Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Hurmrph pancakes

"Maddie wait," Brendon called out. It was around 1:30 that morning; Maddie had her bag and tears streamed down her face as she was walking out of Brendon's house, and being followed by a half-naked Brendon.

"No," she said, not even looking back at him.

"Come on, you know I was a bit drunk! I would have never done that to you if I wasn't," he said, still following close behind her. She stopped and spun around viciously.

"You were basically sober! I was more drunk than you! You took advantage of me!"

"Come on you know I didn't mean it, please," he pleaded. She ignored him, spinning on her heels and walking the other direction. "How are you getting home," he commented, making her stop dead in her tracks. She turned back around and looked at him.

"Simple, you're driving me back," she replied, getting into the passenger seat of his unlocked car. Brendon didn't want to say anymore, so he stopped arguing and went back inside, grabbed his keys, and ran back out. Instead of going to the driver's side, he walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.

"Please, just forgive me," he begged one last time.

"No, I won't! Take me home now," she demanded. He sighed, closing her door, getting into the car, and started driving her home.

A couple hours later...

"Your T.V. sucks," Pete commented to Tori.

"Why," she asked, half asleep on the floor.

"Because there's nothing on," he flipped through the channels again.

"That's because it's 3:37 in the morning," she replied looking around the room. "Where's Gerard?" Pete shrugged. Both of them got up off the couch and began to search for him. "Gerard,” they both called out, walking around the house. Not long after, they found him on the kitchen floor sleeping. Pete lightly kicked him.

"I think he's dead," he looked up at Tori.

"Let me try,” she said kneeling down besdie Gerard on the floor. "Geraaaard, I have pancakes,” she whispered in his ear.

"Hurmrph pancakes," he started talking in his sleep.

"Yes Gerard, I have pancakes. All you have to do is waaaaaake up and they will be all yours."

"Where's the syrup," he asked shooting his body up. Tori and Pete started to laugh. "You lied to me," he gasped.

"We wanted to see if you were dead."

"That wasn't nice," Gerard pouted, crossing his arms.

"Fine,” she rolled her eyes. “How 'bout we make some pancakes right now?" Both him and Pete had an ear-to-ear grin and were nodding. "Fine, start getting out all the stuff." They all stopped dead in their tracks when they heard the front door open.

"Who could that be," Gerard whispered, standing as still as possible.

"I don't know, I'll go check," Tori whispered back. She slowly tipped-toed out of the kitchen.

"I'm going to miss her," Pete whispered to Gerard.

"We should help her though," Gerard suggested, Pete just nodded. They followed close behind. Since the house was mostly pitch black, Tori, being the klutz she is, tripped and fell. Pete heard her crash and ran to find her and ended up tripping over her. A light turned on and Gerard was left standing, so to hide himself from what they thought was a burglar, he covered his face with his hands.

"That's not a robber, it's Maddie," Pete exclaimed.

"What are you doing home so soon," Tori asked, pushing Pete off her and standing up. She didn't respond, just went upstairs and slammed her door. "Wait! Come back down! We have some cake for you," Tori yelled up the stairs.

"Cake? I've been here all this time and you didn't give me cake," Pete stood up shocked. Tori looked over at Gerard and they both smirked.

"Sure. You can have the cake," Tori said without looking at her. Pete smiled. They all went back into the kitchen, this time turning on the lights, and Tori got out the single piece of cake. Pete started to gobble it down. Soon, he stopped eating it and spat it out, accidentally dropping the plate on the floor.

"Eww! That was nasty,” he screamed, scrapping off his tongue with his fingers.

"Hey wait! Did you just break one of my plates and make a mess on my clan floor," Tori matched his tone.


"What is wrong with you guys?! You're going to be cleaning it up mister," she pointed
at Pete and began to walk upstairs.

"Where are you going," Gerard asked.

"To heal Maddie."

As she walked up the stairs, the music playing in Maddie’s room became louder.

"Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true.

Tori knocked loud enough for her to hear. "Maddie, it's Tori. Let me in."

"No," she heard her scream over the music.


Maddie lowered the music.

"Come in."

She went in and saw her face down on her bed. "Why, whenever you're upset, do you listen to this song?"

"He's a thousand miles away and still says that she's pretty. It's beautiful," Maddie started crying more. Tori just shook her head and sat on the edge of her bed.

"What happened now?"

Maddie sat up on the bed before speaking. "HewasbeingajackassallbecausehisfriendwasapparentlybeingalittletoofriendlyandnowIhatehimsomuch," she said without taking a single breath.

"Ok, I know your upset, but can you slow down."

She sniffled a bit before repeating herself. "He was being a jackass all because his friend was apparently being a little too friendly and now I hate him so much," she said slower, breaking down into sobs.

"What does that all mean?"

"We went to a party at his old friend Steve's, and Steve was being really nice to me and I was being nice back, and Brendon thought that I was flirting with him and then he was all, "You were going to do it with him!," and I was like, "No I wasn’t, I’m yours!," and then he was like, "Prove it!," and then after a few minutes I knew what he meant and...and..."

"And what?"

Maddie looked at Tori for just a second, then buried her face into her pillow and cried. Tori knew exactly what happened.

"This time I'm not going to get mad at you for that. Do you want me to leave you alone for a little?"

She nodded; face still shoved in the pillow. When Tori left the room, all she heard was
pots banging downstairs.

"Gerard wait, don-"


"Quick, clean it up!"

Tori ran downstairs to find out what they did now. They were trying to open up a new bag of pancake mix and the bag ripped and it got everywhere.

"GERARD AUTHOR WAY AND PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ THE THIRD," Tori screamed, hands balled up into fists and breathing heavily.

"Oh shit," both of them said in unison.

"You are so dead!"

"Uhh...uhh...quick Gerard, arm yourself," Pete spat out quickly. He picked some of the powder up and threw it at Tori, causing her face to turn white like the other two.

"Cool! Food fight," Gerard shrieked with joy. He shoved Pete's face into his hand full of pancake mix while Tori slapped the front of Gerard's with the powder. It was madness in the kicthen for a half hour. By then, they were white from head to toe.

"I guess were not having pancakes," Gerard pointed out.

"Guess not," Pete said.

"Let's start cleaning up."

They got the dustpan back out and a couple of brooms and began to sweep the floor. It took an hour for the kitchen to be clean again.

"I'm gonna head back home so I can rinse off and get some sleep," Pete said, already starting to move to the door.

"Ok bye," Tori said, waving to him as he walked out. Pete left, leaving white footprints leading to the door. "Are you going to stay," Tori turned to Gerard. He just shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"
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comments are loved by people and zombies too!!!