Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

California is suppose to get hit by a snow storm

“Are you sure that’s what you saw,” Tori asked, standing outside behind the restaurant.

Positive,” Gerard said into the phone. Tori sighed.

“Well, two things could be happening right now; she could either be having sex, or she could be having sex.”

I thought they were the same thing,” Gerard sounded dumbfounded. Tori slapped her forehead.

“Forget it,” she sighed again. “Find anything in her room yet?”

Not much,” he replied. “She left her computer on.”

What,” she screamed into the phone. “How did she get on?!”

She probably figured out the password,” he said. “Hey look, a webcam!

“She bought a webcam?!”

Guess so, it’s a really nice one too!

“Gerard, quit fooling around an-wait! Is she still signed onto her AIM?”

Uhhh….,” he began searching a little bit more. “Yes indeedy!

“Good, is Ryan online?”

Uhhh….,” Gerard searched again. “Yeah, he’s online.

“Excellent,” Tori smirked evilly. “I want you to I.M. him.”

And tell him what,” Gerard asked. Tori’s smirk then formed into a smile.


“Today was a great day,” Maddie said, stretching her arms out as she sat in the passenger seat of Pete’s car.

“How so,” Pete laughed with her.

“I basically got away with murder without Tori finding out and still found a job,” she smiled. “And of course, with the help of you. I couldn’t of have had a great day without your help,” she looked at him. Pete smiled at her.

“I try,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road. “So, do you want me to drive you back over tomorrow so that you can drop off the application?”

“Most definitely,” she nodded, looking out her window. “You know what would make this day better?”

“Hmm…,” Pete thought. “If Tori said if it was ok if we were allowed to see each other?”

“Well yes that, and if it snowed!”

“Snow,” he questioned, laughing a bit more.

“Yes snow,” she repeated. “That way we could run around in it and then have Tori let us be together.”

“Wouldn’t you want us to be able to be together before you would want snow,” Pete asked, still not taking his eyes off the road.

“Hmm…,” Maddie began to fake ponder. “Nope.”

“Aw, I feel so loved,” he said, making his voice sound like he was hurt.

“I’m just kidding, stupid,” she smiled again, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. He smiled as well as he pulled into her driveway.

“Here you are, home sweet home,” he put the car in park and looked over at her. “Are you sure you can make it to the door yourself? It might snow any second now,” he joked.

“I’ll be fine,” she laughed, giving him one last kiss before getting out of the car. She leaned back into the car before closing the door. “I’ll talk to you later, ok?”

“But what if I never see you again, after all, California is suppose to get hit by a massive snowstorm any second now. Didn’t you know that,” he joked around some more. Maddie rolled her eyes at him.

“Get out of here,” she said closing the door and backing away from the car. She watched as he pulled out of her driveway and drove away from the house, waving goodbye as he left. She made her way into the house and up the stairs. When she got to her bedroom door, it was open all the way. Maddie remembered closing it before she left, but didn’t give it a second thought. She just walked in and closed the door behind her, throwing all her stuff onto the bed. That’s when she looked over at her computer and her mouth dropped open.
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so yah
no one knows whats gonna happen
well...i kinda do but thats beside the point

visit my profile cause i have little date updates and i need you guys to read the most recent one
please do me this favor!

other than that: