Status: Completed

Your Knife, My Back...

Shopping is the best cure

Today was the day that me and Sara went shopping for tonight's outfits. Sara knew some guys that she had met at a gig a while back and they all invited us both to a party tonight. I was so stoked. I jumped out of my pit and grabbed some skinny jeans and my Bring Me The Horizon band top. I looked at myself in the mirror and grinned. I back-comb my hair and brush my teeth. I hear my phone buzz and answer it.

"Hello?" I say as I pull my jacket off the back of my door.

"Hurry up bitch, I am waiting outside and there are asshole beeping at me" she said shouting abuse at them.

"Okay, I'm now on my way" I say then hang up.
I run down the stairs and jump into the car. I was so happy to be going shopping with the best friend, it's been too long. I missed my main bitch... Okay, my only bitch, but who cares? You don't need a shit tone of friends to be happy.

"So, which shop first?" she asked turning into the carpark. My apartment was a short ride away but we are far too lazy to walk. I think for a moment then answer.

"Lets look in The Rock Collection and see what sales they have" I say cheerfully as I grab my bag and get out the car. Sara follows behind me grumbling to herself.
We reach the store and it's packed. I try and find my way to sales part when I bump into someone. "Excuse me, I am so sorry" I start. When I look up I see it's Alex. What was he doing here? I thought it was meant to be me and Sara today?

"Yeah, sure." he grumbles under his breathe as he looks at me and frowns. Sorry I even apologised, fucking hell. I ignore his rudeness and carry on walking. Does Sara know she is dating a rude dick head? Oh well, I won't be the reason for their breakup. I grab a nice simple tartan dress and put it to myself.
"that'll look good on you" I hear a voice say. I turn round to see Alex and Sara entwined by their hands and her goofy face looking at me in a grin.
"Yeah? I'll go try it on"I say walking off and putting the dress on. I nod in approval and step out the changing rooms to Sara grinning from ear to ear in approval.
"You're so going to pull tonight, girl" she said as Alex let go of her hand and whispered in her ear and left. Seriously, what was his problem? I shook the thoughts away. I was here to have a good shopping trip, regardless of unwanted guests turning up.

"So, are you going to buy it?" she questions me with the look of, bitch you better be buying that shit. I giggle at her face and she pouts. I mutter a fine and give in. I pay and we walk outside to find Alex smoking. I find myself looking at the tall dark haired boy who seemed to have such a problem with me. He catches me, frowns and pulls Sara in for a kiss. Jerk.

"Can we go home now?" I say. I feel so pushed out and upset. I hates the fact that he didn't seem to like me and I didn't understand why it bothered me so much. Fuck him. I'm going to get fucked and have a great time tonight.

Sara takes me home and says she will pick me up around 7. I Nod in agreement and close my door. Silence filled the air as I shower and get ready for the partt. Nothing could ever have prepared me for what was about to happen. That's when everything changed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long chapter. I know this is still a bit boring but I need you guys to get a feel of the characters and their emotions. It will take a little while to get into it and for other characters to have a part in the story. But If you hold out, I promise it'll get a lot better.

Stay beautiful people.