Sequel: The Last Sunrise


Tour and Jealousy

How can we do this without his parents finding out?
Would we have to come out to them?
Where should I take Alex?
Should I have Alex meet Devan and Jared?
Maybe they would start to understand him.
Why does everyone tell me he's bad news?
He's not evil, is he?
I look down at him and smile.
He's so cute!!!

Alex wiggles around a little before yawning and opening his eyes.

"Good morning, lovie." I say and he smiles at the name I give him. He kisses my cheek in return and I nearly melt.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I ask looking at the time. 11:27 am.

"I want to watch you." He says and pushes himself up and climbs over me. He gets off the bed and walks over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of tight jeans and a regular black t-shirt. I smile and watch as he slides his shirt over his body and tugs the jeans up his legs. He walks over to me and kisses my forehead.

"I don't know what we're doing today but I'll be back later on." He says.

"Okay, I love you." I add.

"Love you more." He says and blows me a kiss before closing the door behind him. I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

"Hey!" Alex whispers and shakes me.

"What?" I groan and open my eyes slowly.

"I went to the movies with my parental units today! We saw a vampire movie!" He says, over excited and I laugh at him.

"Parental Units?" I ask smiling and he nods.

"And we saw a vampire movie. It was really cool." He says. "Like, the vampire dude sucked the blood of another dude and they were fighting and werewolves came in, and, and, and..."

"Let's go out, hm?" I cut him off and get out of bed. I grab a pair of his jeans and shirt from his dresser and pull them on quick.

"Ok, let's go!" He says jumping up and down, clapping.

"Someone's hyper, huh?" I say and open his window. It's 9 so the sun is gone.

"I had two movie jumbo size Cokes. I am freakin' hyper!" He spins in circles and I laugh, sitting on the window sill and signaling him over to me. He runs over and sits in my lap and wraps his arms around my neck and buries his face in my neck as always.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods. I jump out and we land on the grass.

I hear a scream come from behind me and I spin around to see his mother standing in the window. I'd freak out too if I saw my son jump out a window with the "drummer of his band" and land on their feet. Not many humans can do that.

"Come on!" I yell and grab his hand and run toward to road leading to town.

"Your mom saw us." I say and keep running with our hands locked together.
I hear the car start and I stop, grabbing Alex into my arms and set off running fast, a blur to everyone, on the other side of town. I know it's bad for me to do it because it wears me out too much but I'll feed and feel better.

We reach Jared and Devan's house and I knock on their door. Jared opens and looks at me, then Alex, then back at me.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He yells.

"Jared, please. Tell me what's wrong!" I say, tired of the truth being hidden from me.

"Not until you get that...thing off my property!" He points at Alex, not caring if his feelings were hurt.

"I can't we're in trouble. His mom found out." I say. Jared just rolls his eyes and lets out a long sigh.

"Fine, come in." He says. "But Devan's not going to be happy." I'm not really worried about Devan. I was more worried about Jared but now I'm not since he at least let us both in.

"Devan, don't flip." Jared says and leaves the rest to me.

"Alex's mom found out about me." I start.

"Why did you let her find out?" Devan yells.

"I didn't mean to! We just jumped out the window and I heard her scream!" I say. "I came here to see if we can stay here for a few days."

"Not with him." His eyes glare at Alex.

"What's so wrong with me?" He asks, almost a whine. "Why do you guys hate me?"

"We're not telling you because then you can kill us!" Jared spits at Alex.

"Why would I want to kill you if I want to be like you?" Alex asks.

"You want to be like us?" Devan asks, surprised.

"Yes! But Billy won't turn me!" He yells.

"Billy, I think that may be the only thing you can do to save us." Devan says.

"Save us from what?!" I scream.

"Come with me." Jared says and we follow him into the basement.

Jared and Devan sit next to each other on the couch and I sit next to them, Alex sitting on my lap since there was no more room.

"Alex, you have something we don't." Jared starts. "We are not immune to it and if we piss you off in any way, you can expose us to it and kill the whole vampire race. If you become a vampire, it might go away."

"Or you might die." Devan adds in. "We don't know what will happen."

"So I'm basically a walking bomb for you?" Alex asks.

"Basically," Jared says.

"I'm sorry," He says. "How do I get rid of it?"

"That's the thing, we don't know." Devan says.

"So how do you even know if I'm deathly to you? How do you know if it's not me or maybe my parental units?" He asks.

"Parental Units?" Devan and Jared ask simultaneously.

"Yeah, I'm adopted so I call them my parental units instead of my parents because I don't know who my parents are." He says, looking down. I pull him into me and let his head rest on my shoulder.

"So your parents could be anywhere?" Devan asks.

"What if his parents are the ones and he's not?" Jared asks Devan.

"We need to find them." Devan says.

"Alex, you're going to have to wait a little longer for your vampire wish. We need to find your biological parents and possibly kill them." Jared says.

"What? Why?" He becomes alarmed and pushes himself off my shoulder.

"We told you why. If you want this wish so badly, we're going to have to find them and kill them if they are the ones who can kill us."

"Fine, they probably gave me up for some stupid reason, anyways." He says looking down again.

"All right, let's eat! I'm starved!" I say and Jared and Devan look at Alex.

"He is off limits, remember?" I say.

"Shut up." Jared says and gets up. "I guess we're looking for our own food again tonight. Let's go!" He says and starts his way up the stairs. We all walk together outside, Alex grips my hand tight. I'm not sure if he's scared or excited but I squeeze his as well. We walk into town and hide in an alley.

"First, you hide and watch for your prey." Jared explains.

"Like a tiger?" Alex asks happily.

