Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Girlfriend, let me tell you something

"So, you do forgive me," Gerard asked Tori for the ninth time a couple days later, following close behind her as she walked down the stairs. She just rolled her eyes.

"I never said I did,” she told him without looking back at him.

"But you made it sound like you do," he added. She stopped and turned around to face.

"I'm mad at you for making Ryan break up with me," she started.


"In a sense, I'm also happy that you did," she sighed, rolling her eyes again as Gerard smiled for the thought of him winning this battle took over his head.

"So you do forgive me?"

"I never said that," she smirked, walking towards the door, leaving Gerard confused.

"But...but you just said-"

"That I'm sad and happy for what you did, but I never said that I forgave you, now did I," she cut him off, grabbing her keys.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Maddie, Joe called yesterday and he's coming here for a visit, so Maddie needs to be home," she said, opening the door.

"Can I come," Gerard asked, running up to her so he was at the door as well.

"Fine, you can come and help." He smiled happily and followed Tori at the door and into the car. After five minutes of driving, they began to discuss where she could have run off to. "Maybe shes at the park," Tori said, thinking she knew where she was.

"You have known her basically all your life and all you think about is shes at the park? Girlfriend, let me tell you something," Gerard began, "for the month and a half that I've known her, I know exactly where she ran off too."

"Oh yeah, well where is she, Mister Smarty Pants," she said with a tone in her voice saying I-bet-you-dont-even-remember-your-own-address.

"She's at Pete's, duh!"

Tori blinked, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her, and then changed her direction towards Pete's house. "If you're right, Gerard, I will totally forgive you." That's when Gerard started to pray that he was right. Tori parked the car in Pete's driveway and they both got out and up to the front door. Using Gerards logic, Tori started banging on the front door and called Maddie repeatedly.

"Maddie, I know youre in there! Come out here right now!"


Maddie lifted her head up groggily from the pillow where its original location was and rubbed her eyes. She listened closely, and then let out a frustrated groan. "Pete," she called out. He emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and hair wet.


"Someone's at the door," she let her head plop back down on the pillow and closed her eyes tight. Pete stayed standing, listening closely. He heard the banging, but was trying to make out what the person was saying.

"I'm getting the feeling that it's Tori," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbed Maddies back. She took her pillow and pushed it on top of her head.

"Make her go away," she whined, Pete just laughed lightly.

"She will eventually," he reassured her, moving his body so that he was laying on top of her and had his arms around her waist.

"Pete, get off," her muffled voice said. Pete shook his head.


"Pete, I'm too tired, get off please," Maddie moved so that she was lying on her back.


"Pete-" she began, but was cut off by his lips attached to her's.


Tori kept on banging on the door, until it got to the point where she just put her arm down and began hitting her head against the door in frustration. Gerard padded her forehead by placing his hand on the part of the door where she was beating her head.

"Tori, have you even tried turning the knob?"

"If Pete's not answering than it's bound to be locked," she mumbled, resting her forehead against Gerards palm. He pushed her head up softly and turned the knob, the door opening inward. Tori stood in shock. "How the hell did you get so smart over these past couple of days?"He shrugged. Tori pushed past him, walking into the empty first floor. "Hello," she called out, not getting a response back. "Well the doors open, but no one's
here," she said, turning on her heels and began walking out, Gerard standing in her way.

"You didn't even bother to look upstairs."

She sighed and began walking upstairs with Gerard on her trail. It took her a little while to decipher which door had Pete's bedroom behind it, but common sense kicked in and told her it was at the end of the hallway. She walked up to it and opened the door quietly, poking her head in and seeing them kissing. Her gasp ripped them apart and made their heads look towards her direction.

"God damn it, Pete, you don't lock your doors," Maddie glared at Pete.

"I must have forgot to," he responded, moving off of her and sitting on the bed.

"What the hell are you doing here," Tori practically screamed at Maddie. "Your brother is flying in today, you need to be home, now!"

"I'm not going back," she threw the covers over her head. Tori groaned.

"Gerard, help me out!" He came into the room, ripped the covers off of her, and tossed Maddie over his shoulder. She commenced her kicking and screaming.

"Gerard, put me down!"

"Nope," was all he said before leaving Pete's room. Tori retorted her stare to Pete.

"Stay away from her," she commanded before coping Gerard's movement out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, here we are
this is the end of all the prewritten stuff
F.Y.I. this story started out on quizilla
so it went through major editing and this was the last chapter i posted
now i have to start typing all the chapters after this one from scratch
but i already got the next couple of chapters done so were doing good

look! up in the sky!
its a bird...its a plane..its comments!!