Sequel: The Last Sunrise



So Alex could kill us? It was hard to believe. He was just so innocent. How could it be true?

"Prove it." I say and try to make myself look tough so he'd have to have some fear. He just laughs.

"I will, Billy. When you bring him to me. You have three days." And with that, he disappears.
What the hell? I think, confused and run back to Alex's house.

"Thanks a lot, asshole. Now my dad thinks I'm cheating on my boyfriend." Alex says as I jump through the window.

"I'm sorry. I was upset. But I should have stayed here." I say, not sure if I should tell him about Xander.

"Oh, what happened? Are you feeling depressed again because you killed so-" Alex was just cut off and everything went black.

I open my eyes and see I'm in a white room with white lights shining down on me. Men in long white coats holding clipboards surrounding me. I try to move but my wrists and ankles are clamped down to the operating table I am on. I begin to freak out.

My breathing increases, making my heart beat increase, making my blood flow faster, and my adrenaline kick in.

"Hello, Billy." Says one man with short brown hair and a white coat. He holds a clipboard as well as three others while the other four are experimenting with something on a counter behind him.

"How do you feel, Billy?" He asks.

"Where am I?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"I am asking the questions, not you." He says.

"Sir, it's ready." One man at the counter behind him says.

"Okay," He turns around and grabs something from him. He turns back around to face me and smiles.

"This won't hurt a bit, Billy." He says smiling and shoots a syringe full of some liquid into my left arm, the arm closest to him. I don't do a thing. No screaming, no talking, no pain, nothing. Nothing but confusion.

"-Someone? Billy, are you even listening to me?" Alex waves his hand in front of my face. I check the scene and comprehend that I'm back at Alex's house and not with those psychos.
My arm starts hurting and I collapse to the floor, gripping my left arm.

"Ow, ow ow..." Is all I can say.

"Billy?" Alex asks, worry in his voice.

"Billy, are you okay? Do you want me to call for help?" Alex starts panicking and running around not knowing what to do.

"I'll be fine, Alex." I laugh. "Chill."

"I'm sorry, I've never dealt with a vampire before."

You never had a crush on one. I correct him in my head. I'd never be able to say something like that to him. I don't have the guts to.

The pain goes away and I'm left dumbfounded. Why did that happen? What is happening? I am so confused.

Then I remember Xander and what he'd told me about Alex. Should I tell Alex or not? Guilt lingers over me as I keep that dark secret from him.

I could be putting his life in danger. He could be putting mine in as well.