Sequel: The Last Sunrise



"Kill my parents." Alex says the next morning. He gives me an evil smirk.

"What? No!" I exclaim. "I was going to kill them before and you ended up going to the hospital! I'm not going through that again!"

"I hate you, Billy." He says and crosses his arms, sulking and acting like a spoiled baby. My spoiled baby.

"Fine, sit there and sulk like a-" I stop myself before he punches me in the face.

"Well, I don't have to let you stay with me." He says, emphasizing the sentence to make me change my mind. But I kept my mind focused on anything but his parents' blood.

"Why do you want me to kill them?" I ask.

"So you can turn me. I want to know what it feels like! You make it seem so fun and you even said you felt invincible. I want that feeling, too." He says.

"No, it's not fun. And it doesn't make you feel invincible."

"You said it did."

"I lied. Being a vampire sucks. I want to die but I'm already dead." I say.

"I want to be dead too." He says. "I'm already dead to my family, why not make it official?" He asks.

"Your family loves you so fucking' much!" I yell in defense. "My family dropped me off at the hospital and left me there for three years! One day I wake up dead and I don't know what to do!" I yell, holding back tears.

"Billy, calm down! I didn't mean it that way." He tried to keep me in control of him but I just push him out of my way and leave his room. I bump into his dad.

"Who are you?" He demands.

"Just a fragment of your imagination." I say and turn into a blur, running past him and out the door. I didn't check what time it was but it was still dark.

This sucks! I scream in my head and kick a stick as I walk through the woods. I have my hands in my pockets and I try to let the anger leave me.

"Why are you so angry?" A voice asks. It comes from all directions so I don't know where the owner if the voice is.

"Why do you care?" I say out to the being.

"Because," They say and appear in front of me. "I can help you, Billy." He was tall, wore all black, and had fangs like me.

"You," I try to find words but I can't get much out. "We're alike."

"Yes, little Billy." He says. "And I can help you."

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"I've been watching you." He says. "You're very confused."

"Yes, I am." I say, relieved that someone understands me.

"I can fill you in on everything you want to know."

"Okay, should we start now?"

"Oh no, Billy. We have to make a deal."

"Oh, ok." I say uneasily.

"I will show you everything you need to know for the rest of your existence if," He pauses and looks me in the eyes. "If you give me the boy." The boy? What boy?

"What boy?" I ask.

"Alex, Billy. You know who I'm talking about. He has something that can kill us all in a heartbeat and we don't need him doing that." My heart nearly sunk to the ground.

"And what if I don't?" I ask.

"I will capture you, use you as a slave for the rest of your days and I will hunt the boy down myself and kill him with my bare hands right in front of you." He says. I ponder over this and let it all sink into my head. Alex can kill us? How? Why did I have to kiss him? Why did I have to fall for him?

"Do we have a deal little boy?" He asks.

"You give me your name and I believe we might." I say.

"I give you my name and you know we will." He demands.

"Fine, just give me your name."

"Xander, Xander Jacobs." He says. "Now, do we have a deal?"

"Yes." I say, not sure if I wanted to agree on this.

"Good." He says and seals our deal with a kiss.

It caught me off guard but I fell for it. He was such a great kisser. But something was wrong. He was evil.