Status: Completed

Your Knife, My Back...


I can feel the rush of fresh air as the window rolls down on Alex's car. I stick my arm out letting the breeze cool my now over heated body. The weather is beautiful and I was looking forward to the Circus. I could feel knots of excitement rise up in my stomach as I see the Tents pitched evenly across the massive field. I let out a squeak of excitement as Alex pulls into the parking lot and finds us a space. The road is slightly bumpy as we park into a free space. I bounce out the car and slam the door. I snap my head round to see the bustle of a typical Circus environment. I see guys dressed as clowns entertaining the kids with their stupidity that we all have come to love as humans.
The wind blows as sends a cooling breeze down my body. I put on my sunglasses as feel a hand grab mine. I turn to see Alex there putting his car keys into his back pocket. I have no time to look at more of my surroundings before I am dragged to the long line in front of the Circus. I let out a wide grin as me and Alex make conversation.
"I can't wait. I want it to be night already!" I can't hide my excitement.
"You're totally cute when you're excited"
"What. I can't help that I want to see the show already!"
"Come on" he says pulling me to the ticket man. The guy was dressed in all black, he must have been easily 6ft. His mouth widens into a smile as he both pay happily chirping to each other. I give him a little extra, which made him smile in confusion. He happily took it and put it into what looks like a charity box.
"Thank you" He whispers before we enter the Circus.
I take a look round, seeing that not only did they have tents, they also had stall where you could buy gifts from. I yank on Alex's arm as I drag him to the jewelry sector of the field. I gasp as I look at the beautifully laid out section. I run my hands over each neck less, as it's as beautiful as the one before and after it. I pick one up in particular that catches my eye. The chain is cold as I pick it up and place the tiny blue tent in my hands. The chain and features of the metal tent are gold, with blue and red matching perfectly with the color scheme. It was so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off it. I fee someone rub their hand on the small of back. I turn to see Alex smiling looking in the direction of the necklace I was handling with care.
"It's beautiful, would you like it?"
"I can't afford it"
"That's not what I was asking. I asked if you wanted it? A simple yes or no will do" He grins.
"Yes, really"
"Then yes, I would love it. On;y if you're sure"
I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't" he rolls his eyes.
Alex pays the lady behind the stand before turning to me handing me the newly wrapped necklace.
"Can you put it on please?"
"Of course, beautiful"
"Thanks" I say almost a low whisper.
I turn round and feel the coldness of the necklace hit my heated skin. I made a noise to which Alex laughed at me for. I can feel my heart start to pound heavily as I realize that this was a very intimate moment in my life. No, before you think it, sex is not the only intimate feeling in the world. It's intimate in another way. It was like he was crossing over into my world. it was like this was his way of showing me he cared. I guess I have my own ways in which I view the world. Putting on a necklace was a serious commitment. It was a romantic gesture. Yes, I know, I am weird. I guess I've watched to much Vampire Diaries recently. I mean, Elena realized that in that moment, she loved Damon. So, why would I be any different? To me, this is the begging of something that could be so beautiful.

"It's almost as beautiful as the beauty wearing it"
"Thank you" I whisper. He knows how to catch me off guard today. I loved the way Alex called my beautiful, it made me feel happy.

--------- And the show Begins--------

We take our seats at the front of the tiers ready for the show to begin. I excited shuffle in my seat sucking on the straw of my now empty cup. The lights dim and the show begins.
A figure appears in the middle of the tent arms stretched out either side of his body. The lights turn on and my eyes widen. It was the guy from the ticket line. He looked so differen't from when I saw him last. His black clothes were replaced by a red ring masters jacket and a top hat. His hair was slicked back reavealing his perfectly painted eyebrows. You can see the paleness of his skin as he stepped into the spotlight, shutting the crowd into silence.
"ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the circus of freaks! Tonight we will take you through a journey of one mans escape into the world of freaks!" We all applaud and he silences us again. His places his finger over his lips before the music ques and a man comes out in a full mask covering his face. The show starts off with him running away from some people dressed in suits. he bumps into two girls, who are bendy as fuck. I cringe as the start to bend in every angle. Guiding this man into a tent, he finds what I presume would be the circus of freaks. So many things happen in the show, you have people jumping from swinging chairs catching each other skilfully. My hearts misses a beat as one of them almost misses before grabbing their partner. You have those who play with fire. They have these poi balls, which are alight. They swing them around their bodies, doing so many amazing tricks. I admired those who could play with fire, it was a slight fear of mine, so I stick close to Alex.
Then, my favourite act happened. They bring out a big metal ball, that is like a metal cage. I motercycle comes out waving to the crowd as they start to clap. They stop, and the tension kicks in. My hearts sinks into my chest as I hope that they stay safe. The bike enters the cage and the doors close. I gulp. He starts of going around the cage slowly, making sure to build the speed up gradiually. He accelterates with no warning and does a whole 360 around the top to the bottom of the cage, Earning a massive round of applause from the audience. Then, without warning another bike enters. I've only ever seen this with one bike, not two. I grab Alex's hand as the tenstion built up again. The fist bike starts by going one way, whilst the other goes the other. Once again, they build up speed slowly. Then, one starts to accelrate as so does the other. It looks like they are about to crash before they hi five and stop safely at the bottom of the cage. I stand up heart beating clapping hard at the effort and enterainment they gave. The ring master comes out and hold the lost boys hand.
"So there you have it ladies and Gentlemen. This is the tale of how the boy who was lost, found his way way into the world of freaks. My name is Chris and it's been lovely having you!" the crowd goes wild cheering and clapping as the lights turn off then back on again.
"That.was.brilliant!" I beam happily at Alex who looked white as a ghost.
"yeah" he mumbles sipping at some water.
"You alright?"
"yeah, just don't feel well" he admits.
"We better get you home then" I smiled leading him out of the tent. I bump into Chris on the way out. Alex runs to the bin outside and throws up.
"Oh, sorry" I say and then see it's Chris.
"No problem. How did you find the show?"
"It was just amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off it" I was slightly hyper then I anticipated.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. My misfits are entertainers" he says eyes locked onto mine.
"Misfits? Oh! You're crew. Yeah, they were amazing!"
"They are misfits" he lets out a low growled laugh.
"Question, is the story based off real life events?" He raises and eyebrow and then lets out a wide grin.
"You're smater than you look. Yes, it is. The guy you see throughout the story, found my world of freaks"
"You're not freaks" I mumble.
"I beg to differ. They do things that no other can, or even dared to try"
"I-" I was cut off.
"Sorry to be rude, but I need to go home. I don't feel well" says Alex looking paler.
"Okay. It was nice to meet you Chris. I hope to see you around"
"Here, feel free to pop in" he says handing me a scribbled bit of paper.
"Um, thanks" I say and then walk back to the Car.

I wonder why he gave me his number? I didn't have time to find out now, I had to get Alex back and make sure he was alright. He was my top priority right now.
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that was bought for Dakota! :]