Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

The, "Never come home with a cow, again," rule?

"So, is Maddie your real name," Brendon asked her, arm around her shoulders.

"No, it's just a nickname that everyone calls me,” she responded.

"What's your real name then?"

"Madison," she scrunched up nose to the sound of it. Brendon laughed lightly.

"What's wrong," he asked.

"It's an UGLY name," she exclamed.

"I think it's beautiful," he remarked, causing Maddie to blush. Ryan looked up from where he was sitting on the tour bus. The seating order went like this, Bredon and Maddie on one couch, Ryan and Tori on the other, and Spencer and Jon ended up on the floor, playing video games. The bus was going to drop Tori and Maddie off first, then take the guys home. What happened to their car? Well…


"So, do you want us to take you back home," Jon asked the girls after everyone was done complaing about their hangovers and in the same room together.

"We can't. Our car is here," Maddie replied to Jon.

"Oh, I'll walk you out," Brendon volenteered. He and Maddie got up and already left the room. Ryan looked over at Tori who was already getting up.

“I will too," Ryan copied, walking over to Tori and leaving the room with her. They all walked through the empty parking lot, Brendon holding on to Maddie and Ryan staying close to Tori. Once they did, Tori and Ryan made an unusal goodbye and she got awkwardly into the car. Ryan looked at Brendon and then just walked away.

"Will I ever see you again," Brendon asked, still holding onto Maddie.

"I doubt it. You're moving on to better things and you don’t need me invovled," she said, releasing herself from his grasp and got into the car. Brendon backed up and stood there to watch them drive away.

"Ok, I'm ready when you are,” Maddie sighed and looked on the ground outside of the car through the window. Five minutes went by and they didn't leave yet. "Are you going to start the fucking car or not?!?"

"I wish I could," Tori said, no where near matching Maddie’s annoyed tone and tried starting the car again.

"What do you mean," Maddie asked

"Our fucking car won't start Enstien,” she answered. Tori kept on turning the key and Maddie just slapped her forehead.

"This is some major bull shit," she mumbled. Tori kept on starting the car and starting it, which made Maddie more paranoid.

"Stop it, God damn it! You're gonna bre-"

Before she could finish what she was trying to say, the hood car lit on fire. Maddie's eyes went wide, same with Tori's.

"Uh...that wasn't suppose to happen, right," Tori asked, not moving her gaze off of the flames. Maddie shook her head slowly. After five minutes of staring at the fire, both of them got the common sense of getting out of the car. They walked over to Brendon, who was also wided-eyed.

"Maybe we should hose it down or something," Maddie suggested calmly.

"With what,” Tori asked, finally matching her tone.

"Go find a fire extingusher or something," she said, swooshing her hand in the direction behind them, niether one of them looking anywhere else but at their burning car. Brendon shook his head, took out his cell phone, and dialed 9-1-1.

"Your car maybe history," he whispered while waiting for someone to pick up.

After some fire people came, their car wasn't all bad. Their insurance policy was going to either fix it or get them a new one.

"Well, how are we getting home now," Maddie said angrly, giving an angry stare to Tori.

"Why are you pissed at me," she yelled

"Because, you kept on starting and starting and STARTING the car! And that's what set it on fire," Maddie screamed, pointing a violent finger at the car.

"Well I didn't know that it would catch on fire," Tori threw her arms in the air.

"I tried to warn you,”Maddie said, crossing her arms at her.

"Yeah, a little too late," Tori retorted.

"Well common sense would have told you to stop tryig to start it since the car wouldn't start the first hundred times you tried," Maddie said, taking her opportunity to throw her hands in the air.

"You never know," Tori stood up for herself.

"Well I did after yo-"

"Stop fighting," Brendon cut in. He managed to make them stop fighting, which brought them back to their main question, how WERE they gong to get home? "We can probably give you a lift on the bus."

"Really," they asked

"Yeah no problem."


Now they finally reached Tori and Maddie's house. The two girls left the bus and started to head inside. Brendon got up to go out and then noticed that Ryan wasn’t moving from his spot.

"Aren't you coming," he asked. Ryan looked up at him.

"No," he replied simply.

"Why? Don't you like Tori or something?"

Ryan shrugged.

"I do, but at the car, before it melted, she made it sound so bad that we weren't going to see each other again so, I don't really know."

"Come on, I'm sure that it's not like that," Brendon motioned to the door.

"Fine," Ryan gave in. He got up and followed Brendon outside. Tori was shocked, but allowed Ryan to follow her inside. "It shouldn't sound bad that we won't see each other again,” he started. Tori started to tear.

"Then why does it feel like the end of the world," she asked, turning her back to him. Ryan hugged her from behind.

"Come on, don't cry. We'll still see each other."

"Really," she asked again, turning around to face him.

"Yeah. We'll swap numbers and see what we can do," he smiled. Tori smiled back as they broke apart and traded phones, punching in their numbers.

"Great," Tori said, looking at his number. The front door opened and in came a smiling-like-crazy Maddie.

"Tori! My best friend! Can I talk to you for a bit," she asked strangely

"Sure," Tori asked, a bit unsure of what was going to happen. Maddie pushed her into the other room away from Ryan. "Ok, what's up?"

"What are you talking about my bestest friend in the whole wide world," she asked, still smiling oddly.

"You only act like this when you're going to tell me something that I don't like," Tori crossed her arms.

"Ok, well you know how you made that rule," she said, giving up the act but was stalling a bit more.

"The, 'Never come home with a cow, again,' rule,” Tori guessed.

"Not that one."

"Don't buy markers that aren't washable just in case you run out of paper and use the walls and I have to clean it," she guessed again.

"No, not that one either."

"Don't ever, ever, EVER run with scissors again," Tori guessed for a third time.

"No, not that one," Maddie scratched her head and lowered her gaze to the floor.

"Well then which one," Tori asked cluelessly.

"The, 'Never invite a boy to stay in the extra bedroom, that your brother Joe uses when he comes to visit, on a first date,' one," Maddie softly said, looking back up at Tori and smiling. Tori shook her head.

"Oh God, Maddie, you didn't."

"I kinda invited Brendon to hang out with us for a week."

Tori sighed and began to bang her head against the wall.

"Madison Susan Cecelia Rich! How many times have we been through dicussing this rule," Tori furiously asked.

"Three times," Maddie mumbled shamefully.

"And what have I told you those three times?"

"'Your basically selling yourself to those guys you invite in, and if you lose your virginity like you did before again, then I'm kicking your ass right to the curb,'" Maddie repeated Tori’s words in a mocking tone.


"But, come on! Please, this time is different," Maddie begged.

"No, it’s even worse this time since he’s a celebrity,” Tori remarked, not giving in.

"Please," she begged some more, folding her hands and falling to her knees.

"Nope," Tori shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Please please please please please?!"

"No no no no no."

“Please,” she begged once more.

"Ok, fine! One week," Tori gave in.

"Yes," Maddie screamed. She pulled her into yet another tight hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!"

"Maddie...need...air...again," Tori choked out. She put her down. "Now then, go get his things and move him in." Maddie ran out quickly. Tori walked back over to Ryan.

"What was that about," Ryan asked.

"Brendon staying here for a week."

"Oh, that could be a good idea to use for if we want to see each other," he said, planting his lips on Tori’s.

"Yeah, we should use it sometime," Tori smiled.