Sequel: The Last Sunrise



I run into the living room and I think in my head "Billy's gone, we have to find him!" but all I say is, "Billy!"

"What?" Jared stands up quickly.

"B-b-b-uh...He-Billy!" I studder so much I can't find the right words. They're stuck in my throat. Jared places his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"What's wrong, Alex?" He demands. After studdering for another few seconds, I whisper under my breath, "Billy's gone." Jared spins around to Devan.

"We have to find him." He says.

"But the sun's out1 We ca-" My senses come to me. Billy + vampirism + vanishing maybe outside = ashes

"Oh, my God." I say. "I think he's dead." I feel lightheaded and my eyes flutter shut and I feel my legs give out and my head hits the ground.

Jared's P.O.V.

"Oh, my God!" I scream. This day is becoming very stressful. First Billy almost dies, I become a vampire again with my boyfriend, Billy goes missing and Alex passes out. What else is going to happen?! Don't answer that question. Devan rushes over to Alex and smacks his face a few times.

"Alex, wake up!" He yells but Alex doesn't wake up.

"Let's take him to his room." I say and pisk him up by his ankles. Devan holds his hands and we drag him to his room.

"Let's leave him here. I don't think we've changed yet so maybe we can find him before the sun rises tomorrow." Devan says and I nod my head. We exit the room and I leave a note for Alex on the kitchen table saying we'll be back soon.

"Alright, let's go." I say and Devan grabs my hand as we walk out the door.

"Do you think we'll find him?" Devan asks.

"I don't know. We just have to look hard." I say and keep his hand in mine as we keep walking.

Billy's P.O.V.

I've gotten those discusting humans out, I think to myself evily as I try to get back into the house. Now I'm closer to Alex with those idiots out of the way. I walk up to the door and try opening it but it's locked. I go to a side window and rip the screen off and trow it on the ground. I push the unlocked window up and let myself in, closing the window behind me.
Where is he? I look around and spot a piece of paper on the kitchen tabel.

By the time you get this, we might be gone. We've gone in search of Billy. We'll find him; don't worry.
-♥-Jared and Devan"

Those idiots really think I left. I think to myself and crinkle up the paper, throwing it in the trash can. I start my search for Alex, opening all the bedroom doors I see. I finally come across a door that's locked. I jiggle the handle a little before stepping back and kicking the door down. Alex, lying on the bed like an angel, sits up fast and inhales sharply. His body is trembling.

"Billy!?" He yells happily but changes the end of my name into a question.

"Yes, I'm Billy." I say and I plaster that evil smirk on my face.

"W-why are you doing that?" He asks.

"Why am I doing what?" I ask.

"You have that look on your face like you're going to hurt me." He says.

"What makes you think I'm going to hurt you?" I giggle, showing my teeth. I want blood. And I want sex.

"Please don't, Billy. I love you." He says.

"If you really love me that much, then you'd let me." I start playing mind games with him for a few minutes before jumping onto the bed and tearing at the blankets.

"Billy, no!" He yells but I ignore his puny pleads. I just smile and do whatever I desire until he finally stops screaming and hitting me and passes out. I enjoy the pleasure, even though it's hard to get inside but it's better than someone fighting against you. The room fills with my moans and laughter, a smile on my face. And when I'm done, I leave his limp body there on the bed and go watch TV. I fall asleep, dreaming of everything I've done today and wake up to a door slamming and people talking.

"Billy, you're back!" Devan cheers and comes after me for a hug. I don't accept it, remembering everything I've done and guilt sets in.

"What's wrong?" Jared asks.

My eyes start filling with tears and all I can force out is, "I'm a monster."