Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Paper or plastic shouldn’t be a big deal

Maddie layed on her bed, half of her body hanging upsidedown off the side. Day three of being under housearrest by Tori and she was about ready to blow her brains out. She had no cell phone to call anyone and Tori put a password on her computer so that she couldn’t sign on. For the tenth time today, Maddie began to bang her head against the side of the bed. “I got to get out of here,” she mumbled to herself again. She sighed and repeated banging her head against the bed until it got to the point where her body slid to far off the side and she landed on the floor with a thud. “God damn it,” she screamed, brushing herself off and sat up, leaning her back against the side of her bed. Maddie scanned her room for something to help her escape. All she saw was her computer. She got up and sat infront of it, turning it back on. It went to the welcome page and the password bar appeared. Maddie just sat there and thought for a bit.

If I was Tori, what kind of password would I put on my computer, she thought, trying different passwords and had no luck. Think, Maddie, think! What would she put as the password? Something you hate… She gasped with a smile, figuring out what the password was and quickly typing it down.


The computer loaded her desktop as she did a silent cheer. Once she was connected to the internet, she signed on to her Instant Messenger and opened up the internet to check her e-mail. Before she got to see who was signed on, she already had an I.M.

peteisawesome65: MADDIE!!!

RAWR says maddie: PETE!!

peteisawesome65: hows lock down for yah?

RAWR says maddie: bored outta my mind

RAWR says maddie: but i cracked the code for my computer

RAWR says maddie: =]

peteisawesome65: ahahahahaha niiice

RAWR says maddie: thnks.

peteisawesome65: have you talked to brendon at all recently?

RAWR says maddie: nah...whether he called or i WAS allowed to call i dont have my phone

peteisawesome65: well tht just sucks

RAWR says maddie: thnk u captain obvious

peteisawesome65: YOUR WELCOME!

RAWR says maddie: *rolls eyes*

RAWR says maddie: so whts new in the world of peter wentz?

peteisawesome65: uh....nothing rly

peteisawesome65: urs?

RAWR says maddie: other than being under house arrest and my gay brother here nothing new

peteisawesome65: o sounds like OODLES of fun!!!

RAWR says maddie: haha yah...

RAWR says maddie: shit!

RAWR says maddie: gotta go

RAWR says maddie: someones coming!

peteisawesome65: o great

peteisawesome65: see you later i guess!!!

peteisawesome65: <33

RAWR says maddie: bye! <333

Without even signing out, she just shut down her computer and jumped back onto her bed, face down, waiting for whomever it was to either come in or pass. Maddie heard her door open and looked up to see who it was.

“Hey,” Tori said, standing in the doorway. “Joe wants to go out to eat, he said he has something to give us. You ready to go now or do you need time?”

“I’m good to go now,” she said, sitting up.

“Alright, come on downstairs,” Tori said, closing the door behind her.


Tori and Maddie sat across from Joe and Gerard, who tagged along at the last second wearing some weird wig, in the booth of a vacant restuarant. It was perfectly quiet between all of them, until Joe said something.

“I feel as though I know you from somewhere,” Joe said, looking up at Gerard. “Do I know you from a different office somewhere.”

Gerard just stared at him as if he was growing another eye on his forehead. “Uh…depends, do you work for a different label or something?”

Maddie rolled her eyes. “Joe’s a pedeatrician, Gerard.”

“Oh,” he said, looking back at Joe. “Then no, you haven’t seen me in a different office somewhere.”

“Well, where else would I know you from,” Joe said, getting a closer look at Gerard who leaned away from him.

“Joe, he’s in a band. My room maybe,” Maddie asked him. Joe thought for a second and then snapped.

“Yes! He’s on your wall,” he pointed at her. He looked back at Gerard. “Which band?”

“My Chemical Romance,” he said proudly. Joe made a weird face at him. “What,” Gerard asked him.

“Eh, you guys are ok,” he looked away from him. Tori let her mouth hang open and Maddie kicked him under the table. “Ow,” he yelled, glaring at her.

“That’s rude,” she yelled at him. “I’m so sorry for my brother’s rudeness, Gerard,” she said, adding emphasis on rudeness and glaring back at Joe.

“It’s fine,” he laughed lightly. It became quiet again until Tori broke the silence this time.

“So…you said you had something for us,” she looked at Joe.

“Oh, right,” he said, digging into his pocket and pulling out an envelope. “For the both of you,” he handed it over. Tori snatched it and began to open it while Maddie leaned over her shoulder.

“What is it, what is it, what is it,” she asked over and over again.

“Hold on,” Tori said, pulling out a letter and both her and Maddie began to read it. The corners of their mouths fell the farther they read into the letter. By the end of the letter, both pairs of eyes were wide. Maddie’s mouth was trembling while Tori’s just hung open.

“Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu,” was all Maddie could get out.

“They can’t do this,” Tori screamed, looking up at Joe.

“Can’t do what,” Gerard asked.

“Yes they can. Our parents said it’s time you two grew up and took more responsibility finally and your parents agreed,” Joe said.

“Responsibitlity for what,” Gerard asked.

“Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu,” Maddie let out again.

“I’m sorry, guys, I wish I could help you guys, but our parents said no,” Joe apologized.

“Help with what,” Gerard basically yelled.

“Our parents are going to stop sending us money for our house bills,” Tori finally answered Gerard.

“Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu,” Maddie repeated.

“What a minute,” Tori started, “that means that we’re going to have to get jobs,” she gapsed. Maddie’s eyes grew wider. She leaned across the table and grabbed Joe’s shirt collar and pulled his face close to hers in the middle of the table.

“Listen here, I am not, repeat, not getting a job. You tell our dad and our sonofabitch mom to stop acting like asses towards us or so help me God I’ll-”

“Or you’ll what Maddie,” he intterrupted her. “They have been paying the bills for you two for the past year and a half you guys were living here. It’s their money and if this is their decision then so be it.” Maddie let go of his shirt collar and sat back in her seat. “They are going to send half of what they normally do for next month and then that’s it, you’re on your own.”

Tori just looked over at Maddie and then back over at Joe. “We aren’t good with jobs though!”

“I bet you two didn’t even get a job ever since you came down here,” he said.

“We did actually,” Tori said.

“Doing what?”

“I got a job as a waitress,” Tori said.

“You got fired, didn’t you,” Joe remarked.

“Ok, so I don’t have good balance, big deal,” she rolled her eyes. “Maddie got a job too, though!”

“Doing what?”

“Working in a gorcery store,” she said.

“How did you get fired,” he looked over at her.

“Who said I was fired,” she said. Joe just raised his eyebrow at her as she sighed. “Choosing between paper or plastic shouldn’t be a big deal!”

“Wow, you two have issues,” Joe laughed. They both rolled their eyes.

Tori looked over and Maddie. “Looks like we have no choice,” she shrugged. “We’re going to have to start searching tomorrow.”

“But-” Maddie started to complain.

“No ands, ifs, or buts,” Tori glared at her. Maddie shut her mouth closed right away. “That also means that for a little while you can’t go shopping.”

Maddie’s mouth dropped. “But-but-but!” Tori glared at her again. She just shook her head and slunk back into the booth. “I wish I were with Pete,” she mumbled. Tori didn’t even respond.
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sorry for not updating before school started
and sorry for the sucky chapter

i wont even ask for comments this time