Nothing Can Break Us, No One Can Make Us

Sunglasses, the perfect disguise

Maddie's eyes opened slowly. Her bed seemed more comfortable than ever before, especially since she had a massive headache. She still felt kinda tired, so she just closed her eyes and flipped over, bumping into something. Oh. God. she thought as she slowly opened her eyes to find Pete Wentz lying right next to her. Scarred about what could have happened, Maddie screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Pete to wake up and fall out of the bed with a thump.

"What's wrong," he asked her, leaning over the bed to look down at her. It took Maddie a bit to get herself calm and collected again while Pete got up and helped her back in the bed, wrapping his arms around her.

"Do you remember anything that happened last night," she replied with a question.

"I do, don’t you?"

She thought for a moment, but nothing came to her. “No, I don’t remember anything. The last thing I remember was that we were all sitting in the booth at that club, and that’s it,” she said. “But, I think I now have a good idea on what happened after that,” she looked at Pete. He laughed a little and that's when Maddie's eyes grew big again. "Oh no, oh no, ohnoohnoohnoohno!" She jumped out of the bed and quickly started to dress.

"What's wrong," he repeated himself.

"Two things: One, I have a boyfriend, and Two, if Tori finds out what happened she'll kill me like last time," she stated, trying to get her belt on quickly.

"Ok, I have an answer to both of those, don't tell them," he told her simply. She stopped for a second and just looked at him.

"Don't tell them?"

"Yeah, it's as simple as that," he said, reaching out his hands like he was bearing a gift to her.

"Not exactly," she said, going back to getting dressed.

"What do you mean?”

"I tried it before," she said, finished getting dressed and sat back on the bed.


"Eventually, the truth slipped out," she said, looking down at her shoes.

"Just don't tell them, eventually you'll forget about it," he said, trying to convince her everything would be fine. Maddie looked up and stared at him confused.

"How on fucking earth am I ever going to forget having sex with you," she raised her tone. He shrugged.

"Maybe it is that hard to forget."

Maddie phone began to ring. When she saw who it was, she threw it onto the floor.
"It's Tori, I can't answer it," she exclaimed, pulling her feet up onto the bed like the phone was a snake about to attack. Pete got up and handed her the phone.

"Just answer it. Pretend you were asleep on the couch." He slipped on his boxers and jeans and left the room. Once he was gone, Maddie answered the phone. "Hello," she said pretending to sound more tired than she already was.


"Ow! could you not scream, I have a major headache," she said. As much as she did have a headache, it wasn’t as bad as she made it sound.

"Sorry. Your not home, and I just needed to know where you are."

"I don't know. I thought I was home," she lied

"Well you’re obviously not," Tori pointed out.

"Well then I'm on somebody else's couch."

"Who took you home?"

"I don't remember," she lied some more.

"Well, where do you think you are?."

Maddie paused to make Tori believe that she was looking around the house. "Hold on, let me go upstairs." She made noises with her feet to make her believe that she was running up the stairs and then moved the phone all around just to prove that she was moving around. "Oh my God, I'm in Pete's house," she pretended to sound shocked.

"Well, as soon as you can, Brendon wants you to meet him at the mall before he heads back home."

"Ok, call him and tell him I'll be there soon."

"Ok. Talk to you later."

Maddie hung up, surprised that Tori didn't read through her lies. She was normally read like an open book, but not this time. Pete came back in a minute later. "Well..."

"I need a ride to the mall."

Tori hung up after talking to Maddie. She was going to be gone the whole day, so what was Tori to do? After thinking for a moment she sighed again. The only other thing there was left to do was go shopping. She shivered at the thought. Tori HATED shopping. Maddie would drag her with her when she went and that was annoying enough. She grabbed her purse as she walked out of the house, hopping into the car. Tori thought of a place to go. She couldn't go to the mall since Maddie and Brendon were going to be there, so she just decided on downtown. Once she got there, her first thing that she bought was a Starbucks. She walked down the busy sidewalk, wondering where to go first. Her confusion led her from one store, to another, to another, to another, to another, to another, to ano-


She fell on the ground, iced coffee spilling all over her.


"I'm sorry. Need a hand?"

Tori looked up. She recognized the hair somewhere, but the figure was wearing sunglasses, the perfect disguise.

"Sure," she said, a bit unsurely. He helped Tori up. "Do I know you from somewhere,” she asked him, tilting her head to the side to see if she could figure out who he was by looking at him from a different angle.

"Uh...I think you might,” he answered, smiling a bit. “Want me to buy you a new coffee?"


They walked shoulder-to-shoulder. Tori couldn't help but keep staring at the mystery man. She swore that she has seen him before, but she couldn't place a finger on it.
Once they got to the cafe, they could hardly get in it was so packed. "How 'bout we just go to my house instead," Tori suggested.

He shrugged. "It'll be better than being crammed here."

She agreed. As they were driving back to her and Maddie's house, she was going mad because she couldn't put a name on this guy. She swore that she knew him, but she didn't know him personally, which to her made him a stranger. But, how could he be a stranger if he didn't feel like one? They got to her house, Tori put on a pot of coffee, and they sat on the couch, silently. On the inside, Tori was about to explode by still not knowing who this guy was, and yet, he's in her house and on her couch. She finally broke the silence. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Let me guess, you're being driven crazy because you don't know who I am," he said, plain a simple. Her mouth fell open in shocked.

"How did you know?"

