Sequel: The Last Sunrise


Turn Me

I hear feet shuffling around downstairs and I wake up.

I listen to the conversation that's going on and find out it's Alex's parents and they're leaving to go pick him up from the hospital. I peek my head out from under his bed to check the time. It's 9 am and Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Three days until the weekend and I spend time with him. I didn't like him or anything, I just thought of him as a good friend whom I could speak my thoughts out to and not have to worry about him telling anybody. He is the only one who knows I'm a vampire so maybe that's why I feel so close.

I pull my head back under the bed and closed my eyes. Why did kids go to school anyways? I never went since I was in that horrible psych ward. They schooled me there and it was awful. They were so basic with everything. Like they'd say, "The square root of 4 is 2. Any questions? Okay, here's some work." And they'd give us these problems that had equations on them that we never went over.

I hated them. With a passion. If I knew where they lived, I'd probably suck them dry.

I remember in second grade when Dylan ganged up on me with his fat friends and they all made fun of me because my parents claimed bankrupt. Him and his friends surrounded me and chanted, "Billy is a poor bum, Billy is a poor bum!" That was the first time I punched him in his fat face.

Nothing happened to him but his friends knocked me to the ground and beat me up. I was sent home with blood blisters, cuts, bruises, and sprains. Also, for the punishments, nothing happened to him but I got detention for two weeks with Mrs. Howe. Pronounced hoe. She was a hoe, too. I didn't like her. Then again, I didn't like most girls.

That was another reason why I was beaten up so much. Because I was different and poor.
When I turned thirteen, I laced a rope to a loop in the ceiling for my mothers plants and tied it in a knot around my neck. I didn't know what I was doing so I just stepped down from the chair and felt myself suffocating. Later on, I found out I was supposed to jump so I'd crack my neck and then suffocate. Apparently it's supposed to hurt less but whatever. I don't think I'm going to attempt to hang myself again soon.

Anyways, so while I was hanging there suffocating, my mother came home and saw me. She screamed bloody murder and got the scissors out. I thought she was going to stab me but she cut the rope and took me down. I didn't want to be taken down. I wanted to die.

Eventually I got my wish and now I know to be careful what you wish for because you might actually get what you wish for. And most of the time it's not that great. I ended up away from my family as I wanted and dead just like I wanted. It's not fun. And the great feeling wears away after a while. I hear the door open and notice the time flew by fast. A smile appears on my face.

I can talk to Alex. I hear him walk up the stairs and open his door and sit on his bed. I crawl out and smile at him.

"I'm really sorry to do that. I didn't mean to." I start off. "Did you have fun?"

"Get out of my house." Is all he says.

"What? You can't kick me out. It's daytime! I'll die!" I protest.

"One less worry in my life." He says coldly.

"You're an asshole!" I say and sit on the floor, crossing my arms and sitting Indian style,

"Oh, stop it, Billy and just leave." He says.

"No," I say. "You can't make me."

"Please?" He blinks his pretty eyes at me and gives me the cutest little puppy eyes I've ever seen.

"No," I rebel from his eyes and stay seated.

"Come on," He stands up and tries to drag me but my vampire strength keeps me in my place. "God, you're fat!" He says, nearly breathless.

I grab his ankle and pull forward, causing him to fall back and drag across the floor next to me.

"You know, I could suck you dry and second." I say, trying to sound evil with my canine teeth extending and my face, so close to his. He just giggles.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You'll suck me dry?" He says. "I believe my boyfriend could do better." I cringe at his dirty mind and let go of him.

"By the way, what is your little boyfriend's name?" I ask.

"Vince," He says. "And he is the best. He's sweet, he's nice, he doesn't really listen that much. I think he's just dating me for my body."

"How old is he?" I ask.

"Nineteen," He says happily. "And I'm sixteen."

"I'm sixteen also." I say. I create a plan in my head.

Vince = 19
Alex + Vince = Illegal Sex
I'm so mean.

"I am really sorry about what I did yesterday." I say.

"It's okay, I get out the rest of this week so I'm pretty happy."

"That's good, I think." I say and smile.

"Yeah, it is because now I can keep an eye on you." He says.

"About that," I say and look down in guilt. "I killed someone while you were in the hospital."

"What?" He almost yelled but caught himself before his parents heard him. "Who? Why?" He asked.

"Dylan Roche. I was really hungry, I was like starving. But I'm better now."

"Wow. How much longer before you get another urge?" He asks.

"I don't know. I just eat when I'm hungry I guess. Just like you. You eat when you're hungry, right?"

"Yeah, just don't eat me." He giggles and I join in.

"I'll try not to." I say smiling.

"So, what's it like? To be a vampire?" He asks, getting really interested in my existence.

"I don't know. I've only been like this for like three days."

"True, but still, how do you feel?" I think of last night when I jumped out the windows and never got caught.

"Invincible," I reply. "I feel invincible. Like nobody can touch me because if they lay a hand on me, they'll die." I explain.

"Sometimes I wish I were dead."

"Don't," I say. "I wished the same exact thing and now look at me."

