
I love you...

Dear Journal,

It's Dan... Today was as terrible as ever. The only thing that made it bearable was AmazingPhil's new video on YouTube! He's my idol. Nowwww you probably think I'm a fangirl. OR a boy with a crush. But I'm not. Don't get me wrong Phil is so cute, adorable and Jesus Christ that laugh.. Okay, okay. I'll admitted it. I have a tiny crush.. It isn't a big deal, it's not like he'll every notice me.
I gotta go now journal. Bye.

I logged in twitter, scrolling. Then I noticed Phil's tweet, "seeing Drag me to hell tonight :D" I responded, like usual. I said, "better go jogging, you need a good heart to live through the surprises every 10 seconds :)" I logged off of twitter, closing my laptop, then jumped in the shower.

After my 15 minute long shower I logged back in twitter, I noticed a notification. I clicked on. Something I didn't expect was that AmazingPhil tweeted me..........Let me repeat AmazingPhil Tweeted me! I replied right away. I was fangirling to much at this point. I still can't believe he tweeted me,I said. I then laid down in my bed, pulling my pillow close to me. I slowly drifted off into dream land, with a smile on my face.

Dear Journal,

Phil and I have started to interact more! I'm surprised he's actually talking to me! Sorry if I'm too excited, it's not everyday you get to talk to your idol. But wait, It gets better!! He asked if he could add me, boring Dan Howell to Facebook :D I of course said yes. I still can't believe this is happening. This month has been the best month yet :] I hope me and Phil get closer, Journal.
Anyways bye. I'll be back to give you updates!

Hi again Journal,

It's been 4 month since I wrote in you. Sorry! But me and Phil are getting really close now. We exchange Skype, even tho we haven't talked on there yet. I'm scared, to be honest. What if he thinks I'm gross or ugly... I hope Phil doesn't. I wish I could be perfect like him :( <3

"Dan are you breaking up with me?" I couldn't look at her, but I nodded 'yes'. "Fine then, didn't love you anyways." She hates me now yay!...Oh well...

Dear Journal,

I had to break up with my girlfriend. Well ex now.. I think I have more then a tiny crush on Phil.. I don't know.. We have so much in common. I think I really like him, more than a friend. I can't tell him. He'll think I'm gross. I'll have to hide it from hi- haha, great timing. He wants to skype. Gotta go <3

Dear journal,

Phil and I Skyped all night! It was so fun. Now there is no thinking to it. I do like Phil.. I think I should tell him I'm bi at least. I'll tell you what he says later. Bye :]

I read the text. "Bi huh? I don't care I'm bi to :D" I reread the text about 50th times. "Really? o:" I replied. "Yes :] Sorry I never told you ;__; Don't hate me." I giggled then typed back. "I couldn't hate you <333"

Dear Journal,

Big news! I'm gonna see Phil soon. I'm so happy, I hope he is too <33 His parents are going to holiday O_e He asked me to come over! My parents opposed it at first ;____; But I talked them into it. Yay! Can't wait to see Phil :')

Dear Journal,

I posted my first YouTube video, thanks to Phil :] so far everything has been rather positive. I'm never been this happy before <3 thank Phil

Dear Journal,

Meeting Phil today. Wish me Luck? >///<

I exited the train, making sure I was the last one out... I'm nervous. Sorry, I'm acting like a girl. But come on. It's AmazingPhil we are talking about. I have a right to be nervous, right?

I felt a light poke on my shoulder. "Dan." I knew that voice. Phil. "Yes." I squeaked. I turned around slowly. Looking at Phil. "H- Hi." Then he pulled me into a tight and warm hug. Phil was about 2 inches taller than me. And let me say he was even cuter in person.

"I can't believe I finally get to meet you." I mumbled into his chest. "Me too, Dan." We broke the hug, smiling at each other. "Let's go!" Phil said excitedly, grabbing my hand.

Dear Journal,

Today has been the best day ever! Currently the time is 12:00 a.m Phil is asleep. Phil and I finished filming Phil is not on fire. It was so fun. And now we are cuddling. He has his arm around me. It's kinda hard to write, so yeah. Bye Journal.

"Do you have to gooo." Phil whinnied. "Yes, I'm sorry." Phil pulled me into a tight hug and said "I'm gonna miss you." We pulled away from the hug, looking at each other. I don't know who made the first move, but we ended up kissing. "Bye Dan." Phil mumbled. "Bye Phil." I kissed him on the cheek, then got onto my train, waving goodbye to Phil.

I love you...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like c: It's a oneshot for now XD Might make it a twoshot. Not sure yet c: