Sequel: The Last Sunrise



Wait a minute, I should be in control of this human and his family. He shouldn't be in control of me. I'm not an animal.


I can break his little body, feed on his parents, use this house as a hideout. The door opens and Alex walks in.

"Hey, Billy." He says and smiles.

"Shut up!" I yell and throw him into his wall.

"What are you doing?" I exclaims and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"What do you think? I'm hungry!" I hiss and show my teeth to him. I show him that I'm bigger, I'm stronger, and he can't control me.

"Billy, I thought we had a deal!" He whines, like a little mouse being played with by a cat just before it's about to be eaten.

"Well, I guess we can forget about that because you won't have to worry about living." I give out a small evil chuckle, waiting for my teeth to sink into his scrawny little neck.

"Billy, don't." He says.

"Alex, you will learn soon that you don't tell me what I can and can't do. I can break you." I say like a big kid bullying a nerd in a school playground during recess.

"Billy, please. For my boyfriend's sake."

"Fuck your boyfriend!" I snap. "I was taken away from the people I loved why should you be treated any differently?"

"Please!" He begged and burst into tears.

I scoff in disgust and drop him to the floor.

"Fine, who do you like better? Your mother or your father?" I demand.

"Leave them alone, Billy." He warns me but I ignore it.

"Don't tell me what to do, Alex. Or I will hurt you."

"Fine," He says. "Then take me. Leave them alone. They don't deserve to die."

"And you're too young." I interrupt him and place my hand on the door knob.

"No!" He begs again and grabs my free hand and pulls me away from the door.

"Get off me!" I yell and pull my hand away from his, causing him to fall back and hit his head on his dresser.

"Alex?" I ask but he doesn't answer.

"Alex?" I ask again and crouch to his side, shaking him, trying to wake him up. I hear someone running up the stairs and slide under his bed. The door flies open and his father runs in.

"Alex! Darlene, call 911!" He yells and I hear someone running downstairs.

I hear the phone pick up, the number dial, the conversation. I think I'll get used to this sight, hear, smell, feel thing a lot faster. I kind of like it.

Thirty minutes later, I hear the ambulance come and they take him away, the family following in their car and leave me here by myself. I get out from under the bed and walk out of the room. It's now time to explore his house.

I walk down his stairs and turn right, walking into the living room. The blinds are open but I stay in the shade to keep myself from burning. I turn around and turn left, walking through a hallway that leads me to the kitchen and a door. I open the door and sneak a peak in. It's dark. I take a careful step on the first step and start walking down the stairs. I look around and see that it's a basement.

I could live down here instead of in his room. But what if he wants me to be with him in his room? Well, I don't have to sleep. But I'll be greeted every morning with that horrid sun that burns my flesh. I cringe with the thought of that burning feeling.

I'm hungry. I want food. When will this disgusting sun go away?

I walk back up the stairs and close the door. I want to explore more but I hear a car pulling into the driveway. I run upstairs and hide under his bed again and wait. I hear the key enter the lock of their front door. I hear the footsteps of their human feet walk into the house and kick off their shoes, leaving them by the door. Alex's mother is talking to someone on her cell phone.

"They said he'll have to stay over night. It might be just a minor concussion." She says.

"Really? I wonder how that happened." The voice on the other line of her cell phone says.

"I don't know. Roger heard a thump and a scream and when he walked into his room, he was just lying there on the floor."

"Mommy! I want food!" A little girl yells in the background of the other line.

"I have to go. Angela's hungry. I'll talk to you later. best wishes with Alex. Good bye." She says and Darlene ends the call.

Stupid humans, they don't even know I'm here. I think to myself and smirk. Maybe I should feed off them now. But that thought changes when Alex's begging face flashes in my eyes.

Take me, leave them alone, they don't deserve to die. His voice flashes in my ears. I decide to fight the urge of ripping those people to pieces. I decide to wait until night comes when everyone's asleep, I'll sneak out of the house and find some unlucky person in town. I can't wait to rip their neck open and drink that crimson I crave for. I clench my teeth, fighting the urge to bite them. I grab a hold of the wires under his bed and keep myself there. If I try to run, I'll tighten my grip and stay here. It's noon. I have eight hours until I can eat.

I am STARVING! I just want to eat!

