Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

I rather not say on the phone, but it turned me on

"So, you are telling me that you weren't sending me text messages," Joe asked over the phone a little bit later.

"Correct," Tori replied.

"Are you sure it was Maddie?"


" please tell me that it was you that sent all those messages!"

"It wasn't, why do you think it was?"

"Well," he began. "It was just the content of them."

"And what was the content of the messages," Tori raised and eyebrow.

"I rather not say over the phone, but it turned me on."

Tori scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew! Joe, that's your fucking sister!"

"I know! That's why I was hoping it was you!"

"Sorry buddy," she apologized while laughing. "Looks like your screwed."

"Damn it," he screamed. "Well other than that nightmare, when shall I come back over?"

"Whenever you can come over."

"I'll see when I can get off work next. I got to go, talk later!"

"Bye," she said, hanging up and still laughing. Gerard's face just showed pure disgust since Joe was on speaker phone the whole time.

"That's just wrong," was all Gerard had to say about the situation.

"That's hillarious!"


Tori picked the phone back up and dialed her number again. This time, Maddie decided to pick up.


"I knew you had my phone," she screamed into the phone.

"Took you long enough. What do you want?"

"My phone back, right now!"

"Well you're going to have to wait," she stated. Tori frowned.

"I want it back now!"

"You'll fucking get it back! I'll be home tonight!"

"No, you'll be home now," Tori demanded.

"I can't come home now! That's why I said I would be home tonight!"

"Why the hell not?!"

"Pete is taking me somewhere."

"Well tell him to stop here first."

There was talking on the other end of the line, mainly Pete's voice mumbling something. "He said that we're heading in the opposite direction of our house."

"Then turn around!"

Pete mumbled a few more words to Maddie. "He said that we can't."

"Why not?! Where the hell are you going?!"

"I don't even know! I'm freaking blindfolded!"

Tori slapped her forehead and sighed loudly. "Get home as soon as you can then."

"Fine, fine," Maddie mumbled into the phone and hung up quickly. Tori slumped back into her chair.

"You know," Gerard smirked. "She didn't find a job yet."

Tori went wide-eyed. "WHAT?!"

"Well she was looking, but she was suppose to be there this morning and I'm pretty sure she didn't go."

"How the hell do you know that?"

"I'm not revealing my secrets," he showed a cheesy smile. Tori stormed right upstairs.

"Oh is she getting an earful when she gets home."


"Can I take it off yet," Maddie asked, trying to peek out from underneath the blindfold.

"No," Pete laughed, pulling it back down. "We're almost there, can you just be patient a little bit longer?"

"But I want to know where we're going!"

"Just count to thirty and by then I'll turn the car off."

Maddie followed his orders. By the time she reached thirty, the car was turned off like he had said it would be. "Now can I look?"

"Not yet," he said, getting out of the car and running over to the passenger side. He helped her out of the car and inside the building. Once the doors were closed behind them, he stopped letting her take steps forward. "Marcus, we're here," he called out. He went behind Maddie and untied the blindfold, letting her see where they were.

"Oh God, are you serious?!"

"Yeah," he smiled at her.

"You know I'm afraid off needles," she punched him in the arm and looked at the tattoo art hanging on the walls.

"Come on," Pete grabbed her hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "I'm here right next to you and it will be ok. It's not as bad as it seems, trust me!"

The man that Pete had called Marcus appeared from a back room. "Ready when you are."

"Please, for me," Pete begged. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine, fine, but I get to pick what I want," she demanded.

"Of course," he held her hand as they followed Marcus to the back room.
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it will get better i promise!!!
just let me try to get out of this dry spell.
it wont take long