"Uhm, sure." Jared says.

"Then, make a sound so these stupid curious humans will come to you." Jared says and Alex giggles.

"Children are the best." Jared says. "They're so naive."

Devan looks down. "But it's wrong to take them at such a young age. I send them away, tell them to go home, before Jared can get to them." He says.

"Hello?" A teenage girl, about 19, looks in the alley.

"Help!" Jared yells, sounding hurt. Alex starts giggling silently as she makes her way toward us.

"Hello? Are you okay? Do you need help?" She asks.

"Bitch, I asked for help! Of course I need help!" Jared yells, still sounding hurt. Alex and I laugh silently. Jared gets up and hovers over the ground to not make a sound. "Are you scared?" Jared whispers, circling her.

I can hear her heartbeat and breathing increase as Jared circles her. I don't know if Alex can hear her but I know I can, Jared can, and Devan can. The girl lets out a scream as Jared attacks her. She starts waving her arms and he pins them down.

"You want to make sure you have your prey in place. You don't want them to run away. It may risk others knowing about you and you can get caught."

"What are you talking about?" She yells, kicking her legs. Jared lets go of her arms but has his legs making her stay in place. She struggles to get out and he grabs her arm, folding it in half. We hear the crack and the bloody scream and Jared pins down her other arms and tilts her head to the side.

"Once you have your prey in place, you feed." He smiles and hisses, exposing his fangs and attacks her neck. He drinks her dry and drags her body in the corner of the alley.

"If she ever wakes up, the sunlight will kill her." Jared says and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Devan walks over to her and does his ritual.

"Are you supposed to do that?" Alex asks referring to Devan.

"No, he's just giving her what he never got. He does that to everyone, hoping they'll make it to Heaven but what everyone doesn't understand is that no matter how nice you are, vampirism is a mortal sin and you automatically go to Hell. That's why you need to watch yourself at all times. Vampirism is not a game." Jared says and I smile. Maybe he will be able to talk Alex out of this wish. "Your turn Devan!" He yells to Devan and he does what Jared did. Wait for his prey to come to him and feed.

"I am a very impatient person and I will not wait for my prey to come to me." I say and run out of the alley, a blur to everyone and grab my prey. I bring him back to everyone and I feed, not caring what this guy pleaded.

"I want to try! I want to try!" Alex yells.

"You can try at Blut. They have special drinks for wannabes like you." Jared says.

"Excuse me, I am not a wannabe!" Alex defends himself.

"Easy there, tiger." I say and pull him back.

"Let's just go and have fun. I'm still hungry." Devan says and makes his way out of the alley.
I grab Alex's hand and we make our way to Blut across the street. It's my first time in there and the place is huge! It looks small from the outside but it's so big. Jared leads us through a door and down some stairs into the vampire section of the club. There's music blasting and vampires everywhere. There's a bar with normal blood and virgin blood.

"What's virgin blood?" I ask, yelling over the music.

"Anybody who is not a vampire here, we call virgins or wannabes! The wannabes drink the virgin blood! Virgin blood is normal human blood that has the nutrients we need strained out! That's why their non-virgin blood is so good here! They have extra nutrients and it tastes soo good!" Jared explains. We all sit at the bar together and the three of us order blood and I order a virgin blood for Alex. The bartender brings them out in martini glasses and smirks at Alex, giving him those eyes. I can't help but he jealous.

"Let's go dance!" I say to Alex and pull his arm, giving a dirty look to the bartender.

"I don't know how!" Alex says. I turn him around and wrap my arms around his waist and grind my hips into the back of his.

"You do now!" I say and we dance like that for hours. Jared and Devan start ordering alcohol and get wasted and dance around with each other. I begin to wonder if they're actually dating or if they're that wasted. I get pulled out of my thoughts when Alex turns around to face me. He has sweat dripping down his face and neck, I was getting turned on.

"Let's go find some place quiet." He says. I scan the room and find a lounge room that's away from everything else. I grab Alex's hand and run through the vampires dancing and enter the lounge room. Before we even find a place, Alex's lips were lock to mine and his hand locked to my groin. I moan into the kiss as we deepen it but were cut off.

"Alex?" An unfamiliar voice calls from behind me.

"I'm a little busy!" He yells and slides his hands up my shirt, letting us collapse on a couch.

"Hey, Alex! What are you doing?!" The guy grabs Alex by the back of his collar of his shirt and pulls him off me.

"Hey, asshole! I'm getting it on, here! Fuck off!" Alex yells and I learn he becomes very aggressive when he's horny and dominating.

"Alex, what about us?" The guy asks.

"Vince?" Alex asks with an "oh, shit I've been caught cheating!" look on his face.

"Back off, cowboy. He's mine." I grab Alex out of Vince's grip and pull him into me, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Uhm, no. I had him first." Vince said, pulling Alex back into his grasp.

"Well you never called me and always tried to have sex with me. I'm not going to screw you if you never talk to me!" He says, sounding like a slut.

"Well, I never ended the relationship so you're still with me!"

"Well I end it because I've found someone else." Alex says and pulls himself out of Vince's grasp and runs back into my arms.

"Hey! I end the relationship!" Vince yells and smacks Alex.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I yell and push him to the ground with my amazing vampire strength! I expose my teeth to him.

"You're a- you're a - you're a vampire!" He stutters.

"Well of course!" I yell. "You are in a vampire club! What are you going to find, unicorns?" Alex starts giggling. "Back off us. Don't make me hurt you." With that, I walk away with Alex.

"I love you, Billy!" Alex yells loud enough for Vince to hear.

"I love you too, Alex." And we share a kiss before exiting the lounge.