He shrugged. "I just know. I'm physic like that you know," he said leaning in more with his eyebrows raised and a big open-mouthed smile on his face. Tori just laughed while the mysterioius figure finally took out his sunglasses, relieving his identity. Her mouth once again hung open.


"That's me," Gerard said, pointing to himself. She blinked a couple of times to make sure that this wasn’t some kind of a joke.

“Yo-You’re seriously Gerard Way,’ she asked.”

"Well it's says that I am on my birth certificate," he smiled. Tori laughed again.

"I thought I recognize you from somewhere."

He smiled again with pride.


"Coffee's done."

While that was happening, Maddie was leaning her head against Pete's car window while he was driving her to the mall to meet Brendon. After what happened, she just wanted to lock herself up in her room forever, but she knew that that would never happen.
They reached the mall, Maddie happy to be leaving. But after unbuckling her seatbelt, and reaching for the door handle, Pete quickly turned her head and kissed her. They parted, and she was now frozen in her seat. "Pete, this can't work out," she said, looking down.

"Why not," he asked, his expression turning into sadness.

"Well for one thing, I'm with Brendon," she pointed out only moving her eyes up to look at him. He sighed, moving his gaze to the front window.

"I guess I have different feelings for you. This really isn't that normal for me," he stated. Maddie stayed quiet. "Here, give me your phone," he said, looking back at her and reaching out his hand. She handed him her phone, and after a minute, he handed back to her. "If you ever wanna talk, I put my number in there for you."

Maddie nodded. "Ok then." She opened the door and got out. "Talk to you later." She closed the door and walked to the mall entrance. She spotted Brendon waiting on the bench with a pair of sunglasses on. "Hey," Maddie greeted him. His head turned from whatever he was looking at and he smiled.

"Hey." Brendon copied her greeting and added a kiss, but Maddie didn't kiss back, all she could think about was Pete. Brendon, noticing this, broke the kiss. "What's wrong," he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Nothing just tired that's all," she said, putting on a fake smile to trick him.

"Ok then." He wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked in. Maddie looked back and saw Pete slowly leaving, watching them walk in. That made her stomach feel a bit queasy. They just walked around for an hour. "You sure you're not feeling sick or anything?"

"No, why?"

"Well, you didn't even stop to look at what was in the shop's window, and Tori said that you would be in basically every shop for about a half hour at least,” he said.

"I'm just really tired today," she repeated.

"How 'bout some coffee?"

Maddie shrugged her shoulders and Brendon guided her to the Starbucks stand. After getting their order, they sat down on a bench for fifteen more minutes. "Ok, what's wrong," he asked for the third time.

"I told you I'm fine, I'm just tired," she said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"With the coffee you stood be bouncing off the walls by now," he stated.

"Coffee makes me calm," she stated back.

Brendon just sighed. "Let me take you home then." The whole ride home was total silence. Maddie thought about how she acted. When she was tired, she never acted like this, especially towards Brendon, so what made this time any different? She began to tear up thinking that this whole situation would end horribly. They pulled up to the house and sat there. "Well, I guess you should be going." Maddie's tears broke free.

"I'm sorry." She quickly got of the car and walked to the front door, fiercely rubbing her eyes. Brendon caught up to her and made sure she stayed at the front door and didn't go in.

"What are you talking about?"

"I've been such a jackass to you all day and I don't know why really. Whenever I'm tired, I never act like this when I'm around you, and you're probably just aggravated right now and-"

Brendon put his hand over her mouth.

"I'm not mad or upset or aggravated at you. I'm just worried, that's all. I know that you don't normally act like that, so I was just worried about you." She didn't respond, worried that somehow the truth would slip out, even with Brendon’s hand covering her mouth. He took his hand off her mouth and kissed her. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Brendon walked back to the car and grabbed his duffel bag from out of the back seat. Then, he began to walk down the driveway and made his way to the city that was two minutes away to hail a taxi, leaving her outside alone. Maddie just sighed and shook her head as she opened the front door.

"Maddie, is that you," Tori called from where she was.

"No, it's the tooth fairy," Maddie said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, you owe me two bucks bitch," Tori played along. Maddie rolled her eyes. "Come here," Tori commanded, "I have a surprise for you!" Maddie groaned loudly and stomped over to where Tori was.

"Tori, I'm not in the mood fo-" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Gerard Way sitting on the couch. " that SERIOUSLY Gerard Way?"

"The one and only," he smiled with pride again. Maddie just stared at him.

"What brings you here," she questioned.

"Coffee," he raised his mug.She nodded and left the room.

"Something is definitely wrong with that girl. She would never ask two questions and leave," Tori stroked her chin like there was a beard on it.

"Maybe she's just nervous," he suggested.

"About what?"

"Meeting a celebrity like me," he said, sounding a tiny bit cocky.

"Well, you're a little late on that, we've already met Panic! At The Disco and Pete Wentz," she smirked.

"Oh," Gerard said, pretending to sound upset. "Damn it," he said, now pretending to sound angry, making Tori laugh again. While they continued talking, Maddie was up on her bed with a pillow over head. She was just so confused. After five minutes, Maddie picked up her phone and dialed a number.


"Hey Pete, it's Maddie."
♠ ♠ ♠
there is going to be a CHAOS of updates tomorrow
this story, the sequel to the patron saint of liars and fakes, and even a new short story featuring....RYAN ROSS!!!!
you'll find out tomorrow!
until then...