"Yeah, you're invincible."

"I'm a killer." I say.

"But you kill for food, not play." He protests.

"You do have a point there, but still. This kid was not even eighteen yet and I killed him. I jumped out his window and heard his mother scream bloody Mary and I ran. I broke a family apart."

"But you have the right to." He says.

"Why?" I cock my head to the left as I ask the question.

"Because! You're a vampire!" He exclaims. "You have the right to cause chaos and not get caught! You are the prince of darkness. Doesn't that sound so cool?"

"It sounds so emo." I say and giggle.

"Shut up." He laughs and playfully pushes my shoulder. I feel as if we are becoming closer. Like best friends almost.

"But being the 'prince of darkness' isn't always the best thing in the world." I say, becoming serious and depressed. "Out of the three days I've had this, I've been deathly hungry and a killer for two days and depressed for one. It's not the best thing in the world but at least I have a warm place to stay and I'm with someone who cares." Alex blushes and tries to hide it but I only smile and make a move. I cup my hand in his chin and pull his face only inches from mine. "Thanks you, Alex. You're a true friend." I say but would never expect what would happen next.

He lightly presses his lips to mine and I close my eyes, making it a kiss that means something. It meant something to me, anyways. I'm not sure how he felt but I liked it.
He pulls away but I lean forward, keeping our lips together. He leans his head to the side and I open my mouth for his tongue. I feel his tongue enter and the butterflies in my tummy appear. I feel the tickling sensation in my tummy and giggle as I run my tongue across his.

I hear footsteps start up the stairs but I don't think Alex knows. The footsteps get closer to Alex's door and I hear the doorknob jiggle and open. I run under his bed, leaving him sitting there with his eyes still shut and his tongue sticking out. I try not to laugh and his dad enters the room.

"How are you feeling, Alex?" He asks and scares Alex out of his skin.

He jumps and twirls around squealing, "Dad, don't you know how to knock?" He turns back around to see I'm gone.

"Why do I need to knock?" He asks.

"I don't know. Nevermind. I have a headache." Alex says.

"Do you want me to get you the medicine the doctor gave you?"

"No, I'll be fine. It's just a headache. Thanks anyways."

"All right. Good night, son." He says and walks out, closing the door behind him.

"You are a very lucky little boy." He says to me under the bed. I just smile and crawl out.

"Do I have to sleep under there again?" I ask.

"You can sleep with me if the door is locked." He says. I run to the door and lock it and run back, sitting on his bed next to him, not making a sound.

"You're getting really good at that." He says.

"I like it. It's at least one reason why I like being a-" I was cut off by his lips.

He practically attacked me and was running his fingers through my hair. Kiss after sloppy kiss, after kiss, I finally invited his tongue into my mouth. He let a moan escape from his mouth and I try to hide the effect he was giving me but it poked his leg anyway. He started to grind his hips into it and I let a moan escape. It felt so good.

"Take me." He whispers as he stops kissing and grinding.

"Take you where?" I ask almost breathless.

"With you to the darkness." He whispers.

"You want me to bite you or suck you?" I ask confused with the present situation. He pushed his hair to the left side of his neck and extended the right side of his neck to my face.

"Bite me, Billy." He says seductively.

"I can't." I say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because, you're too young." I say.

"We're the same age, Billy." He protests.

"Well, I like you and I don't want you to die at such a young age." I say.

"You died at a young age." He says.

"Be careful what you wish for." I whisper

"You're no fun!" He says and sits up and crosses his arms, beginning to sulk.

"You suck, Alex. Look what you did to me and all of a sudden, you stop. I hate you." I say.

"You hate me but yet you were just getting into it."

"Of course! If a beautiful boy was on top of you, kissing you and rubbing his stuff against your stuff, I think you'd get into it too." I say.

"I'm beautiful?" He asks and smiles, acting all girly as if his high school crush revealed their good feelings to him.

"Yes, you are beyond beautiful." I say.

"Good, now bite me!" He says and pulls his shirt collar down and shoves his neck into my face again. I push him away.

"Why do you want to be a vampire so bad?" I ask.

"Because, it's cool! I want to jump in and out of windows, I want to kill my enemies, I feed off of the most beautiful thing ever made - blood." He smiles.

"Please?" He begs.

"No." I say and get off the bed. I crawl back under the bed and try to go to sleep.

"No, you sleep with me, Billy." He says and pulls me out and helps me up to his bed. I kick off my shoes, take off my shirt and take off my jeans only left to sleep in my boxers. Alex does the same and he crawls in next to me and pulls the covers over us.

"I will become a vampire, one way or another." He says and turns off the light by the light switch on the wall behind me.

"And when that day comes, I'll be able to tame you and kill that son of a bitch who turned you."

He just smiles and cuddles close to me, burying his face in my chest. I don't know what else to do so I wrap my arm around him and cuddle closer.

I think I do like this boy. But he's very thick-headed when it comes to vampirism.

I will not turn him.
I might let myself love him.
But I shall NEVER turn him.