Status: Completed

Your Knife, My Back...

Live, love, Laugh

Oli's POV:

I wake up from a recurring nightmare that I've been having recently. I start off in a corridor, running towards the end before I am trapped in a room with no where to run, no were to hide. I am trapped in this tiny room, alone. I scream and shout but my screams are useless, no one ever comes. I feel so lost and alone, it hurts. I usually wake up screaming like I did today. I wipe the sweat from my forehead before easy myself back into normality. That dream was fucking awful and I honestly wish it wold do one. If it happened enough I could fucking write a song about the bloody thing. The strange thing was, something new happened sometimes, before it reverted back to the same loop of images. I push my hair out my face as the sweat made it stick to my forehead. I fumble around for a fresh pair of boxers and something to wear. I search my floor before finding some skinny jeans and a tank top. I quickly comb through my hair leaving some bits sticking up. I couldn't give a fuck what I looked like, if worse came to worse, I would shove one of my drop dead beanies on. I make my way towards the door before Jordan bursts in all breathless

"Oli, we're going to be late, hurry up" he shouts at me. I look at him like he's crazy. We didn't have any plans did we?

"Da.ko.ta" he says pretending I was stupid

"Oh shit, I forgot" I say mentally slapping myself around the face

"Now lets go!" he says shoving me out of my room and down the stairs to where all the boys have out on hats, gloves and scarves

"You all look like nobs" I laugh as I can barely see their eyes where their scarves are oversize

"You won't be saying that when you're bollocks freeze to death!" laughs Nicholls

"That makes no sense dick!" I throw back at him

"I don't have them on my head or neck, so why would not wearing a scarf effect them?" I laugh

"You know what I meant Oli!" I whines

"So, where we meeting Dakota?" asks Lee

"We're picking her up from Alex's" Says Jordan all father like. Jordan is like the father of the group, he keeps us all in line... sort of. We would be late for everything if it wasn't for him

"Lets go!" I say moving the heard forward. We all bundle into our cars before driving to Alex's flat

Seconds after we arrive Dakota rushes out of the house blushing like a tomato. She jumps into my car slamming the door behind her.

"Easy Love, she is delicate" I scold her, to which she pokes her tongue out at me

"To the Rink!" she shouts as she asks me to put some music on. I press play and Of Mice and Men come through my speakers. I tap my finger in time to The Depths, whilst Dakota does some mini headbanging. I hear a car beep from behind me and it was Vegan and Lee. They slide in right next to us before I roll down my window

"I say we have a race. Looser buys the first round of drinks" challenges Vegan

"You're so on" I say revving up my engine in acceptance to his challenge

We both start to rev up before the lights turn green. I speed off into the direction where we were heading with the other hot on my trail. Dakota screams as we slide into a corner and I slam on the breaks, making us both lunge forward

"Fucking asshole, are you trying to kill me young?" she says slapping me whilst I grin at the thought of not having to pay for the first round

"Sorry Love, you okay? I didn't mean to panic you" I say as she starts to breathe heavier and I start to panic

"Ha! I got you bad Sykes" she says ticking her tongue out at me. I chuckle at her immaturity

"Bitch" I mutter under my breathe before a tap at the window makes me jump put of my skin

"Come on you pansies, we are waiting for you" state Jordan

"Oh..." I say before unbuckling and getting out the car, heading in the direction of the boys

"I so got you still Sykes" says Dakota jabbing me in the ribs

"I will get you back D"

"Will you lovebirds stop flirting and hurry up before the line gets bigger" winks Nicholls

"Fuck of Mate, she has a boyfriend, remember?"

"Still doesn't mean you can flirt" he winks again

"Sorry about 'I'm" I say going bright red

"That's okay, friend are mean to embarrass you" she grins brushing it off like it was no big problem, which I was glad for. My hear was starting to beat a little faster when she decided to take hold of my hand and entwine her fingers in mine. Why was I acting like this? It was only holding hands, get a grip Sykes

"I think Oli and Dakota should pair up" smirks Jordan, I shoot him a glare. I knew what he was doing and it wasn't going to work. I didn't feel for the girl in that way, right? I mentally shake myself, the other thing is she has a boyfriend already.

