Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Red cups, beer bottles, tonsil tennis

As if the song wasn’t enough. Everybody at Pete’s house was definitely partying like a rock star. There was a sacred red cup or beer bottle in everybody's’ hands as the genders mingled throughout all the rooms, some already playing tonsil tennis. To make sure that it wasn’t taken too far, Pete locked all doors on the upstairs floor, including the closet door. The music boomed loudly as Joe and Tori approached the door, hand-in-hand. They didn’t bother knocking since they figured that no one would hear them. They pushed through the crowd, trying to find someone that they recognized. Tori spotted Maddie talking to someone on the other side of the room. She guided Joe through the crowd of people to get over to Maddie.

“Hey,” she yelled over the music and hugged her. She looked at Joe and just nodded her head. “Ryan was looking for you.”


“Yeah, here,” she grabbed her wrist and went in the opposite direction; leaving Joe with the guy she was talking to. They walked into the kitchen and saw Ryan talking to someone. “Ross,” she called him. He turned around and smiled, saying his goodbyes to the guy he was conversing with. “She’s all yours,” Maddie handed her over and walked away.

“Hey,” Tori hugged him quickly.

“Hey, crazy party huh?”

“Totally, it was hard for Joe and I to find Maddie!”

“Oh, you brought Joe,” Ryan smirked at her. “Do I get to meet him,” he teased her.

“Yeah, yeah, follow me,” she commanded, diving back into the crowd to find Joe. She saw him back where they had left him originally and made their way back over. “Joe, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Joe.”

They shook hands and began some small talk. Brendon emerged from the middle of the crowd, hitting Ryan hard on the back as he passed by, and continued his search for Pete. He finally found him, talking to a couple of people. Pete waved them off and gave his attention to Brendon.

“What’s up, man,” he high-fived him. Brendon accepted the high-five.

“Nothing much, great party,” he complimented him.

“Thanks dude. Look, I’m really sorry about what happened the other day. I mean, I really didn-”

“It’s fine,” Brendon cut him off.

“So were cool then?”

“Definitely! Listen, the guy in the bathroom down here has been in there for the past ten minutes and I really need to go. Do you mind if I use the one upstairs?”

“No problem,” he said. “The key for the door should be on top of the bedroom doorway.”

“Sweet, thanks,” he said and walked away. Pete walked over to the kitchen to get another drink.

“Hey,” Maddie hugged him from behind. He turned around and kissed her lightly.

“You look tired, something wrong?”

“Actually, I am tired. I think I’m just going to go upstairs and lie down for a bit.”

“Alright, I’ll come up in a bit,” Pete kissed her forehead. She stumbled upstairs and reached above the bedroom door for the key. She couldn’t find it and tried the door to see if it was unlocked. When it opened, she was confused, but too tired to even bother about it. She closed it behind her and laid down, burying her face in a pillow. The door to the bathroom opened, making her shoot up form her position. Brendon walked out and stopped when he saw her on the bed. There was an awkward silence between them before Maddie broke it.

“Hey,” she mumbled. He nodded and dug his toe in the ground.

“So, you and Pete huh?”

“Look, I’m really sorry, but I did what I had to do.”

“So, you kiss me, and then completely reject me, and then tell Pete that you love him?”

“You are missing the point,” she yelled at him. She moved over the end of the bed to let her legs hang down. Brendon sat down next to him.

“Then what’s the point?”

“I only chose Pete because I didn’t want you to lose your job.”

“I find that hard to believe,” he stated simply, venom laced with his words.

“Listen to me, I knew that if I chose Pete then he would be easier to persuade to get to forgive you. But knowing him, he would have definitely laid you off and then you would need to get a new record label. I did it to save you.”

He moved around a bit and sighed. “Ok,” he slapped his legs. “I believe you.”

“Now that I don’t believe.”

“You sure about that,” he leaned close to her. He attached his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. She gave in and kissed him back with the same force.

“What the fuck?!”
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i have it already written
until then see yah!!