Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us


She seriously called back, Tori texted Gerard back slyly.

Yeah she did, he said back.

Did she say that she was coming back?

She's waiting to talk to you before she decides that.

Tori looked up from her phone to find the manager standing in front of her. She let out a nervous laugh and handed her phone over to him.

"I was ju-"

"Just breaking the rules again," he cut her off.

"But you don't understand! My friend left home and we've been trying to-"

"I don't care if your friend got into an accident," he yelled at her. "Rules are rules and if you break another than you're fired. You can have your phone back when your shift over." He grabbed her waitress book that was sticking out of her working apron pocket and looked through it. "Looks like you have some bills to add up. Get to it!" He walked away from her in a huff. She cussed under her breath, walked over to the register, and pushed the buttons down as hard as she could. In the middle of her cursing streak, a man came in through the door and approached the register.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up a order," he told her. She was completely oblivious to the fact that someone was talking to her. "Excuse me," he spoke up. "I want to pick up an order." Even though she now noticed that he was there, she still ignored him so that she could get her work done. "EXCUSE ME!"

"You know what I hate," she said, finally looking up at him. "People, and not just people, people that have authority over you and don't give a shit about you so then they are able to boss you around, no matter what situation you're in!"

"Oh, well I'm sorry about that," he said. "Can I please just pick up my order?"

"Sure," she sighed. "Name please."

"It's under Smith."

She nodded, going back to the kitchen and looking at the shelf where all the take-out orders were. When she picked up the order she was looking for, she turned to look into the kitchen and saw the manager now yelling at the workers in the kitchen. Before turning back around, she saw her phone sticking out of his back pocket. She stood there for a second before reaching for it. In one swift motion, she had her phone in her hand and she was right back at the register.

"Here's your order," she placed on the counter and started for the door.

"Wait," he called out. "I still have to pay!"

She ran back over to the register. "Your total is $18.50. Cash or credit?"

"Cash," he said simply, digging into his pockets for his wallet. He picked through all his money, trying to get the right amount and making Tori more and more impatient. After five minutes of him still looking, she was ready to pay for it himself.

"Come on," she yelled at him. She saw him roll his eyes as he just handed her his credit card. After swiping it and letting him sign the receipt, she ran out before he could even reach the door. She had to call Maddie right away. Just waiting for her to answer was torture.

"Hello," she finally heard her voice on the other line say.

"MADDIE," she screamed into the phone.

"Ow!! What did I do now?!"

"Well, let's see; you haven't been answering my calls, you weren't here when your brother left, and I heard that you haven't been sleeping because you've been worried about Brendon so I'm guessing that you haven't called him to see how he's been feeling," she listed.

"Well then I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Are you going to be home soon?"

"Depends," she said.

"Depends on what?!"

"Hold on," she said. "Someone's trying to call me."

While she waited for Maddie to take her off of hold, Tori watched everyone that walked in and out of the diner. After a minute past by, stepping out of the restaurant was the manager, angrier than Tori has ever seen him. He stormed up to Tori with his arms crossed and his foot tapping. She slowly lowered the phone from her ear

"Tori," Maddie said through the phone. "Tori! Did you hang up on me?!"

She hung up the phone quickly.

"My office, now," he commanded. The only thing that she could do now was lower her head, walk back into the diner and then into his office.
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yah the next few chapters are gonna be suckish
on the bright side i gained a few more subscribers

two new stories out
read them!!!