Sequel: The Last Sunrise


"Ex's and Oh's"

There's only one thing on my mind. I have to get out of here. I have to find Billy. This psycho guy, Garrick, isn't letting me go anywhere. What does he want from me anyways? Who is he? What did we do wrong? I hear a knock at the door. I hear his footsteps walking to the door and opening it.

"That's him?" I hear him ask.

"Yeah, the other two changed." The guest says. I assume he has Billy but I don't get my hopes up.

"Bring him in." Garrick says and I hear two people step in and the door shut. They walk in the living room with Billy and I almost burst in tears. He has duct tape over his mouth, his hands tied behind his back, and I knew at that moment that he needed blood.
I wanted to help him so bad but I was taped to this chair. I realize it's Vince holding Billy and he throws him on the couch.

"You're an asshole!" I yell. Vince just smiles at me.

"And you're my love." He says. I piece everything together.

Vince and his buddy kidnap Devan and Jared so we will go to them and they'll take us and kill the others, so it's left with me and Billy and they kill Billy and I'm left with Vince.
I broke up with him for a reason. Why can't he realize that!?

"Seriously, get over me, Vince! I broke up with you for a reason!" I yell. He just pulls a piece of duct tape off the roll and sticks it over my mouth.

"There, be a good boy. Boyfriends should be seen and not heard." He smiles and pats me on my head like I'm a dog. He grabs Billy by the collar of his shirt and pulls him off the couch so his body falls to the ground. He drags him to another chair and tapes him to that chair. "Will you be a good boy for me?" Vince asks Billy.

Billy doesn't do anything. He just stares at Vince with an evil and pissed off look. He was probably forced to go to his other self since he needs blood. Vince grabs the chair and drags it over so it's in front of me and we're facing each other.

"Now, will you break up with Alex, or do I have to do that for you?" He asks Billy and rips off the piece of duct tape. Billy hisses, showing his teeth and takes a bite for Vince. Vince jumps back and screams.

"Ahh!! What the hell are you doing?" He screams and smack Billy. Billy just gets angrier and takes another bite for him. Vince shoves his hand in his pocket and moves his hand around, looking for something. He pulls his hand out and flips open a switchblade. He's going to use that as protection and to show off, right? I think to myself, but I'm wrong. He takes a quick step forward and slits Billy's arm and blood pours out. I scream, though it's muffled by the duct tape but he can still hear me screaming.

"Oh.." He says. "You don't like that, do you?" He takes another step in and cuts Billy another time. I keep screaming and just as he's about to make the sixth slit, Billy turns his face and bites Vince in his arm. Vince screams in pain and drops his knife, trying to push Billy off his arm. Billy only digs in deeper and starts sucking the blood. I just sit there and watch in horror as he smacks my boyfriend and I can't do anything about it. I'm pissed.