Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Goodbye Panic At The Disco

They broke away when they heard Pete speak up. Maddie bit her bottom lip while Brendon rolled his eyes at Pete’s outburst. “What the hell do you think you’re doing Urie?!”

“Pete, chill out, it wasn’t his fault,” Maddie stood up for him.

“Stay out of this Maddie,” he said. “This is between me and Urie.”

“But it wasn’t his fault!”

“I said stay out of this,” he yelled at her.

“Dude, fuck off, I’m only taking back what’s mine,” Brendon said.

“What are you on,” Pete became confused.

“She was my girlfriend and then you came along and stole her away. Now, I’m taking her back.” Pete just stood, somewhat defenseless. Brendon took Maddie’s hand and began to lead her out the door.

“If you leave this house, then you’ll be leaving Decaydance as well,” Pete said behind them. Brendon stopped and turned around.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I would,” he smirked.

“We still have Fueled By Ramen, they love us!”

“I wouldn’t trust that feeling too much,” he sat down on the couch. “All I do is put in a strong word and it’s bye bye to Panic At The Disco.”

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Because I can and I love her!"

Maddie went wide-eyed. "You do?" He nodded with a smile on his face.

Brendon thew Maddie's hand down and out of his. "Damn it, Pete, why do you have to take everything away from everyone?!"

"You think you're tough, Urie," Pete stood up, walking towards him. "You think you're all-that just because you have thousands of girls drooling at your feet? Well news flash; it doesn't work like that!" His fist collided with Brendon's left eye, knocking him to the ground.

"Pete, don't," Maddie screamed. She ran over and grabbed his arm. He used his other hand to grab her wrist and throw her behind him. Brendon struggled to get up while Pete prepared for another punch. Maddie jumped up onto his back and grabbed a hold of his shoulders, making him stumble backwards. He reached around, grabbed her wrists, and swung her in front of him, pushing her onto Brendon and making them both fall to the floor.

"Maddie, make a decision now! It's either goodbye to Brendon or goodbye to Panic At The Disco."

She stood up, holding Brendon's hand as he struggled to stand on his feet. They both stared at her as here eyes darted back and forth between them. She knew that whatever she chose, it would end badly.

She began to cry and plunged herself into Pete's arms. He smirked as he attached his lips to hers. "I'm sorry," she cried. "I'm sorry, I love you too, I'm sorry."

"It's ok," he soothed her. Brendon just stared in shock.

"Ryan," he called up the stairs. Ryan appeared, instantly becoming confused at what was happening. "We're leaving now," he sulked out the door.
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gasp? probably not haha