some of the characters in their town – the local scene was the background for it. Rehearsals happened in the open air, and the long grasses of their favourite un-mowed haunts, followed by chat sessions, that were mainly about the (lack of) boys (or men) in the area. At which time Eva would drift off into a world of her own and her friends would roll their eyes in mock annoyance.

Soon enough it would be time to head home. Eva and Iris would make their way back to Eva?s house. Iris? Mum would pick her up from there.

Eva was humming was Midsummer night. Midsummer night was celebrated by a festival, laughter and song. She was getting dressed for it. Now...would the blue dress look better or the green one? They were both nice.

Keven...she thought of his green...a shudder ran up her spine...was it a coincidence that the dress would match his eyes? She laughed uncertainly. Keven...Keven...

The festival was at full pace when she reached. She had spotted him, on the opposite side of the circle of dancing. Soon, it was time for their play, and with much fanfare it progressed. Loud applause broke out at the finish – it was over too soon, but what a grand success it was!

Eva changed back into her green-blue dress, and then looked around again – could she spot him now? “Eva!” Iris ran up panting beside her. “Don?t you want to dance?” And she was pulled into the dancing melee.

Later on in the night she looked for him but could not see him anywhere. It was so warm...a soft breeze was blowing and softer music playing...There were woods nearby, so she decided to go for a walk.

She skirted the dancers and entered the woods. The Moonlight was bouncing off everything, giving off an unearthly glow. She walked a while, then sat on a tree trunk and waited...for what? What was she hoping for? She had left him at the Festival, he would not come...

But the wind was blowing his name...and the trees singing of love...and he came. He came and stood before her. And it was as though she knew what he was about to say.

“Are you ready, my Love?” And she knew what to say.

“Yes. I have waited so long for you. Why did you take so long? I waited and waited, and you never came.”

“I have come. And it is not too late. There is work to do. We must go. Are you ready?”

“Yes. I have been ready for a long time.”

He took her hand, and together they walked away from the festival lights, into the darkness of the woods.

His name was Roven. He was a magician, the greatest, he thought of himself. And...He had the Orb. Ah...

He took it into his hand and looked into it. It would make him the most powerful in the Universe, the greatest of all Time! He would wreak havoc, destroy and dominate entire Existence itself.

But...there was something he needed...Ah, a girl. An Earthly girl. And he knew where to find her. She had come into his Sphere of sight. With Keven...that One would be trouble, he would. But, ah Roven would triumph, of course, he had the Orb...and he would enjoy the conquest, given the Prize. He paced his tiny room and smiled...a chilling smile...

Eva thought she was dreaming. All around her were little...people. With wings? She rubbed her hands across her eyes. No, they were still there. She looked around. Where was Keven? She had walked into the woods with him, and after a while had felt tired. They had rested under a tree and

she had fallen asleep.

Only to wake

But what was here? Acres of lush grasses and exotic trees. She had never seen such a beautiful landscape. And there was something in the distance. She could not quite make it had what looked like towers, and flying from them there were...flags?


She looked around.

“Hi Keven”. The way he said her made her heart overflow with such love. He was not handsome, in the general way...but he had...something. It was as though a part of him already knew a part of her,and when they had met, it was as though they were renewing an older and much deeper relationship.

“Keven, where are we? And are these real? Those little faery-pixie elves?”

For there were faeries and pixies gazing out at Eva from the grasses. One ran up to her and tugged on her toe, and she said “Hallo!” to it and laughed.

Keven looked at her, and there was something in the way that he smiled and gazed at her that made her remember castles...flowing, singing water...and princes...

He said, “They are real. As real as you and me”. And he smiled...that smile...that gaze...

“Ahem.” She cleared her throat and forced herself to look away from him.

“Is that a castle? Way over there?”

“Yes”. He looked at her. “It is my home.”

“Who are you?” she asked, scared of what she expected him to say.

“My name is Keven Loc Uvon. My father is the King Erik Loc Uvon. He is the King of this country. This is my home. I was born here 25 years ago and have lived here all my life. But now my country is facing the biggest threat it has ever known – from within.”