"Come on Oli" she smiles pulling me towards the Skates

Dakota's POV:

Once on the ice, I am like Bambi, I start to do the splits and hurt my legs. Oli held me up for the most part, that was until I stumbled over a hole in the ice and fell flat onto Oli and we accidentally kissed. I mean, it was so weird because a part of my enjoyed it when I know I shouldn't have. I was pretty sure I felt Oli's manhood pressed against me when I fell on him. I didn't know what to do so like an idiot, I just lay there in pure embarrassment. I've never been in this situation before and I guess I kinda freaked out a little and froze up. Jordan and the Lee skated over and helped me off the now shivering Oli.

"Told you mate, you're dicks gonna fall off soon!" laughs Lee

"Fuck me, it's nippy in here" he says as his teeth chatter

"I'll say" laugh the boys and I look at them confused. I didn't get the joke

"Oi!" yells Oli slapping away Vegans hand from his chest

"There hard as fuck" He taunts laughing hysterically now... Oh, his nipples were hard... I blush hard now

"Well they don't need your fucking fingers on them"

"Too funny"

"Anyway lads, I need to stop by the store before we head to the pub. I'll drop D off and meet down the usual?" he smiled looking at me and helping me off the ice. I go to slip again before to hands were around my waist supporting me. One was Oli, the other Jordan. I was so glad that they were here or my ass would a frozen pain

"Don't do anything we wouldn't" shouted Vegan from the other side of Rink. Oli flipped him off before rushing me out of the rink and into the car

"Wankers" I said frowning at the steering wheel

"The more you frown, the quicker you'll see those wrinkles" I joke and he frowns more

"What's wrong Mr Grumpy Gills" I say poking him in the cheek

"Nothing Love. Wanna stop by my store before I take you home?"

"You mean, go to drop dead?" I say feeling the bubbles about to burst

"You're such a fangirl" he says rolling his eyes

"What, I can't help it, Okay? I mean, you were.. are... I mean. Ah, you are my idol still Oli" I say looking down at the scars on my wrist

"I don't need to be your Idol, I'm your friend now. You know D, you can talk to me about anything right?" he says as I catch him looking at me looking at my scars. I instantly pull up my sleeve and give him a big grin

" I know. It's hard to get my head wrapped around this craziness. One minute you're my idol, the next i'm in your car driving to drop dead with you"

"If you put it that way, I guess it does sound like a lot to deal with as a fan girl" he teases

"Oli, I mean it. I've not felt this happy in a while. It's so crazy that even I can't believe it" I smile and he smiles with me

"We're here" he says parking up

"I am so excited!" I squeal earning looks from the people around us

"Ready?" he says taking out the key and turning it. The door opens and I walk into the dark room. Oli flicks on the lights and the room is instantly bright. I look around at the new seasons of clothes that I could never afford.

"Welcome to my second home" he says slamming his keys on the desk and picking up some paperwork

"It's so freaking cool!" I say in Awe. A jumper catches me eye and I instantly walk over to it and try it on.

"Looks good on you" he sayd grabbing a long mirror and letting me look at myself. I twirl from side to side trying to see it from every angle. I love it.

"I love it so much. I wish I could afford it though" I whine taking it off and putting it back on the rail

"Take it"


"Yeah. Just this once" he smirks and I go over and hug him

"Easy Love" he says as I touch his hips with my hands


"Just... doesn't matter" he sniggers at me. I pout at him before he sighs giving in

"You won't wanna hear it"

"Just tell me Oli"

"It's my turn on spot. Instantly horny when you touch there" he smirks as my face drops into embarrassment and shock. I wasn't used to guys being so bold with their words... Actually I wasn't used to guys at all. I pull my scarf up and cover my now overly crimson cheeks

"I did warn you" he laughed

"Lets go Looser" I say walking out the shop

"Sure thing"

Oli takes me back to Alex's flat. Oli drops me off outside and gives me a quick hug before shooting off to the pub with the lads. Now, it was time for me to finally give Alex my everything. Wish me Luck.