Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Prete ish gonna furtive Brendon

"A party," Tori questioned Maddie through the phone. "Why a party?"

"Why not a party is the real question."

"Still," Tori put her key in the lock of the front door to unlock it. "This is just going to be some random party."

"Not intentionally, he's going to forgive Brendon."

"He's going to forgive Brendon?"

"It took some persuasion, but yeah he is."

"I don't believe that," she shook her head and walked into the kitchen. She jumped a bit when she found Gerard sitting at the table eating chips. She rolled her eyes and took a seat next him.

"Well whether you believe it or not, he's going to."

"Whatever you say," she leaned back into her seat. "I got to go, see you later tomorrow then I guess."

"Bye," she said before they both hung up.

"Prete ish gonna furtive Brendon," Gerard asked with his mouth full of food.

"I don't believe it, it's not going to happen," Tori responded. Gerard's eyes went wide as the chip in his hand fell to the table. "What? You and I both know how stubborn he is, there is no way he's going to forgive him."

"You never know," a deep voice said. Tori jumped again and turned around only to be faces by Joe. She squealed in delight and tackled him to the floor, planting a big kiss on his lips.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming down," she yelled at him.

"I told Maddie to tell you," he laughed.

"Did you think that she would," she asked him.

"Good point. You mind getting up now? I'm losing feeling in my body." She got off him and helped him up onto his feet. “Thank you, now what’s the daily drama?”

“Nothing too important, just be ready to go to a party tomorrow,” Tori commanded.

“Yes, ma’am,” Joe saluted and carried his bags upstairs.

“Are you coming tomorrow?”

“Well…I actually have plans,” he squirmed in his seat.

“You have plans,” Tori laughed at him. “You never have plans!”

“Well now I do,” he gave her a cheesy grin and continued eating the chips.

“I don’t know what I’m more scared of,” Tori began. “Your weird facial expressions or how you managed to break into our house.”
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