Eva looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He gazed at her from beneath those lashes...those eyes...she felt her heart turn over with love.

“His name is Roven. He is the evillest man to ever have lived on this land. He wishes to turn all our existences into ashes. He is evil beyond anything you have ever known”.

Eva felt a cold chill run down her spine. Suddenly, the landscape seemed was as though a shadow had fallen across it.

Eva was almost asleep. They had walked to the castle, a grand old building it was. Keven had introduced her to the King, and Queen, his parents. They had welcomed her with open arms and she felt so loved here. They would be spending the night at the castle, and she had a wonderful luxurious room all to herself.

Eva could see the stars outside in the night sky. They were twinkling softly, like gems. She felt herself falling asleep...

Suddenly, a dark shadow reached out for her...she could feel it reaching, reaching. She tried to scream, but felt gagged. She fought it, fought it...and then it loosened its hold, and slowly crept away. She woke up trembling...had that been a dream? She felt suffocated. Keven was in the next room.

She pattered to the door, pulling on a robe. Quietly, she opened the door and looked out. Seeing nobody there, she softly tapped on the door of the room next to hers. Soon, she heard a pattering of feet on the floor, just as she had made, and the door opened.

“Keven...” and then she was in his arms, crying and trembling, and he was comforting her. “Keven, I want to go home. I cannot do this, even...even for you...”

Keven held her softly till the trembling lessened.

“Come inside,” he whispered. They walked together and sat down on his bed. “Eva, it is not only for me. It is entire existence that is at stake. If Roven wins, then evil as you have never dreamt of will overtake not only this land, but yours, and others as well. And you are the only one who can stop him. He wants you as you are the only one in the world who can make the Orb function – for Good or for him. He will come for you tonight. We must stop him. Eva, I will help you. Eva, I know you can do it. Eve...Eva...” She looked at him. “Eva, I meant to tell you this a long time ago. I don?t know what help it will be. Eva, I

love you.”

Eva looked out at the stars. Was there a message there? She felt a strength enter her mind. She felt resolve harden her. She looked at Keven.

“I am ready...but you have to be there. Otherwise, I cannot do it.” Keven gazed at her...that gaze...

“I will always be with you.” And she felt her strength return with his smile.

Eva was lying in her bed, she could, in a weird way, feel herself breathe. It was as if she was outside her own body, looking in. Keven was nowhere to be seen...but she could feel him in her mind, sending comfort, and love...such love. She could almost feel herself drifting away...over the fields and valleys, to the the...No! She felt fear as she had never known or imagined could exist. He was there, the evil one...she felt him come into her mind...No! No! No!

She tried to push him back, but he was still there. She tried to scream and shout, and he was laughing. Tears rolled down her face as, with fading strength she said, “”

He was doing unspeakable things and she felt fear, wild and incapacitating fear. ...Then, Keven was there. They fought together against the evil one. Keven was holding her hand, and they fought. The shadows closed in...and they could see the Orb, shining and splendid.

Eva reached out, and fear enveloped her as the feeling of defilement the evil one had caused, rushed back over her again. But Keven was there...he told her, reach...reach...reach...and she flew, and then they were both flying, she and Keven...flying so high...and she reached...and

then, it was hers. They heard a deafening cry as Eva thrust the Orb at the vanquished demon, and he howled till he didn?t exist at all anymore.

A trembling sigh shook the base of the Earth. The shadows receded, slowly, slowly...and then the Sun was shining again. Eva opened her eyes and looked around. There were bees and humming-birds and flowers bowing down at her feet. Sobs shook her body, and then slowly, after the initial shock, she felt a deep elation spread through her soul as Keven was there, holding her so hard it almost hurt. Then, he was crying too, and they held each other as their cleansing tears fell on the Earth.

Now it is Summer again, and Eva and Keven are making marriage plans. She knows that he is completely besotted by her, not only for what she is, but also for what she has brought him. He knows that what she has done was for His Love they sit side by side on the hilltop, the flowers bloom and the lush grass spreads across the valleys – and the world sings only of their love abounding.

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