I tighten my grip on his bed and try not to break it as I push the hunger out of my head. I feel like a drug addict going through detox. Will I be able to handle it for eight more hours? I think of eight long, grueling hours of lying here under Alex's bed, dying of starvation. Not really, since I'm already dead.

I want to cry, shove my head through the wall. But how will Alex be able to explain it to his parents? I would just get him into trouble. Then he might kick me out and I'll have to fend for myself. Oh God, just that thought of me outside during the day...I'd die.

I close my eyes for a few minutes, even though I don't have to sleep and when I open them, it's already nine pm. I smile and crawl out from under the bed, walking to the window and opening the shades. The sun is gone. I open the window and climb out, sitting on the sill.
I look down and examine the ground before I jump. It's flat and I let myself drop, landing on my feet, not feeling a thing. No zing, no burning sensation, nothing. I smile. Nothing can stop me. I am INVINCIBLE.

Nobody can tell me what to do, nobody can win a fight with me...

This reminds me of that little asshole who used to pick on me in school. I know exactly where he lives. I smirk that evil smirk that you see the evil inhuman person do in movies. I have turned a vampire movie into reality. And everyone will live in fear. Because of me. It feels so good, to know that people fear me instead of me always fearing them. My self esteem has gone way up since I left that horrible hospital and I could have never felt better.

My legs lead me to a small but large blue house with only a few lights on. I walk around the house and find Dylan's room on the second floor. I smirk to myself and jump up, grabbing the sill and resting my feet on it. I sit there, crouched as I pry open the window and climb in. I walk over to his bed and sit on it, waiting for his arrival. I hear his fat ass drag itself up his stairs and walk into the room.

"What are you doing here, you fag? How did you get in my house?" He demands.

"I jumped up and pried myself in." I say and run fast, only a blur to him and shut the door, locking it.

"How did you do that?" He gasps. "You're a freak!" I just smirk and look down, holding my head in my hands.

"Bippidy," I pause. "Boppidy," I pause again. "BOO!" I yell as I remove my hands quick, revealing my teeth, my eyes, my face; my scary face.

"What the-" He jumps back, falling onto his bed.

"How did you do that?" He asks in shock and I chuckle.

"Magic," I say. "I'm a magician."

"More like a monster." He says.

"Yes," I reply. "A monster that is going to kill you tonight."

"What, no!" He yells. "Mom!" He squeals and I jump on top of him, placing my legs on each side of this fat ass pig.

"I hope you've been a good boy these past few years." I say and hiss, showing my teeth.

"No!" He squeals and I snap his neck, killing him. It will be easier for me to feed. I stare at his neck, at those blue veins just screaming to be opened. My stomach growls and I get a sharp pain and without thinking once more about this, I slam my teeth into his neck.

I poke those two tiny holes and start sucking but it's not coming out fast enough. I take another bite and rip open his skin revealing a chunk of his neck taken out and suck more in faster. I drain him and want more. I scream in pleasure of this blood that I can't get enough of.

"Dylan, are you okay?" I hear his mother ask and she knocks lightly on the door.

"Dylan?" She asks again. I get off him and unlock the door and jump out of his window before she could see me. I land feet first on the grass outside and grin when I hear her bloody scream as she finds her fat son dead on his bed.

"Good night mom!" I yell and run fast, only a blur to everyone and run back to Alex's house. I jump back into his window and close it. I look at the alarm clock. 1:30 am.

I smile and open his door, slipping into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see the blood on my face. I turn on the water and wash it off, revealing my normal human-looking face.
Guilt passes through me. I took someone's life. Someone who hasn't even reached 18 yet. I regret it but I was too hungry to realize anything. I take another look at myself and change into my vampire self. Once I see my ugly, scary face, I stumble and tightly close my eyes. It was as if I was watching a very scary movie and the monster looked like me.

Monster. That's it. I am a monster. A monster that kills. I cry. I turn into my normal self and cry. How could I like being a killer? I want to die but I'm already dead.

I shut off the light and slip back into Alex's room before I wake his parents and crawl back under his bed like an animal. I am an animal. A monster animal. That kills people and sucks their blood dry. But how do you create a vampire? Do you just bite them? Do you suck their blood almost dry? What do you do? I close my eyes and the sadness drapes over me. The tears fell from my eyes, rolling to my ears. I want to bash my head into the bottom of his bed. But I'll break it. I'll ruin it.

Just like I ruin everything else.