Status: Completed

Your Knife, My Back...

One night could change it all

My room was filled with music as I danced around rushing to get ready. It was almost 7 and I wasn't even ready yet. I can't believe I almost fell asleep laying on the bed. I decide that some eyeliner would really work with my outfit tonight, and it highlighted my eyes really well. I apply the red lipstick and kiss my mirror. Perfect. And right on time I hear the car beep outside.
I rush down the stairs and get into the Taxi. Sara hugs me and I smile. Perfect, No Alex tonight. I knew that was mean but the guy just make me so uncomfortable. We make light chit chat about how she is going to find me the perfect guy and how I need a good fuck. I roll my eyes and laugh. Trust Sara.

"Sar, not everyone needs sex like you. I swear rabbits have nothing on you and Alex" I lightly chuckle. Gosh, it felt so nice to be relaxed and comfortable.
"Well, it's good for stress, and believe me, I have a lot of stress" she says winking. I make a gagging noise and she slaps me playfully. She was so crude sometimes, but that's why I love her.
The taxi drives up a big driveway and stops in front of this massive house. Who the fuck even lives here? Someone rich I should Imagine. Fuck, who in gods name did she meet? I try not to think about as I scan the house. I could hear the music playing and it vibrated throughout the whole taxi. Tonight was going to be good, I could feel it. Sara paid and we both walked in. The scene was your typical house party. There were boys chugging beer from a keg, seeing which one could down the most. Girls were slut dancing in the living room hoping for a one night stand. I am pretty sure I saw someone fucking in the kitchen. I make my way to the table with the Alcohol on it. Hell yeah, they have JD. I pour myself out some into the plastic cup and add the fizz. As I step backwards, I feel something underneath my foot. I hear a yelp and turn round to see what I had stood on. Nothing prepared my heart for who I saw. It was motherfucking Oliver Sykes. My Idol. I was lost for words. I was rendered speechless. All I could do was just stare at him and laugh uncontrolably. Fuck girl, get yourself together. He's a normal human just like you and every other person on this earth. He looked at me with a smirk, I think he could see what effect he was having on me.

"That's my foot you're stepping on love" he said in his thick Sheffield accent. I think I'm going to die.
"I...Ugh. Sorry" I say finally as he sips his beer. I could still some kind of smirk on his face.
He pulls me in close to him and whispers in my ear. "You're pretty sexy when you're bashful" and with that he walks off to join the rest of the Bring Me boys. I sit down in amazement. My Idols were all in one room and I made a fool of myself in front of of them. I watched as Oliver, Jordan, Lee, and both the Matt's down their drinks and nudge each other a bit. I could see them all staring at me and it made me blush more than I already was. I could feel my cheeks burning in Embarrassment. I took one last glance before deciding I would go get some fresh air. This whole situation was just overwhelming.

I walk outside to see Sara making out with some guy. I couldn't really make out who it was, but then I saw. It was Alex. The fuck is he doing here? Doesn't he know the meaning of girl time. I roll my eyes at his appreance and decide to go interupt them both.
"So, I just stood on Oliver Fucking Sykes foot" I say trying to act like too much of a fangirl.
"Oh yeah, it's his party we're at. I said you liked his band and he invited us a long" she smirked. Bitch planned this all along.
"Hold up, you knew and didn't prepare me? I make a fool out of myself in front of him!" I squeal as i push her. Alex looked at me before averting his eyes. I Ignored that.
"Babe, I need a drink" he said and with that he walked off.
"Yeah, I wanted to see your reaction" she smirked some more before her eyes followed Alex's body. "Get me one!" she shouts and he waves her to say that was fine. She turns back to me.
"What's his problem Sar?" I ask finally fed up of the way he's been acting around me.
"I don't have a clue. He's fine with everyone else, just not you. Maybe you should go speak to him? You know, see what's wrong? Might be better than me getting involved?" I knew she didn't wanna loose him. I sigh.
"Not tonight, maybe another time. I wanna go get drunk and go talk to some cute guys. Come with?" I offer her hoping my best friend was still in there somewhere. She smiled and follows me in. I see Alex look at me and Sara before following us both in.

I don't remember how but, a few hours later and I am totally fucked. The room Is spinning and I can feel the buzz from the Alcohol. I can feel myself slurring my words as me and and the Lads from Bring Me are talking. I can see Oliver talking with a black haired girl. Was that his girlfriend? It must be because they are very close together. I turn my attention back to the lads who are daring each other to down a whole bottle of whiskey. I laugh.
"Come on Jords, don't be such a wet pussy" Lee says as Jordan eyes the bottle of whiskey up.
"No thanks, I don't want liver failure" he said scrunching his nose up at the bottle.
"Pussy" says Matt (kean). They tease him some more before I grab the bottle off him and dwon the whole lot in one. The guys look at me astonished. I can see a smirk form around Lee's mouth.

"See, even this chick is less of a pussy then you Jord" he says then jordan flips him off. He grabs some vodka and downs the whole bottle. "Fuck you, now it's your guys turn" he said challenging them. The other guys find a bottle of alcohol each and down it. What have I started? I laugh as I fall backwards into someone tall. I turn round to see Oliver standing there holding me up.
"Easy there Love, my girlfriend might get jealous" he winks as I stand up. and then it hits me. I'm going to throw up. I run to the bathroom and chuck my guts up. It burns the back of my throat as I wretch over the loo. I can hear someone snigger behind me before I hear the bathroom door lock.
"Can't handle your alcohol?" They say. It was a male voice. I stand up to see Alex there with a an amused look on his face. I flip him off and gargle some water. I wasn't in the mood for his childish games. Or his whiplash attitude for that matter.

"Go away Alex" I say as I stumble into his arms. He laughs at me and places me on the Loo.
"Why?" he asks with an amusement in his voice.
"Because, you're a dick. Why the fuck you even here" I ask as I try to focus on his face.
"Sara sent me to find you and look where you ended up. Head first into the toilet" he laughs. I frown. I stand up and try to shove past him. he stops me and grabs my wrists.
"Get the fuck off me. I will scream" I say to him. He holds me.
"Seriously, what the fuck is your problem with me. All you do is ignore me and be rude to me. If I've done something wrong, then fucking tell me asshole. Don't make me feel shittier then I already do" and with that I start to sob. Great.
He pulls me close to his chest and hold me tight.
"I have to mean. If not, I'm scared I'll do something I'll regret".
"Like what?"
"Like this" he says and he places his lips on mine softly.
"Wait, you can't. You have Sara" I say trying to pull away from his grip. It's hard though as he was strong and the kiss felt so good. I wasn't sure if the Alcohol took over or I was actually enjoying this. No, Sara is your best friend, you can't.
I pull away finally and look him the eye.
"No. We can't. Sara loves you, she told me so. You can't do this to her" I say Hhe frowns.
"I can't help it, you're just so beautiful"
"No, I have to go Alex. Nothing will ever happen, just remember that"
"I know you don't mean that. What If I break up with Sara?" he says looking into my eyes.
"Alex, this won't happen"