The Doll. The Girl. The Broken Promises.

The Final Chapter

“You know where to find me if you need me.” The doll said to the girl, taking its forehead off of hers. A symbol of affection only the two of them knew. They had gone far together, gone through many things not many could have handled. However, the strain proved too much in the end. The doll jumped in its car as it watched the girl speed off. It didn’t know what she was thinking, she didn’t say much in their conversation. But it knew one thing. She was happy this way. It took a deep breath, convinced it was better this way. It turned the ignition of the car on, and went on its way as well.

The doll was never meant to feel. Never meant to have emotions. It was created to make others happy, not itself. And the doll always believed that, that is until the girl showed up in its life. She was different, saw the doll differently than everyone else did. She had fallen in love with it. The doll too had fallen for the girl, but never could express what it felt since it never was built with a heart. Until she built it one, and the emotions flowed out of it. It was overflowing with experiences and sensations it had never felt before. The doll looked at the girl, and for the first time in its life, genuinely smiled. On that day the doll vowed to always make her happy, no matter what.

The doll began to iron its clothes for work the next day. They had been together for years, and to have it all end just like that. It seemed they would be together forever… the doll smirked. It knew why though. It was all its fault. It was the reason they grew so far apart. That’s why it had to tell her it was over. She was beginning college, finding a job, hanging out with her friends, not to mention the doll also having its own job to worry about… it knew this was for the best. Plus, she had said so herself. She was happier this way. Some liquid fell on the pants it was ironing. The doll was confused, and went to touch its face. The liquid continued to fall. He couldn’t make it stop. It looked down, as the liquid continued to fall. It was then, at that moment, it realized what was going on. It was crying. It was a feeling it had seen on many humans, but never knew what it felt till now. It was feeling sadness.

A couple of days go by, and the doll and the girl meet up again to return some stuff of theirs they had. They make small talk, the doll mentioning stuff about his new job and the girl talking about what she had been up to. She got a text, and told the doll that it had to retrieve something she had left at someone’s house, a new person she had met in college. The doll smiled, and told her that she should go get it then, and that it had to go anyways. She nodded, jumped into her car and sped off, while the doll sat in its car. It felt numb at this point. It didn’t know what to do anymore. It was convinced it was to make her happy, and that everything would be alright… but it wasn’t. It was living in its own hell now, the one it created for itself. It went to touch at the panel where its heart is, and paused. The doll began to laugh. The girl may not know it, but it took more that her belongings. She also took its heart. All it has left now is an empty space, and broken promises. Tears began to run again, but the doll quickly wiped them away. It did this to itself. It looked up and remembered its vow. It would make her happy, no matter what. So even if it has to sacrifice its own happiness, shatter its own world just to make her happy, then so be it. The doll started the ignition of the car once more. She moved on, so its time it did the same. Back to the way it used to be. To go after its huge ambitions, its life goals. To make it fill up the emptiness, the thing it knew it would will never have. It took a deep breath, and drove off.